Reputation: 85
I am trying to build a shiny app of a project which I have finished implementing in R locally. I am having issues with the syntax of the said implementation, particularly, with reactive inputs.
When I wrote the code locally, I have three User Defined Functions- AnalysisofReturn, Visualizations and MCS, with their respective inputs. The first one, AnalysisofReturn takes in a string for input, from within the list ("Daily","Weekly","Monthly","Quarterly","Yearly") and work with that from there. If I can understand what I am doing wrong in this one instance, I am quite sure I can implement the other two functions on my own. My first trial was to keep my base code separate from ui.R and server.R, which did not work. Then I took the UDF into server.R, and it showed promise. It is my understanding that the render family of functions is reactive by default, and since the function I am using is a UDF, I needed to force it into a reactive state. Within the UDF, I made the call to my dataframe, "myTable" as I should call a function, which resolved the subsetting issue I was getting. I got the code running at one point, when I removed the UDF as such, and did the operations separately, but the table was not being rendered in that case. But it ought to work with the UDF, since I shall want to create more of them in the future, and I don't want to write a code which is disorganized. I shall add a chunk of the dataset herewith. I am using shinydashboard as template, which has no issue generating me the page itself.
Frequency Date ETF Index Underlying Index
Daily 02/06/2009 60 1361.36
Daily 03/06/2009 56.41 1338
Daily 04/06/2009 57.27 1328.86
Daily 05/06/2009 55.72 1321.77
Weekly 05/06/2009 55.72 1321.77
Weekly 12/06/2009 58.38 1347.5
Weekly 19/06/2009 54.72 1305.8
Weekly 26/06/2009 54.74 1305.82
Monthly 30/06/2009 54.26 1307.16
Monthly 31/07/2009 65.28 1425.4
Monthly 31/08/2009 70.71 1498.97
Monthly 30/09/2009 76.18 1552.84
Quarterly 30/06/2009 54.26 1307.16
Quarterly 30/09/2009 76.18 1552.84
Quarterly 31/12/2009 77.99 1580.77
Quarterly 31/03/2010 79.96 1584.28
Yearly 31/12/2009 77.99 1580.77
Yearly 31/12/2010 85.23 1658.3
Yearly 30/12/2011 58.8 1412.55
Yearly 31/12/2012 79.11 1604
dHeader <- dashboardHeader(title="Leveraged ETF")
dSidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
label = h3("Frequency"),
choices = list("Daily" = "Daily", "Weekly" = "Weekly", "Monthly" = "Monthly", "Quarterly" = "Quarterly", "Yearly" = "Yearly"),
selected = "Yearly"),
label = h3("Task"),
choices = list("Back Testing" = "backTesting", "Monte Carlo Simulation" = "monteCarloSimulation"),
selected = "Back Testing"),
choices=list("First 9 values"="nineValues","Summary Statistics"="summaryStatistics","Charts"="charts"),
selected="First 9 values")),
choices=list("Simulations"="simulations","Simulation Graph"="simulationGraph"),
dBody <- dashboardBody(tableOutput('Results')
ui <- dashboardPage(dHeader,dSidebar,dBody)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
AnalysisofReturn <- function(Freq) #Function to calculate all the relevant, time point-to-time point data
setwd("//SPVIPH07/testvip0002/03.Individual/Ramachandran/Shiny Practice")
InputData <-"Input/Dataset for R.csv",header=TRUE))
myTable <- reactive({subset(InputData,ï..Frequency==Freq)})
myTable()$ï..Frequency <- NULL
myTable()$Date <- as.Date(myTable()$Date,format='%d/%m/%Y',origin="1970-01-01")
myTable()$ETF.Return <- as.numeric(c("-",diff(log(myTable()$ETF.Index))))
myTable()$Index.Return <- as.numeric(c("-",diff(log(myTable()$Underlying.Index))))
myTable()$Multiple <- myTable()$ETF.Return/myTable()$Index.Return
myTable()$Non.Regular.Movement <- ifelse(myTable()$Multiple<0,1,0)
myTable()$Non.Regular.Positive.Movements <- ifelse(myTable()$Non.Regular.Movement==1 & myTable()$ETF.Return>0,1,0)
myTable()$Absolute.Deviation.From.Ideal.In.Basis.Points <- round(abs(myTable()$ETF.Return-(2*myTable()$Index.Return))*10000,digits=0)
output$Results <- renderDataTable({AnalysisofReturn(input$Frequency)})
I expect the dashboard to show me the resultant table. But I get the error message
Warning: Error in <-: invalid (NULL) left side of assignment [No stack trace available]
Upvotes: 0
Views: 66
Reputation: 2725
You should be able to keep your original functions from your local script. Save them in a file global.R
in the same directory as your server.R
and ui.R
. These will then be available to your shiny app and you can simplify your server file to:
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$Results <- renderDataTable({AnalysisofReturn(input$Frequency)})
The global file will look something like this:
AnalysisofReturn <- function(Freq) #Function to calculate all the relevant, time point-to-time point data
InputData <-"Input/Dataset for R.csv",header=TRUE))
myTable <- subset(InputData,Frequency==Freq)
myTable$Frequency <- NULL
myTable$Date <- as.Date(myTable$Date,format='%d/%m/%Y',origin="1970-01-01")
myTable$ETF.Return <- as.numeric(c("-",diff(log(myTable$ETF.Index))))
myTable$Index.Return <- as.numeric(c("-",diff(log(myTable$Underlying.Index))))
myTable$Multiple <- myTable$ETF.Return/myTable$Index.Return
myTable$Non.Regular.Movement <- ifelse(myTable$Multiple<0,1,0)
myTable$Non.Regular.Positive.Movements <- ifelse(myTable$Non.Regular.Movement==1 & myTable$ETF.Return>0,1,0)
myTable$Absolute.Deviation.From.Ideal.In.Basis.Points <- round(abs(myTable$ETF.Return-(2*myTable$Index.Return))*10000,digits=0)
Also, you should not need to set your working directory - as long as your data is saved within your app folder that's where it will look, hence read.csv(Input/Dataset for R.csv)
Upvotes: 1