Reputation: 13
I am facing a problem of getting the the data for a specific id. I want the user to get the link to download the data from a button. This is mysqldatatable name (add_courier):
id | order_inv | name | date | quantity of the items | price | payment mode.
Now, I am able to get the list of all the ids but I am not able to get the invoice for a specific id. Here is my code:
class PDF extends FPDF {
function Header(){
//dummy cell to put logo
//is equivalent to:
//put logo
//dummy cell to give line spacing
//is equivalent to:
$this->Cell(40,5,'Order Invoice',1,0,'',true);
function Footer(){
//add table's bottom line
//Go to 1.5 cm from bottom
//width = 0 means the cell is extended up to the right margin
$this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo()." / {pages}",0,0,'C');
//A4 width : 219mm
//default margin : 10mm each side
//writable horizontal : 219-(10*2)=189mm
$pdf = new PDF('P','mm','A4'); //use new class
//define new alias for total page numbers
$query=mysqli_query($con,"select * from add_courier");
I want to have my format to be like this for each id so that the user can download it from the link:'
//A4 width : 219mm
//default margin : 10mm each side
//writable horizontal : 219-(10*2)=189mm
$pdf = new FPDF('P','mm','A4');
//set font to arial, bold, 14pt
//Cell(width , height , text , border , end line , [align] )
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'Lexipress.CO',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(59 ,5,'INVOICE',0,1);//end of line
//set font to arial, regular, 12pt
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'[Street Address]',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(59 ,5,'',0,1);//end of line
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'[City, Country, ZIP]',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'Date',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(34 ,5,'[dd/mm/yyyy]',0,1);//end of line
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'Phone [+12345678]',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'Invoice #',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(34 ,5,'[1234567]',0,1);//end of line
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'Fax [+12345678]',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'Customer ID',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(34 ,5,'[1234567]',0,1);//end of line
//make a dummy empty cell as a vertical spacer
$pdf->Cell(189 ,10,'',0,1);//end of line
//billing address
$pdf->Cell(100 ,5,'Bill to',0,1);//end of line
//add dummy cell at beginning of each line for indentation
$pdf->Cell(10 ,5,'',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(90 ,5,'[Name]',0,1);
$pdf->Cell(10 ,5,'',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(90 ,5,'[Company Name]',0,1);
$pdf->Cell(10 ,5,'',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(90 ,5,'[Address]',0,1);
$pdf->Cell(10 ,5,'',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(90 ,5,'[Phone]',0,1);
//make a dummy empty cell as a vertical spacer
$pdf->Cell(189 ,10,'',0,1);//end of line
//invoice contents
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'Description',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'Taxable',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(34 ,5,'Amount',1,1);//end of line
//Numbers are right-aligned so we give 'R' after new line parameter
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'UltraCool Fridge',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'-',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(34 ,5,'3,250',1,1,'R');//end of line
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'Supaclean Diswasher',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'-',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(34 ,5,'1,200',1,1,'R');//end of line
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'Something Else',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'-',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(34 ,5,'1,000',1,1,'R');//end of line
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'Subtotal',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(4 ,5,'$',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(30 ,5,'4,450',1,1,'R');//end of line
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'Taxable',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(4 ,5,'$',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(30 ,5,'0',1,1,'R');//end of line
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'Tax Rate',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(4 ,5,'$',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(30 ,5,'10%',1,1,'R');//end of line
$pdf->Cell(130 ,5,'',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(25 ,5,'Total Due',0,0);
$pdf->Cell(4 ,5,'$',1,0);
$pdf->Cell(30 ,5,'4,450',1,1,'R');//end of line
I don't know how to go about it. Can someone please help? I've also checked the other questions for the same issues but i'm not getting the resloution.'
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3601
Reputation: 379
<th style="font-weight:bold;">Tracking</th>
<th style="font-weight:bold;">Print Invoice</th>
$ret=mysqli_query($con,"select *from add_courier");
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($ret)) {
<td style="font-weight:bold;"><?php echo $row['trackingid'];?>
<a href="invoice/generate_pdf.php?id=<?php echo $row['trackingid'];
//this is your tracking primary key column name
generate_pdf.php code
// please first echo and check the id value
echo $id; exit;
// if you get the id on clicking generate link then comment the above line and enjoy
class PDF extends FPDF {
function Header(){
//dummy cell to put logo
//is equivalent to:
//put logo
//dummy cell to give line spacing
//is equivalent to:
$this->Cell(40,5,'Order Invoice',1,0,'',true);
function Footer(){
//add table's bottom line
//Go to 1.5 cm from bottom
//width = 0 means the cell is extended up to the right margin
$this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo()." / {pages}",0,0,'C');
//A4 width : 219mm
//default margin : 10mm each side
//writable horizontal : 219-(10*2)=189mm
$pdf = new PDF('P','mm','A4'); //use new class
//define new alias for total page numbers
$query=mysqli_query($con,"select * from add_courier where id='$id'");
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 379
$sql=mysqli_query($con,"select * from add_courier");
foreach loop starts here
<button > <a href="printme.php&id=<?php echo $row['id']?>">Print</a>
for each loop ends here
in your FPDF page get the ID variable
alter your query with this on FPDF page
$query=mysqli_query($con,"select * from add_courier where id='$id'");
Upvotes: 1