Reputation: 9
I'm programming an Atmega324a Microcontroller and I'm trying to implement a timer (in this case Timer1) which supposed to make a second led connected to my board blink. I also need to know how to identify the pin the led is attached to I've found the data sheet: but the details are too technical for me to understand and I don't know where to start looking and most importantly, get to the result, which is the code itself.
Also, What does the ISR function do?
Down below is the current Init_timer function for Timer 0. Is it possible for me to enable both timers at the same time?
static void init_timer(void)
// Configure Timer0 for CTC mode, 64x prescaler for 1 ms interval
TCCR0A = _BV(WGM01);
TCCR0B = _BV(CS01) | _BV(CS00);
OCR0A = 124;
int main(void){
MCUSR = 0;
init_pins(); // Reset all pins to default state
init_timer(); // Initialize 1 msec timer interrupt
static uint16_t ms_count = 0;
ms_count++; // milliseconds counter
if (ms_count == TMP107_POLL_PERIOD)
tmp107_command(); // send command to temperature sensor
toggle(LED1); // blink status led
ms_count = 0;
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Views: 208
Reputation: 12673
First of all: StackOverflow is a site to ask questions around source code, it is not a service delivering solutions. Please take the tour, it will help you to get satisfactory answers.
But nevermind, because you're new:
For example, you can implement a timer for a pulse width generator in these steps:
Also, What does the ISR function do?
This function is called "magically" by hardware when the conditions for the interrupt are met. In the case shown, tmp107_command()
and toggle(LED1)
are called only every TMP107_POLL_PERIOD
Is it possible for me to enable both timers at the same time?
Upvotes: 1