Reputation: 223
Here is my current SQL code,
coalesce(cast(machinename as varchar(28)), 'Grand Total:') as 'machinename',
(IsNull(cast(CRATE_SMALL / 60 as varchar(24)),'0') + ':' + IsNull(cast(CRATE_SMALL % 60 as varchar(24)),'0') ) as '1001' ,
(IsNull(cast(CRATE_MEDIUM / 60 as varchar(24)),'0') + ':' + IsNull(cast(CRATE_MEDIUM % 60 as varchar(24)),'0'))as '1002',
(IsNull(cast(NO_SCHEDULE / 60 as varchar(24)),'0') + ':' + IsNull(cast(NO_SCHEDULE % 60 as varchar(24)),'0')) as '9999'
from (
select machinename ,
sum(case when vfrm.job_id = '1001' then DateDiff(mi, 0, total_time) end) as CRATE_SMALL ,
sum(case when vfrm.job_id = '1002' then DateDiff(mi, 0, total_time) end) as CRATE_MEDIUM ,
sum(case when vfrm.job_id = '9999' then DateDiff(mi, 0, total_time) end) as NO_SCHEDULE
from ven_fullreportmaster vfrm
INNER JOIN ven_descriptionmaster VDM ON VDM.description_id = vfrm..description_id
inner join ven_machinemaster vm on vm.machine_id = vfrm..machine_id
where vfrm.entry_date = convert(varchar, getdate()-7, 105)
and vfrm.shift_id =1
and vfrm.is_task_completed ='Y'
group by machinename with rollup
) as SubQueryALias
the output :
machinename 1001 1002 9999
ARISTECH 0:0 0:0 10:0
FADAL 0:0 5:0 10:0
Grand Total: 0:0 5:0 20:0
is there a anyway to show only the column(s) whose total is greater than zero... So, in the above example I dont want to show the column name '1001'.
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Views: 600
Reputation: 61
how about use a temp table to store the data query out and then build the output data from the temp table?
1.{your select query} into #t {your from where query} entry_date, machinename, [1001], [1002], [9999] from #t union select '' as entry_date, 'total', sum([1001]), sum([1002]), sum([9999]) from #t
the logic is more clear with these steps, however, you can also use similar subquery to get the same result
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 239646
To add the totals row, you ought to look at the ROLLUP part of the GROUP BY clause. This can produce sub-totals as well as the grand total, depending on what your final requirements are.
For hiding a column, there's not a solution for that in tsql - a SELECT statement always produces result sets with the same shape (names and types of columns).
But both may be better served by a reporting tool, if that's where this data is going (which I expect it is, given the nature of the query). Reporting tools tend to have better post-processing facilities.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 136074
In all honesty, you shouldn't. This is a display issue, and as such should be dealt with when you display the data, not retrieve it from the database.
Reports, and datagrids and the like generally have functionality to do exactly this. Perhaps give more info about how you are displaying the data and someone might be able to provide more info.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1
try this:
entry_date, machinename, [1001], [1002], [9999], [1001]+[1002]+[9999] as Total
FROM ( --your query here
) d
WHERE [1001]+[1002]+[9999]>0
Upvotes: 0