Reputation: 13
I am trying to initialize the Autodesk Forge 3D viewer correctly based on BIM topic-visualization data from a BCF file.
I have uploaded the 3D model (IFC) to Autodesk API, it has been processed and i can visualize/navigate the model successfully using the Autodesk Forge 3D viewer.
I have used the same 3D model (IFC) in Nemetschek SOLIBRI to create a Topic and exported it using the BIM BCF 2.1 standard (see
XML-Data from VisualizationInfo:
My attempt to set the same camera/view on Autodesk Forge 3D viewer:
"viewport": {
"eye": [2.803843040759871, 14.568845808384443, 0.8249055320631105],
"target": [0.4898262677194313, -0.8652456579090667, 0.1068652371988122],
"up": [-0.05264688190667085, 0.09299722978166312, 0.9942735142195238],
"projection": "perspective",
"isOrthographic": false,
"fieldOfView": 60.0
Result: A Forge 3D viewer camera view which does NOT match the one seen in SOLIBRI nor the one saved as snapshot-png in the BCF file.
Maybe the IFC-model in SOLIBRI and the Autodesk-processed-IFC-model have different coordinate-systems or what could be the error?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1241
Reputation: 7070
The CameraDirection
value is not the target parameter of the Forge viewer. You have to use the following formula to calculate it yourself.
{Target} = {CameraViewPoint} + {CameraDirection} * {CurrentFocalLength}
The full camera mapping of your issue view will be:
var lengthScale = 1000; //! Use viwer.model.getUnitString(), the model I loaded is in `mm`, and BCF camera definition is in `m`
// or var lengthScale = Autodesk.Viewing.Private.convertUnits('m', viewer.model.getUnitString(), 1, 1);
var eye = new THREE.Vector3( 2.803843040759871 * lengthScale, 14.568845808384443 * lengthScale, 0.8249055320631105 * lengthScale );
var sightVec = new THREE.Vector3( 0.4898262677194313, -0.8652456579090667, 0.1068652371988122 ).multiplyScalar( viewer.navigation.getFocalLength() );
var target = eye.clone().add( sightVec )
var up = new THREE.Vector3( -0.05264688190667085, 0.09299722978166312, 0.9942735142195238 );
//Since Forge Viewer will apply a global offset to the whole model
//var offsetMatrix = viewer.model.getData().placementWithOffset;
var offsetMatrix = viewer.model.getModelToViewerTransform();
var offsetEye = eye.applyMatrix4(offsetMatrix);
var offsetTarget = target.applyMatrix4(offsetMatrix);
var fov = 60; //!<< from BCF
var cameraView = {
aspect: viewer.getCamera().aspect,
isPerspective: true,
fov: fov,
position: offsetEye,
target: offsetTarget,
up: up,
orthoScale: 1
viwer.impl.setViewFromCamera( cameraView );
Appendix Converting viewer camera back to BCF viewpoint
let scale = Autodesk.Viewing.Private.convertUnits(viewer.model.getUnitString(), 'm', 1, 1);
let invOffsetMatrix = viewer.model.getInverseModelToViewerTransform();
let eye = viewer.navigation.getPosition().clone();
let sightDir = viewer.navigation.getEyeVector().clone().normalize();
let upVec = viewer.navigation.getCameraUpVector().clone();
let offsetEye = eye.applyMatrix4(invOffsetMatrix).multiplyScalar(scale);
let fov = viewer.navigation.getCamera().fov;
let bcfDoc = document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null);
let bcfDocPI = bcfDoc.createProcessingInstruction('xml', 'version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"');
bcfDoc.insertBefore(bcfDocPI, bcfDoc.firstChild);
let visualizationInfoElem = bcfDoc.createElement('VisualizationInfo');
let perspectiveCameraElem = bcfDoc.createElement('PerspectiveCamera');
let cameraViewPointElem = bcfDoc.createElement('CameraViewPoint');
let cameraViewPointXElem = bcfDoc.createElement('X');
cameraViewPointXElem.textContent = offsetEye.x.toFixed(14);
let cameraViewPointYElem = bcfDoc.createElement('Y');
cameraViewPointYElem.textContent = offsetEye.y.toFixed(14);
let cameraViewPointZElem = bcfDoc.createElement('Z');
cameraViewPointZElem.textContent = offsetEye.z.toFixed(14);
let cameraDirectionElem = bcfDoc.createElement('CameraDirection');
let cameraDirectionXElem = bcfDoc.createElement('X');
cameraDirectionXElem.textContent = sightDir.x.toFixed(14);
let cameraDirectionYElem = bcfDoc.createElement('Y');
cameraDirectionYElem.textContent = sightDir.y.toFixed(14);
let cameraDirectionZElem = bcfDoc.createElement('Z');
cameraDirectionZElem.textContent = sightDir.z.toFixed(14);
let cameraUpVectorElem = bcfDoc.createElement('CameraUpVector');
let cameraUpVectorXElem = bcfDoc.createElement('X');
cameraUpVectorXElem.textContent = upVec.x.toFixed(14);
let cameraUpVectorYElem = bcfDoc.createElement('Y');
cameraUpVectorYElem.textContent = upVec.y.toFixed(14);
let cameraUpVectorZElem = bcfDoc.createElement('Z');
cameraUpVectorZElem.textContent = upVec.z.toFixed(14);
let fieldOfViewElem = bcfDoc.createElement('FieldOfView');
fieldOfViewElem.textContent = fov.toFixed(14);
let bcfVpConents = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(bcfDoc);
Enjoy it!
Upvotes: 2