Reputation: 136
I have the below data structure :
Order_id | Generated by | Order_type
X | NULL | Subscription
Y | X | Auto_renewal
Z | Y | Auto_renewal
A | NULL | Subscription
B | A | Auto_renewal
How can I count the number of children sprung from a given father, e.g: In the above case, X is the father of Y (Y's generated by is X), and Y is the father of Z. Hence I kindly wish to have the following result table :
Order_id | Count_of_children
X | 2
A | 1
Upvotes: 2
Views: 666
Reputation: 31832
The following recursive query will connect every root node with all their descendants:
with recursive rcte as (
select Order_id as root, Order_id as node
from mytable
where Generated_by is null
union all
select r.root, t.Order_id
from rcte r
join mytable t on t.Generated_by = r.node
select * from rcte;
| root | node |
| ---- | ---- |
| X | X |
| A | A |
| X | Y |
| A | B |
| X | Z |
Now you just need to count the rows groupwise ignoring the root nodes:
with recursive rcte as (
select root as Order_id, count(*) as Count_of_children
from rcte
where node <> root
group by root;
| Order_id | Count_of_children |
| -------- | ----------------- |
| X | 2 |
| A | 1 |
Before MySQL 8.0 there was no way to write recursive queries. If the table is not too big, the simple way would be to fetch all rows and count the subtree nodes with a recursive function in application code. Unfortunately MySQL neither supports recursive functions. If you want to solve that within MySQL, you will need to find an iterative algorithm, which you can use in a function. Here is one way, which is using a JSON array as queue to return all descendants of a node as a JSON array. The pseudo code is like:
Here is the implementation:
delimiter //
create function get_descendants(in_order_id varchar(50)) returns json
declare descendants json;
declare queue json;
declare node varchar(50);
set descendants = json_array();
set queue = json_array(in_order_id);
while json_length(queue) > 0 do
set queue = json_merge(queue, coalesce((
select json_arrayagg(Order_id)
from mytable
where Generated_by = queue->'$[0]'
), json_array()));
set descendants = json_array_append(descendants, '$', queue->'$[0]');
set queue = json_remove(queue, '$[0]');
end while;
set descendants = json_remove(descendants, '$[0]');
return descendants;
end //
delimiter ;
You can the use the function with:
select Order_id, get_descendants(Order_id) as descendants
from mytable
where Generated_by is null;
| Order_id | descendants |
| -------- | ----------- |
| A | ["B"] |
| X | ["Y", "Z"] |
To get the count, you can use the JSON_LENGTH()
select Order_id, json_length(get_descendants(Order_id)) as descendant_count
from mytable
where Generated_by is null;
| Order_id | descendant_count |
| -------- | ---------------- |
| A | 1 |
| X | 2 |
Upvotes: 3