Reputation: 708
I have a Text Box function that is creating a variable $text How would I pull that Variable out of the function to use later in the script.
Function System-Box{
$title = 'System Identification'
$msg = 'Type in the System Name you
are Generating Certificates for.
The acceptable responses are:
Press OK to Continue.'
$text = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($msg, $title,"")
$AcceptableText = @("NCC-D","ICAP","SCP","RFK","")
If($text -in $AcceptableText)
If(!(Test-Path $CertPath\$text))
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CertPath\$text
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$Warning = $wshell.Popup(
"----------------------- WARNING!! -----------------------
You have entered an Invalid Response.
Press OK to enter a valid System Name.", #Text within the Pop-up
"WARNING!", #Title of the Pop-up
if($Warning -eq 1){System-Box}
/// Other un-related parts of the script ///
If($text -in "NCC-D"){
Move-Certs -NCC-D
If($text -in "ICAP"){
Move-Certs -ICAP
The Move-Certs function that is also being called has parameters set to run certain parts. I'm trying to use the $text
variable to call those certain parameters.
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Views: 48
Reputation: 25001
This is a scoping issue. You are wanting a variable that is defined in a function's scope to be available within the script scope. To do this easily, you could define the variable in the script scope.
# p.ps1 script contents
Function Set-TextVariable {
$script:text = "mytext"
# Calling p.ps1 script
The scope where a variable is defined and assigned in relation to the calling scope determines the output result. When you execute a script, a script scope is created. When you create a function, that function has its own scope as well. Any variable defined within a scope can be called in that scope. You can explicitly choose your scope using a modifier when interacting with variables.
See About Scopes for more information. About Functions also has information regarding a function's scope.
Upvotes: 1