Reputation: 764
For the following data, if the p.2
values is greater than 0.5, I would like to swap the values of column-1(b.1.1)
and column-2 b.1.2
and column-4 b.2.2
, column-5(b.3.1)
and column-6 b.3.2
b.1.1 b.1.2 b.2.1 b.2.2 b.3.1 b.3.2 p.1 p.2
1 0.40772028 0.43064446 0.2697412 0.9191535 0.1523922 0.7629324 0.86061981 0.1393802
2 -0.77459375 0.79860856 -0.5263932 -0.5640303 0.5131236 0.6472614 0.63494425 0.3650557
3 -0.06088828 0.42685669 -1.0643744 0.8330836 0.1184059 0.6661079 0.07382585 0.9261742
4 1.54204242 -0.08987067 -0.7365012 0.3762336 0.3781115 -0.7340340 0.65481949 0.3451805
5 -0.73397310 1.34927693 0.2202689 0.2422944 1.5267535 -0.5207967 0.54425551 0.4557445
For example, in the first row, between p.1
and p.2
, p.2
is not greater than 0.5, I am not swapping any values of this row. In the third row, p.2
is greater than 0.5, So, I would like to swap the row values of each beta pair written above.
Any help is appreciated.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1351
Reputation: 317
Another option using just base without regex would be
reorderRows <- function(x, nullFrame){
for(i in length(x)){
if(x[i, 8] > 0.5)x = x[c(2,1,4,3,6,5,7,8)]
nullFrame <- rbind(nullFrame, x)
dat <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(80), ncol = 8))
colnames(dat) <- c("b.1.1", "b.1.2", "b.2.1", "b.2.2",
"b.3.1", "b.3.2", "p.1", "p.2")
emptyFrame <- NULL
dat2 <- reorderRows(dat, emptyFrame)
It is probably a lot slower than the previous answer, but for a small dataset may be more easily modifiable
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 887951
Here is an option. Create an index to subset the columns that starts with 'b' ('i1'), and another index to subset the rows ('i2'). Then, split
the dataset into a list
of datasets based on the similarity of column names after subsetting the rows ('i2'), loop through the list
, rev
erse the elements, cbind
the list
of data.frames and update that to the original dataset rows/columns
i1 <- startsWith(names(mydata), "b")
i2 <- mydata$p.2 > 0.5
mydata[i2, i1] <-,
lapply(split.default(mydata[i2, i1, drop = FALSE],
sub("\\.\\d+$", "", names(mydata)[i1])), rev))
# b.1.1 b.1.2 b.2.1 b.2.2 b.3.1 b.3.2 p.1 p.2
#1 0.4077203 0.43064446 0.2697412 0.9191535 0.1523922 0.7629324 0.86061981 0.1393802
#2 -0.7745937 0.79860856 -0.5263932 -0.5640303 0.5131236 0.6472614 0.63494425 0.3650557
#3 0.4268567 -0.06088828 0.8330836 -1.0643744 0.6661079 0.1184059 0.07382585 0.9261742
#4 1.5420424 -0.08987067 -0.7365012 0.3762336 0.3781115 -0.7340340 0.65481949 0.3451805
#5 -0.7339731 1.34927693 0.2202689 0.2422944 1.5267535 -0.5207967 0.54425551 0.4557445
Another option is tidyverse
, where we convert into 'long' format, do the transformation in that form, and reshape back to 'wide' format
mydata %>%
rownames_to_column('rn') %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -c(rn, p.1, p.2)) %>%
group_by(rn, grp = str_remove(name, "\\.\\d+$")) %>%
mutate(value = case_when(p.2 > 0.5 ~ rev(value), TRUE ~ value)) %>%
ungroup %>%
select(-grp) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = value) %>%
# A tibble: 5 x 8
# b.1.1 b.1.2 b.2.1 b.2.2 b.3.1 b.3.2 p.1 p.2
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 0.408 0.431 0.270 0.919 0.152 0.763 0.861 0.139
#2 -0.775 0.799 -0.526 -0.564 0.513 0.647 0.635 0.365
#3 0.427 -0.0609 0.833 -1.06 0.666 0.118 0.0738 0.926
#4 1.54 -0.0899 -0.737 0.376 0.378 -0.734 0.655 0.345
#5 -0.734 1.35 0.220 0.242 1.53 -0.521 0.544 0.456
mydata <- structure(list(b.1.1 = c(0.40772028, -0.77459375, -0.06088828,
1.54204242, -0.7339731), b.1.2 = c(0.43064446, 0.79860856, 0.42685669,
-0.08987067, 1.34927693), b.2.1 = c(0.2697412, -0.5263932, -1.0643744,
-0.7365012, 0.2202689), b.2.2 = c(0.9191535, -0.5640303, 0.8330836,
0.3762336, 0.2422944), b.3.1 = c(0.1523922, 0.5131236, 0.1184059,
0.3781115, 1.5267535), b.3.2 = c(0.7629324, 0.6472614, 0.6661079,
-0.734034, -0.5207967), p.1 = c(0.86061981, 0.63494425, 0.07382585,
0.65481949, 0.54425551), p.2 = c(0.1393802, 0.3650557, 0.9261742,
0.3451805, 0.4557445)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1",
"2", "3", "4", "5"))
Upvotes: 1