The conversion i wrote of hexadecimal to decimal number is working but get some little bit unexpected result.
Expected result : HEX number "0000000F" and Output is in Decimal "15"
In my case
1] if "0000000F" is HEX value and it's conversion is "1532"
2] if "000000FF" is HEX value and it's conversion is "25532"
I am not sure what part of programming is wrong ? every time I get "32" After any decimal value result. Can Anyone suggest how to fix this issue ?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
#include <sstream>
int wmain() {
int binNumber ;
unsigned int decimal;
string hexString = "0000000F"; //you may or may not add 0x before
stringstream myStream;
myStream <<hex <<hexString;
myStream >>binNumber;
cout <<binNumber <<decimal;
//return 0;
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Views: 179
// Correct code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
#include <sstream>
int wmain() {
int binNumber ;
// unsigned int dummy=0;
string hexString = "000000FF"; //you may or may not add 0x before
stringstream myStream;
myStream <<hex <<hexString;
myStream >>binNumber;
cout <<binNumber ;
//return 0;
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If you look at the first parts of your outputs, you will notice that they are correct.
But here:
cout <<binNumber <<decimal;
you're printing decimal
immediately afterwards, and it is uninitialised.
Remove it.
(On a related note, don't declare variables that you think you might need at some point in the future. Many bugs lurk down that way.)
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