Reputation: 93
My question is very similar to:
Rename extracted file based on zip file in Batch
I have 470 .zip files which each contain two files (.mp3 & .cdg) - they are karaoke files.
The ZIP files are cleanly named (Abba - Money Money, however the contents, of the ZIP file need to be renamed (e.g FIK001ABBA_02_-ABBA-_MONEY_MONEY_MONEY.mp3).
So, I would like the batch file to do the following:
I've looked over the similar posting above, however, it talks about unzipping *.7z my files are *.Zip. Please explain :-)
Here is the code:
md textfiles
for %%f in (*.zip) do (
winzip -v "%%f"
move *.txt textfiles\%%~nf.txt
xcopy textfiles\*.txt originalfolder
rd textfiles /s /q
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5087
Reputation: 80203
(SET workdir=.\textfiles)
IF EXIST "%workdir%\." ECHO Choose a directory name that doesn't exist&GOTO :EOF
FOR %%f IN (*.zip) DO CALL :process %%f
GOTO :eof
MD "%workdir%"
wzunzip %1 "%workdir%" >nul
PUSHD "%workdir%"
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=-" %%i IN ('dir /b /a-d') DO CALL :procren %%i %%j
:: Not sure whether you want to ADD (as you say)
:: or REPLACE (seems more logical)
DEL %1
wzzip -m %1 "%workdir%\*.*" >nul
IF EXIST "%workdir%\." RD "%workdir%" /S /Q
GOTO :eof
:procren %%i %%j
SET filename=%1-%2
SET newname=%2
SET newname=%newname:_= %
SET newname=%newname:-= -%
REN %filename% "%newname%"
GOTO :eof
Just a few notes:
DEL %1
and 7ZIP
are different, but similar productsWINZIP
, which has a pair of command-line utilities available (WZZIP
) aimed at batch useWZZIP
version (v3.2, build 8668) where the -m
(move) option will delete
the directory if "dirname\*.*
is MOVED into the zip. I'll chase this up - but that's why the RD of the work directory is gated and placed with the MD within the :process
routine, not in the main routine.Upvotes: 1