Reputation: 151
I have created lots of text inputs using a loop:
lapply(1:5, function(x){textInput(paste0('text',x), label = '')})
I have now input$text1
, input$text2
, input$text3
How can I debounce them using a loop?
The idea is to now have objects named debounced_text1
, etc..
Below does not work:
lapply(1:5, function(x){
assign(paste0('debounced_text',x),debounce(r = input[[paste0('text',x)]], millis = 1000), envir = .GlobalEnv)
I have also tried using get()
debounce(r = get(paste0('input$text',x), millis = 1000)
but using get() that way does not work.
Thank you in advance!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 308
Reputation: 33550
expects a reactive expression - please check the following.
Debounce each input separately:
textInputIDs <- paste0('text', 1:5)
ui <- fluidPage(
lapply(textInputIDs, function(x){textInput(x, label = x)}),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
lapply(textInputIDs, function(x){assign(paste0("debounced_", x), debounce(r = reactive({input[[x]]}), 1000), envir = .GlobalEnv)})
output$debouncedText <- renderText({
paste("User input:", debounced_text1(), debounced_text2(), debounced_text3(), debounced_text4(), debounced_text5(), sep = ", ")
shinyApp(ui, server)
Another approach is to wrap all inputs in a single reactive
which returns a list()
and debounce only this reactive.
Debounce bundled inputs:
textInputIDs <- paste0('text', 1:5)
ui <- fluidPage(
lapply(textInputIDs, function(x){textInput(x, label = x)}),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
debouncedInputs <- debounce(r = reactive({lapply(textInputIDs, function(x){input[[x]]})}), 1000)
output$debouncedText <- renderText({
paste("User input:", paste(debouncedInputs(), collapse = ", "))
shinyApp(ui, server)
Upvotes: 1