Philipp Jung
Philipp Jung

Reputation: 105

Using a dockerfile with Jenkins Scripted Pipeline Syntax

Using Jenkins Declarative Pipeline, one can easily specify a Dockerfile, agent label, build args and run args as follows:

Jenkinsfile (Declarative Pipeline)

agent {
    dockerfile {
        dir './path/to/dockerfile'
        label 'my-label'
        additionalBuildArgs  '--build-arg version=1.0'
        args '-v /tmp:/tmp'

I am trying to achieve the same using the scripted pipeline syntax. I found a way to pass the agent label and run args, but was unable to to pass the directory and build args. Ideally, I would write something like this (label and run args are already working):

Jenkinsfile (Scripted Pipeline)

node ("my-label"){
        dir: './path/to/dockerfile',
        additionalBuildArgs:'--build-arg version=1.0'
    ).inside('-v /tmp:/tmp') {
        \\ add stages here

The documentation shows how this can be done using an existing docker image, i.e., with the image directive in the pipeline.

Jenkinsfile (Declarative Pipeline)

pipeline {
    agent {
        docker { image 'node:7-alpine' }
    stage('Test') {

Jenkinsfile (Scripted Pipeline)

node {
    docker.image('node:7-alpine').inside {
        stage('Test') {

However, the scripted pipeline syntax for the dockerfile directive is missing. The workaround I am using at the moment is building the image myself.

node ("my-label"){
    def testImage =
        "--build-arg v1.0"

    testImage.inside('-v /tmp:/tmp') {
        sh 'echo test'

Any help is much appreciated!

Upvotes: 8

Views: 20856

Answers (2)


Reputation: 4364

Here is a purely old-syntax scripted pipeline that solves the problem of checking out, building a docker image and pushing the image to a registry. It assumes the Jenkins project is type "Pipeline script from SCM".

I developed this pipeline for a server that requires proxies to reach the public internet. The Dockerfile accepts build arguments to configure its tools for proxies.

I think this has a pretty good structure @fredericrous :) but I'm new to pipelines, please help me improve!

def scmvars
def image
node {    
    stage('clone') {
        // enabled by project type "Pipeline script from SCM"
        scmvars = checkout(scm)
        echo "git details: ${scmvars}"
    stage('env') {
        // Jenkins provides no environment variable view
        sh 'printenv|sort'
    stage('build') {
        // arg 1 is the image name and tag
        // arg 2 is docker build command line
        image ="com.mycompany.myproject/my-image:${env.BUILD_ID}",
              " --build-arg commit=${scmvars.GIT_COMMIT}"
            + " --build-arg http_proxy=${env.http_proxy}"
            + " --build-arg https_proxy=${env.https_proxy}"
            + " --build-arg no_proxy=${env.no_proxy}"
            + " path/to/dir/with/Dockerfile")
    stage('push') {
                            'jenkins-registry-credential-id') {

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 3038

I personally put the docker cli arguments before the image folder path and would specify the docker filename with -f argument

Apart from that, you are doing this the right way. agent dockerfile is building a docker image the same way step is doing. Except you can push your image to a registry by using the step

Here is I how do

def dockerImage
//jenkins needs entrypoint of the image to be empty
def runArgs = '--entrypoint \'\''
pipeline {
    agent {
        label 'linux_x64'
    options {
        buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '100', artifactNumToKeepStr: '20'))
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            options { timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') }
            steps {
                script {
                    def commit = checkout scm
                    // we set BRANCH_NAME to make when { branch } syntax work without multibranch job
                    env.BRANCH_NAME = commit.GIT_BRANCH.replace('origin/', '')

                    dockerImage ="myImage:${env.BUILD_ID}",
                        "--label \"GIT_COMMIT=${env.GIT_COMMIT}\""
                        + " --build-arg MY_ARG=myArg"
                        + " ."
        stage('Push to docker repository') {
            when { branch 'master' }
            options { timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') }
            steps {
                lock("${JOB_NAME}-Push") {
                    script {
                        docker.withRegistry('https://myrepo:5000', 'docker_registry') {
                    milestone 30

Upvotes: 3

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