Reputation: 4471
In ActiveHDL, I get en error of a NULL pointer reference on the report line. I argue that ptr should still hold the old pointer value, and hence should not be NULL. I've raised this as a ticket and the response was that the behaviour is correct, and in VHDL 2018 it is still correct due to garbage collection.
I would argue that it is wrong in both standards as ptr
still holds the pointer reference to the old data, so shouldn't have been made null and/or should not be garbage collected (in VHDL2018).
What can I try to resolve this?
Here's the code from the defect:
entity int_append_test is
end entity;
architecture test of int_append_test is
type int_vector_ptr_t is access integer_vector;
type int_vector_ptr_ptr_t is access int_vector_ptr_t;
procedure append( variable ptr : inout int_vector_ptr_t;
constant val : in integer ) is
variable p : int_vector_ptr_t;
p := ptr;
if ptr = null then
ptr := new integer_vector'( (0 => val) );
ptr := new integer_vector'(p.all & val);
end if;
DEALLOCATE(p); -- Remove old data, prevent memory leak
end procedure append;
variable ptr : int_vector_ptr_t;
variable ptr_ptr : int_vector_ptr_ptr_t;
function to_string(iv : integer_vector) return string is
variable l : std.textio.line;
for i in iv'range loop
std.textio.write(l, to_string(iv(i)) & " ");
end loop;
return l.all; -- I know this is memory leak, but its easy
end function;
for i in 0 to 10 loop
append(ptr, i);
end loop;
for i in ptr.all'range loop
report "ptr=" & to_string(ptr.all(i));
end loop;
ptr_ptr := new int_vector_ptr_t;
for i in 0 to 10 loop
--append(ptr_ptr.all, i);
ptr := ptr_ptr.all;
if i = 0 then
ptr_ptr.all := new integer_vector'( (0 => i) );
ptr_ptr.all := new integer_vector'(ptr.all & i);
end if;
-- If you add these two lines, you get a NULL pointer, but why don't you get a null pointer
-- reference above?
report "ptr_data = " & to_string(ptr.all);
--report "ptr_data = " & to_string(ptr.all(i));
DEALLOCATE(ptr); -- Remove old data, prevent memory leak
end loop;
for i in ptr_ptr.all.all'range loop
report "ptr=" & to_string(ptr_ptr.all.all(i));
end loop;
end process;
end architecture;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 192
The process in architecture test of int_append_test can be modified to demonstrate the issue is algorithmic and not language implementation related:
architecture test of int_append_test is
type int_vector_ptr_t is access integer_vector;
type int_vector_ptr_ptr_t is access int_vector_ptr_t;
procedure append (variable ptr: inout int_vector_ptr_t;
constant val: in integer ) is
variable p: int_vector_ptr_t;
p := ptr;
if ptr = null then
ptr := new integer_vector'( (0 => val) );
ptr := new integer_vector'(p.all & val);
end if;
DEALLOCATE(p); -- Remove old data, prevent memory leak
end procedure append;
variable ptr: int_vector_ptr_t;
variable ptr_ptr: int_vector_ptr_ptr_t;
function to_string(iv: integer_vector) return string is
variable l: std.textio.line;
for i in iv'range loop
std.textio.write(l, to_string(iv(i)) & " ");
end loop;
return l.all;
end function;
for i in 0 to 10 loop
append(ptr, i);
end loop;
for i in ptr.all'range loop
report "ptr = " & to_string(ptr.all(i));
end loop;
ptr_ptr := new int_vector_ptr_t;
for i in 0 to 10 loop
ptr := ptr_ptr.all;
if i = 0 then
ptr_ptr.all := new integer_vector'( (0 => i) );
ptr_ptr.all := new integer_vector'(ptr.all & i);
end if;
if ptr = NULL then -- test for NULL ptr ADDED
report "ptr = NULL for i = " & integer'image(i); -- ADDED
report "ptr_data = " & to_string(ptr.all); -- MOVED HERE
end if;
end loop;
for i in ptr_ptr.all.all'range loop
report "ptr = " & to_string(ptr_ptr.all.all(i));
end loop;
end process;
end architecture;
The value of NULL is detected in the access value held by ptr
and when run this gives:
ghdl -r --std=08 int_append_test
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 0
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 1
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 2
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 3
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 4
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 5
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 6
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 7
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 8
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 9
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 10
int_append_test.vhdl:62:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr = NULL for i = 0
int_append_test.vhdl:64:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0
int_append_test.vhdl:64:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1
int_append_test.vhdl:64:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2
int_append_test.vhdl:64:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3
int_append_test.vhdl:64:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4
int_append_test.vhdl:64:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5
int_append_test.vhdl:64:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
int_append_test.vhdl:64:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
int_append_test.vhdl:64:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
int_append_test.vhdl:64:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 0
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 1
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 2
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 3
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 4
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 5
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 6
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 7
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 8
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 9
int_append_test.vhdl:72:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 10
where the null value causing the error is reported instead of causing the error.
How is the value of ptr
This can be seen across the start of the third loop statement:
ptr_ptr := new int_vector_ptr_t;
for i in 0 to 10 loop
ptr := ptr_ptr.all;
Where ptr_ptr
is an access value of access type int_vector_ptr_ptr_t
which is itself an access type of type int_vector_ptr_t. We see that
ptr_ptris allocated but the value hasn't been initialized, it's a
NULLvalue which is subsequently assigned to
The value doesn't become non NULL
until the following if statement:
if i = 0 then
ptr_ptr.all := new integer_vector'( (0 => i) );
ptr_ptr.all := new integer_vector'(ptr.all & i);
end if;
What happens here is the classical depending-on-a-value-before-it's-assigned, guaranteed to produce an error for a value of an access type.
If you move the assignment to ptr
you'll also find the deallocate call is the wrong place, causing a NULL access on i = 1. Moving the deallocate call clears that up:
for i in 0 to 10 loop
-- ptr := ptr_ptr.all; -- REMOVED
if i = 0 then
ptr_ptr.all := new integer_vector'( (0 => i) );
ptr_ptr.all := new integer_vector'(ptr.all & i);
end if;
ptr := ptr_ptr.all; -- MOVED HERE
-- if ptr = NULL then -- test for NULL ptr ADDED
-- report "ptr = NULL for i = " & integer'image(i); -- ADDED
-- else
report "ptr_data = " & to_string(ptr.all); -- MOVED HERE
-- end if;
end loop;
The corrected code runs without error:
ghdl -r --std=08 int_append_test
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 0
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 1
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 2
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 3
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 4
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 5
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 6
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 7
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 8
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 9
int_append_test.vhdl:46:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 10
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
int_append_test.vhdl:66:17:@0ms:(report note): ptr_data = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 0
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 1
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 2
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 3
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 4
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 5
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 6
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 7
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 8
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 9
int_append_test.vhdl:76:13:@0ms:(report note): ptr = 10
Upvotes: 4