Reputation: 1638
I'm trying to customize theme in Ant Design Mobile React-Native. I'm using Expo-cli.
I tried to fork
and customized the theme variables in,
but when i install the forked repo and use import {Button} from '@ant-design/react-native/lib/button'
, it result to error "Unable to resolve @ant-design/react-native/lib".
Then I rename the folder "components" to "lib" and remove the /lib in .gitignore file and reinstall the forked repo. It now works, but i'm not sure what i did is right. Please help me check if it is the correct way to use a forked repo.
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Views: 1922
Reputation: 1638
I figured out the correct way to customize the theme which is by using the "Provider".
import {Provider} from '@ant-design/react-native';
import customTheme from './customTheme';
<Provider theme={customTheme}>
<App />
customTheme.tsx file
const brandPrimary = '#42b549';
const brandPrimaryTap = '#5CCF63';
export default {
// 支付宝钱包默认主题
// 色彩, NOTE: must use `#000000` instead of `#000`
// 8-digit-hex to 4-digit hex
// chrome will support `#RGBA`
// 文字色
color_text_base: '#000000', // 基本
color_text_base_inverse: '#ffffff', // 基本 _ 反色
color_text_secondary: '#a4a9b0', // 辅助色
color_text_placeholder: '#bbbbbb', // 文本框提示
color_text_disabled: '#bbbbbb', // 失效
color_text_caption: '#888888', // 辅助描述
color_text_paragraph: '#333333', // 段落
color_link: brandPrimary, // 链接
// 背景色
fill_base: '#ffffff', // 组件默认背景
fill_body: '#f5f5f9', // 页面背景
fill_tap: '#dddddd', // 组件默认背景 _ 按下
fill_disabled: '#dddddd', // 通用失效背景
fill_mask: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)', // 遮罩背景
color_icon_base: '#cccccc', // 许多小图标的背景,比如一些小圆点,加减号
fill_grey: '#f7f7f7',
// 透明度
opacity_disabled: '0.3', // switch checkbox radio 等组件禁用的透明度
// 全局/品牌色
brand_primary: brandPrimary,
brand_primary_tap: brandPrimaryTap,
brand_success: '#6abf47',
brand_warning: '#f4333c',
brand_error: '#f4333c',
brand_important: '#ff5b05', // 用于小红点
brand_wait: '#108ee9',
// 边框色
border_color_base: '#dddddd',
// 字体尺寸
// ---
font_size_icontext: 10,
font_size_caption_sm: 12,
font_size_base: 14,
font_size_subhead: 15,
font_size_caption: 16,
font_size_heading: 17,
// 圆角
// ---
radius_xs: 2,
radius_sm: 3,
radius_md: 5,
radius_lg: 7,
// 边框尺寸
// ---
border_width_sm: 0.5,
border_width_md: 1,
border_width_lg: 2,
// 间距
// ---
// 水平间距
h_spacing_sm: 5,
h_spacing_md: 8,
h_spacing_lg: 15,
// 垂直间距
v_spacing_xs: 3,
v_spacing_sm: 6,
v_spacing_md: 9,
v_spacing_lg: 15,
v_spacing_xl: 21,
// 高度
// ---
line_height_base: 1, // 单行行高
line_height_paragraph: 1.5, // 多行行高
// 图标尺寸
// ---
icon_size_xxs: 15,
icon_size_xs: 18,
icon_size_sm: 21,
icon_size_md: 22, // 导航条上的图标
icon_size_lg: 36,
// 动画缓动
// ---
ease_in_out_quint: 'cubic_bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1)',
// 组件变量
// ---
actionsheet_item_height: 50,
actionsheet_item_font_size: 18,
// button
button_height: 47,
button_font_size: 18,
button_height_sm: 23,
button_font_size_sm: 12,
primary_button_fill: brandPrimary,
primary_button_fill_tap: brandPrimaryTap,
ghost_button_color: brandPrimary, // 同时应用于背景、文字颜色、边框色
ghost_button_fill_tap: `${brandPrimary}99`, // alpha 60%
warning_button_fill: '#e94f4f',
warning_button_fill_tap: '#d24747',
link_button_fill_tap: '#dddddd',
link_button_font_size: 16,
// modal
modal_font_size_heading: 18,
modal_button_font_size: 18, // 按钮字号
modal_button_height: 50, // 按钮高度
// list
list_title_height: 30,
list_item_height_sm: 35,
list_item_height: 44,
// input
input_label_width: 17, // InputItem、TextareaItem 文字长度基础值
input_font_size: 17,
input_color_icon: '#cccccc',
input_color_icon_tap: brandPrimary,
// tabs
tabs_color: brandPrimary,
tabs_height: 42,
tabs_font_size_heading: 15,
// segmented_control
segmented_control_color: brandPrimary, // 同时应用于背景、文字颜色、边框色
segmented_control_height: 27,
segmented_control_fill_tap: `${brandPrimary}10`,
// tab_bar
tab_bar_fill: '#ebeeef',
tab_bar_height: 50,
// toast
toast_fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .8)',
// search_bar
search_bar_fill: '#efeff4',
search_bar_height: 44,
search_bar_input_height: 28,
search_bar_font_size: 15,
search_color_icon: '#bbbbbb', // input search icon 的背景色
// notice_bar
notice_bar_fill: '#fffada',
notice_bar_height: 36,
// switch
switch_fill: '#4dd865',
// tag
tag_height: 25,
tag_small_height: 15,
// picker
option_height: 42, // picker 标题的高度
toast_zindex: 1999,
action_sheet_zindex: 1000,
popup_zindex: 999,
modal_zindex: 999,
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 28539
The steps to do what I suggested in my above comment are:
Make sure you have a Github account and you are logged in.
Go to the repo that you wish to fork and click the fork button (see image)
Once the repo has been forked to your Github account you can now make what ever changes that you want. You probably want to clone your copy of the repo to your computer to do this. Though it can be done on Github if the changes are minor.
Once the changes have been made on your repo you need to push those changes so that they are available on your repo.
Now that your changes are available on the repo, you can use them in your project. To do that you need to remove the previous installation of the repo (if it was there) and then install your forked version.
You install it using the following format npm install --save username/repo#branch-name
I have used this method multiple times when repos that I require haven't been updated and have needed significant upgrades to get them working with new versions of RN.
I also usually look to make a pull request with my changes, especially if what I have done will benefit other users.
When testing you may wish to use your local copy of your repo rather than the one stored on Github. This SO answer, shows how to do that.
Basically in your dependencies section of your package.json
add the path to your local copy of the repo with the appropriate name.
"dependencies": {
"bar": "file:../foo/bar"
Upvotes: 2