Reputation: 45
i have tried to learn and make batch that will extract one specific file from all zip files from directory and give them name in following format: filename_%myvariable%.xml
but i am struggling with giving the proper name to extracted file. here is my code i have for now and i have made it working [updated code below]
REM script was made in order to extract file.xml from archive file and to make it as new zip file containing only file.xml
REM script also makes file.xml renamed by archive folder name in front of the file.xml
REM *******
REM new version will not compress files separate it will make one archive with files in different names
REM version 1.1
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Rem setting current folder and srcipt name in variable
SET me=%~n0
SET parrent=%~dp0
rem loop to do every zip file in current folder
for /R "%parrent%" %%I in (*.zip) do (
REM Unzip FILE.XML into each separate folder
REM 7za x "%%I" -o"%%~dpI%%~nI" "file.xml" -r -y -p2468
REM Extract file.XML into current folder
7za e "%%I" -o"%%~dpI" "file.xml" -r -y -p2468
REM Rename extracted file.XML file into zipfilename_file.xml
REM rename %parrent%%%~nI\subfolder\file.xml %%~nI%_file.xml
REM Rename file.XML in current folder into zipfilename_file.xml
rename ej.xml %%~nI%_file.xml
REM Zip folder with renamed file.XML to the Desktop\temp folder of the current userprofile%\Desktop\temp\ without password
REM 7za a -tzip "%userprofile%\Desktop\temp\" "%%~dpI%%~nI\subfolder\*.xml" -r -y
REM Zip folder with renamed file.XML to the Desktop\temp folder of the current userprofile%\Desktop\temp\ WITH password
REM 7za a -tzip "%userprofile%\Desktop\temp\" "*.xml" -r -y -p2468
rem Copy *_file.XML files to the %userprofile%\Desktop\temp\ for export
md "%userprofile%\Desktop\temp"
copy /y *.xml "%userprofile%\Desktop\temp\"
REM Delete all folders that are zipped to save space and free memory
REM rd /s /q "%%~dpI%%~nI"
REM Delete all *file.XML files that are copied to save space and free memory
del /s /q *.xml
zip file structure is like this:
as final result i want to have output with file.xml in following format: Name_YYYYMMDD_file.xml >>>
i have made output to be similar to my request still having date and time of the zipfile and having filename in approximate file format i was expecting
can someone help? > i think i have my version of solution any suggestions are more than welcome
Upvotes: 1
Views: 329
Reputation: 38718
Given your .zip
file naming format,
and expected output file format, Name_YYYYMMDD_file.xml
, I'd suggest:
@Echo Off
SetLocal DisableDelayedExpansion
Rem Loop to do every zip file in current folder
For /R "%~dp0" %%I In ("*_*.zip") Do (
Rem Unzip file.xml into current folder
7za e "%%I" -o"%%~dpI" "file.xml" -r -y -p2468
Rem Set variable for string expansion and substitution, [%%I format]
For /F "Tokens=1*Delims=_" %%# In ("%%~nI") Do (
Set "DateString=%%$"
Rem Enable delayed expansion
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Rem Rename file.xml in current folder to Name_YYYYMMDD_file.xml
Ren "file.xml" "%%#_!DateString:~-14,8!_file.xml"
Rem Any other commands using !DateString! here
Rem End delayed expansion
Rem Any other commands using %%#, but not using DateString here
Rem Any other commands using %%I, but not using %%# or DateString here
Exit /B
Upvotes: 2