Reputation: 5
I'm trying to get debounce to work without using dplyr or magrittr as my server (at work) seems unable to render output when I load these libraries. I'm sure I'm missing something basic here but I can't seem to get my head around getting debounce to work for me.
titlePanel("Debounce Test")
,selectizeInput("rweek", "Select number(s):"
,multiple = TRUE
,selected = "1"
,width = '100%')
,textInput(inputId = "abctext", label = "Type anything")
,textOutput(outputId = "finalText")
server <- function (input, output) {
finalSelections <- reactive ({
typedtext <- input$abctext
weeklist<- input$rweek
countt <- length(weeklist)
typedtextd <- debounce(typedtext,2000)
weeklistd <- debounce(weeklist,2000)
counttd <- length(weeklistd)
final_data <- c(typedtextd, counttd)
#final_data <- c(typedtext, countt)
output$finalText <- renderText({
paste0("You have typed: ", finalSelections()[1], "; You have selected ", finalSelections()[2], " item(s)")
The code works fine when I comment out the debounce sections. I want to be able to wait a bit for the user to select inputs (especially SelectizeInput) before printing out the output.
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Views: 276
Reputation: 33550
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needs a reactive expression to work - Please see ?debounce()
. In your code you are passing strings (inside a reactive expression).
I guess this is what you are after:
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Debounce Test"),
selectizeInput("rweek", "Select number(s):", c(1, 2, 3), multiple = TRUE, selected = "1", width = '100%'),
textInput(inputId = "abctext", label = "Type anything"),
textOutput(outputId = "finalText")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
typedtext <- reactive({input$abctext})
weeklist <- reactive({input$rweek})
typedtextd <- debounce(typedtext, 2000)
weeklistd <- debounce(weeklist, 2000)
finalSelections <- reactive ({
countt <- length(weeklist())
counttd <- length(weeklistd())
final_data <- c(typedtextd(), counttd)
#final_data <- c(typedtext(), countt)
output$finalText <- renderText({
"You have typed: ",
"; You have selected ",
" item(s)"
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Upvotes: 1