Reputation: 3363
I think my problem is solved with a 'recursive query', but since MySQL doesn't support recursive queries I was trying to use the adjacent list model. This should not be a problem since I know how deep I want to go.
Here's an example of what I need to do: Table Classes:
dept classNum prereqDept prereqClassNum
BIO 465 BIO 335
EE 405 EE 325
EE 325 EE 120
BIO 465 EE 120
BIO 335 BIO 225
BIO 225 CHEM 110
BIO 225 BIO 105
What I need is all the classes of a certain level (let's say 400) with all their prerequisites up to 3 levels deep. So I'd get something like
dept classNum prereqDept prereqClassNum
BIO 465 BIO 335
BIO 465 BIO 225
BIO 465 CHEM 110
BIO 465 BIO 105
EE 405 EE 325
EE 405 EE 120
I know I need to use 3-LEFT JOINs if I want to go 3 levels deep, but I can't figure out how to set up these joins to get what I need. Any ideas? I'll appreacite your help!
P.S. I can't change the table structure at all.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 7918
Reputation: 8063
Hmm. Try this:
SELECT t1.dept, t1.classNum, t1.prereqDept, t1.prereqClassNum
FROM class AS t1
WHERE t1.classNum >= 400
SELECT t1.dept, t1.classNum, t2.prereqDept, t2.prereqClassNum
FROM class AS t1
JOIN class AS t2 ON (t1.prereqDept = t2.dept AND t1.prereqClassNum = t2.classNum)
WHERE t1.classNum >= 400
SELECT t1.dept, t1.classNum, t3.prereqDept, t3.prereqClassNum
FROM class AS t1
JOIN class AS t2 ON (t1.prereqDept = t2.dept AND t1.prereqClassNum = t2.classNum)
JOIN class AS t3 ON (t2.prereqDept = t3.dept AND t2.prereqClassNum = t3.classNum)
WHERE t1.classNum >= 400
) AS t4
ORDER BY dept, classNum, prereqDept, prereqClassNum
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 48179
I've run this and it gets all classes with (in this sample) up to 3 pre-requisites, but could be expanded to 4, 5, 6 just by copying the pairs based on "IDSeq = ?".
The critical element here is to get a number assigned to each record based on the common Dept + ClassNum each time starting with 1 at the beginning of each time the group changes. To do this, I've applied SQL Variables to FIRST Make sure that each group is sequenced 1, 2, 3... 1, 2, ... 1, ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... etc...
Result of Inner Query
Once this is done, we can do a simple group by with no other complex joining, joining, unioning, etc... Just apply a max() of an IF() based on the known sequence. As you can see the pattern, I'm getting whatever the row has for its prerequisite Dept and ClassNum provided that is the "1"st record, then again on the "2"nd, and "3"rd, but could be applied for the "4"th, "5"th, etc.
By using the max( if() ), every class will always have a 1 sequence, but only sometimes will have a 2, let alone a 3, 4 or 5. So, if there is NOT a value, it at least gets filled with blank spaces so it won't show null. Then, if/when there IS a value, the MAX() will supercede the blank spaces when it hits...
The final query is amazing and probably JUST what you need.
max( if( NewSet.IDSeq = 1, NewSet.PreReqDept, ' ' )) FirstDept,
max( if( NewSet.IDSeq = 1, NewSet.PreReqClassNum, ' ' )) FirstClassNum,
max( if( NewSet.IDSeq = 2, NewSet.PreReqDept, ' ' )) SecondDept,
max( if( NewSet.IDSeq = 2, NewSet.PreReqClassNum, ' ' )) SecondClassNum,
max( if( NewSet.IDSeq = 3, NewSet.PreReqDept, ' ' )) ThirdDept,
max( if( NewSet.IDSeq = 3, NewSet.PreReqClassNum, ' ' )) ThirdClassNum
( select
@orig := @orig +1 as OrigSeq,
@seq := if( concat(P.Dept, P.ClassNum ) = @LastGrp, @seq +1, 1 ) as IDSeq,
@LastGrp := concat( P.Dept, P.ClassNum ) NextGrp,
PreReqs P,
( select @orig := 0, @seq := 0, @LastGrp := '' ) x
order by
ClassNum ) NewSet
group by
order by
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 16417
The way I would do it (not sure if there is anything easier). First get dependencies at one level (easy):
SELECT * FROM table;
Then two level down:
SELECT t.dept AS dept, t.classNum AS classNum, t2.prereqDept AS prereqDept, t2.prereqClassNum AS prereqClassNum FROM table AS t
LEFT JOIN table AS t2 WHERE t2.classNum = t.prereqClassNum;
Reuse that to go three level down:
SELECT t3.dept AS dept, t3.classNum AS classNum, t4.prereqDept AS prereqDept, t4.prereqClassNum AS prereqClassNum
SELECT t.dept AS dept, t.classNum AS classNum, t2.prereqDept AS prereqDept, t2.prereqClassNum AS prereqClassNum FROM table AS t
LEFT JOIN table AS t2 WHERE t2.classNum = t.prereqClassNum
) AS t3
LEFT JOIN table AS t4 WHERE t4.classNum = t3.prereqClassNum;
Finally, you can just do a UNION of all those three queries.
(SELECT * FROM table)
(SELECT t.dept AS dept, t.classNum AS classNum, t2.prereqDept AS prereqDept, t2.prereqClassNum AS prereqClassNum FROM table AS t
LEFT JOIN table AS t2 WHERE t2.classNum = t.prereqClassNum)
(SELECT t3.dept AS dept, t3.classNum AS classNum, t4.prereqDept AS prereqDept, t4.prereqClassNum AS prereqClassNum
SELECT t.dept AS dept, t.classNum AS classNum, t2.prereqDept AS prereqDept, t2.prereqClassNum AS prereqClassNum FROM table AS t
LEFT JOIN table AS t2 WHERE t2.classNum = t.prereqClassNum
) AS t3
LEFT JOIN table AS t4 WHERE t4.classNum = t3.prereqClassNum);
I did not check it works... but something like that should work...
Upvotes: 1