
Reputation: 961

How to detect when a pattern changes in a pyspark dataframe column

I have a dataframe like below:

|DateTime           |UID.    |result     |
|2020-02-29 11:42:34|0000111D|30         |
|2020-02-30 11:47:34|0000111D|30         |
|2020-02-30 11:48:34|0000111D|30         |
|2020-02-30 11:49:34|0000111D|30         |
|2020-02-30 11:50:34|0000111D|30         |
|2020-02-25 11:50:34|0000111D|29         |
|2020-02-25 11:50:35|0000111D|29         |
|2020-02-26 11:52:35|0000111D|29         |
|2020-02-27 11:52:35|0000111D|29         |
|2020-02-28 11:52:35|0000111D|29         |
|2020-03-01 11:52:35|0000111D|28         |
|2020-03-02 11:12:35|0000111D|28         |
|2020-03-02 11:52:35|0000111D|28         |
|2020-03-03 12:32:35|0000111D|28         |
|2020-03-04 12:02:35|0000111D|28         |
|2020-03-05 11:12:45|0000111D|28         |
|2020-03-06 11:02:45|0000111D|27         |
|2020-03-07 10:32:45|0000111D|27         |
|2020-03-08 11:52:45|0000111D|27         |
|2020-03-09 11:12:45|0000111D|27         |
|2020-03-10 11:12:45|0000111D|27         |
|2020-03-11 11:48:45|0000111D|27         |
|2020-03-12 11:02:45|0000111D|27         |
|2020-03-13 11:28:45|0000111D|26         |
|2020-03-14 11:12:45|0000111D|26         |
|2020-03-15 11:12:45|0000111D|26         |
|2020-03-16 11:28:45|0000111D|26         |
|2020-03-17 11:42:45|0000111D|26         |
|2020-03-18 11:32:45|0000111D|26         |
|2020-03-19 11:28:45|0000111D|26         |
|2020-03-27 11:28:45|0000111D|2A         |
|2020-04-20 11:12:45|0000111D|2A         |
|2020-04-27 11:15:45|0000111D|2A         |
|2020-04-28 12:17:45|0000111D|2A         |
|2020-04-29 12:17:45|0000111D|30         |
|2020-04-30 12:18:45|0000111D|30         |
|2020-04-25 12:19:45|0000111D|30         |
|2020-04-26 12:20:45|0000111D|29         |
|2020-04-27 12:27:45|0000111D|29         |
|2020-04-28 12:28:45|0000111D|29         |
|2020-04-29 12:29:45|0000111D|28         |
|2020-05-01 12:26:45|0000111D|28         |
|2020-05-02 12:26:45|0000111D|27         |
|2020-05-03 12:26:45|0000111D|27         |
|2020-05-03 12:27:45|0000111D|26         |
|2020-05-05 12:29:45|0000111D|26         |
|2020-05-07 12:30:45|0000111D|2A         |
|2020-05-08 12:33:45|0000111D|2A         |
|2020-05-09 12:26:45|0000111D|2A         |
|2020-05-12 12:26:45|0000111D|30         |
|2020-05-14 11:52:35|0000111D|29         |
|2020-05-16 11:52:35|0000111D|28         |
|2020-05-18 11:52:35|0000111D|27         |
|2020-05-20 11:52:35|0000111D|26         |
|2020-05-27 11:52:35|0000111D|2A         |

I want the 'DateTime' value when values of result changes in each cycle. So basically 30 to 2A is a cycle for each UID. Now for some cases there can be data miss, in that case have to populate "datamiss",for example for a cycle(30-2A) if there is no record for '29' then in the below 1st_chnage column should be "datamiss". For each unique result I have to take the last occurrence EXCEPT the very first record for every cycle

Based on this I want a output like this:

|UID     |        start_point|         1st_change|         2nd_change|         3rd_change|         4th_change|         5th_change|
|0000111D|2020-02-29 11:42:34|2020-02-28 11:52:35|2020-03-05 11:12:45|2020-03-12 11:02:45|2020-03-19 11:28:45|2020-04-28 12:17:45|
|0000111D|2020-04-29 12:17:45|2020-04-28 12:28:45|2020-05-01 12:26:45|2020-05-03 12:26:45|2020-05-05 12:29:45|2020-05-09 12:26:45|
|0000111D|2020-05-12 12:26:45|2020-05-14 11:52:35|2020-05-16 11:52:35|2020-05-18 11:52:35|2020-05-20 11:52:35|2020-05-27 11:52:35|

How can I do that in most efficient way considering I have to do this multiple times for each sensor id and the data set is having 1000k records.

So far, I was able to do upto this but not able to get to the right point, unable to handle the dynamic ness when there is data miss

    w = Window.orderBy("DateTime")
    withColumn("lag",lag(col("result"),1).over(w)).withColumn("mismatch_bool",when((col('lead') != col('lag')),lit("true")).otherwise(lit("False")))

Based on this I want a output like this:

sensorid  start_point         1st_change          2nd_change           3rd chnage          4th_change           5th chnage
0000126D  2020-02-23 11:42:34 2020-02-24 11:49:34 2020-02-25 11:52:34  2020-02-26 11:34:35 2020-02-28 11:43:35  null
0000126D  2020-03-01 11:23:35 2020-03-04 11:31:35 2020-03-06 11:17:35  2020-03-08 09:34:09 2020-03-10 11:34:09  2020-03-08 07:34:09

How can I do that in most efficient way considering I have to do this multiple times for each sensor id and the data set is having 1000k records.

So far, I was able to do upto this.

    w = Window.orderBy("DateTime")
    withColumn("lag",lag(col("result"),1).over(w)).withColumn("mismatch_bool",when((col('lead') != col('lag')),lit("true")).otherwise(lit("False")))

Upvotes: 2

Views: 2257

Answers (1)


Reputation: 8410

Spark2.4 only.

Not sure if this is something you would want, but I wrote it anyways so thought id post it. There are 2 real challenges here. First is to get create partitions in data that go from 30-2A and be able to find desired changes in those partitions. Second, is to handle the missing row such that it is only sent to the interval with the missing row.(solved using sequence etc).

This entire code might not be exactly what you want(I might have gotten a little carried away), but you could take parts of it and try them and they may help you reach our goal..

In the case that this is exactly what you want, Ill explain the code in further detail. But you should be able to follow most of it.

df.show()#your sample dataframe
|           DateTime|     UID|result|
|2020-02-23 11:42:34|0000111D|    30|
|2020-02-24 11:47:34|0000111D|    30|
|2020-02-24 11:48:34|0000111D|    29|
|2020-02-24 11:49:34|0000111D|    29|
|2020-02-24 11:50:34|0000111D|    28|
#only showing top 5 rows

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
  .withColumn("yo", F.when((F.col("cor")%2!=0) & (F.col("result")==30),F.lit(1)).otherwise(F.lit(0)))\
  .withColumn("inc_sum", F.sum("yo").over(w1))\
  .withColumn("cor", F.when((F.col("result")!=30) & (F.col("cor")%2==0), F.lit('change')).otherwise(F.lit('no')))\
        .withColumn("row_num", F.row_number().over(w2))\
        .withColumn("first", F.min("row_num").over(w3))\
        .withColumn("max", F.max("row_num").over(w3)).drop("yo","row_num","first","max")\
        .filter("row_num=first or row_num=max or cor='change'")\
        .withColumn("all1", F.collect_list("result").over(w3))\
        .withColumn("all", F.array(*[F.lit(x) for x in ['30','29','28','27','26','2A']]))\
        .withColumn("except", F.array_except("all","all1")[0])\
        .withColumn("result", F.when(F.col("except")+1==F.col("result"), F.expr("""sequence(int(except)+1,int(except),-1)"""))\
        .withColumn("result", F.when(F.col("result").isNull(), F.array(F.lit(2))).otherwise(F.col("result")))\
        .withColumn("rownum2", F.row_number().over(w4))\
        .withColumn("DateTime", F.when((F.col("rownum2")>1), F.lit(0))\
        .withColumn("zip", F.explode(F.arrays_zip(*['30','29','28','27','26','2'])))\
        .select("UID", "zip.*")\
        .select("UID", F.col("30").alias("start_point"),F.col("29").alias("1st_change"),F.col("28").alias("2nd_change")\

|     UID|        start_point|         1st_change|         2nd_change|         3rd_change|         4th_change|         5th_change|
|0000111D|2020-02-23 11:42:34|2020-02-24 11:49:34|2020-02-25 11:52:34|2020-02-26 11:34:35|           datamiss|2020-02-28 11:43:35|
|0000111D|2020-03-01 11:23:35|2020-03-04 11:31:35|2020-03-06 11:17:35|2020-03-08 11:34:09|2020-03-10 04:12:45|2020-03-12 07:34:09|


Based on new data provided. This code was able to handle cases where start cycle does not always start with 24, and handled data miss using arrays_zip logic instead of sequence.

df.show()#new sample dataframe
|           DateTime|Identity |UID      Code       |len    |result|
|2020-02-25 11:50:34|       38|0000796D|         35|      2|         23|
|2020-02-25 11:50:35|       38|0000796D|         35|      2|         23|
|2020-02-26 11:52:35|       38|0000796D|         35|      2|         23|
|2020-02-27 11:52:35|       38|0000796D|         35|      2|         23|
|2020-02-28 11:52:35|       38|0000796D|         35|      2|         23|
#only showing top 5 rows

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import when

df.withColumn("lag", F.lag("result").over(w))\
.withColumn("lag", F.when(F.col("lag").isNull(),F.lit(-1)).otherwise(F.col("lag")))\
.withColumn("inc_sum", F.when((F.col("result")=='24')\
& (F.col("lag")!='24'),F.lit(1)).when((F.col("result")=='23')\
& (F.col("lag")!='24')&(F.col("lag")!='23'),F.lit(1)).otherwise(F.lit(0)))\
.withColumn("inc_sum", F.sum("inc_sum").over(w))\
.withColumn("row_num", F.row_number().over(w2))\
.withColumn("first", F.min("row_num").over(w3))\
.withColumn("max", F.max("row_num").over(w3))\
.withColumn("cor", F.row_number().over(w5))\
.withColumn("maxcor", F.max("cor").over(w6))\
.withColumn("maxcor", F.when((F.col("result")=='24') | (F.col("result")=='1F'), F.lit(None)).otherwise(F.col("maxcor"))).filter('row_num=first or row_num=max or cor=maxcor')\
.select("DateTime", "UID","result","inc_sum")\
.withColumn("result", F.when(F.col("result")=='1F', F.lit(19)).otherwise(F.col("result")))\
.withColumn("all1", F.collect_list("result").over(w3))\
.withColumn("all", F.array(*[F.lit(x) for x in ['24','23','22','21','20','19']]))\
.withColumn("except", F.when(F.size("all1")!=F.size("all"),F.array_except("all","all1")).otherwise(F.array(F.lit(None))))\
.withColumn("except2", F.flatten(F.array("all1","except")))\
.withColumn("except2", F.expr("""filter(except2,x-> x!='null')""")).drop("all1","all","except")\
.withColumn("zip", F.explode(F.arrays_zip("DateTime","result","except2")))\
.withColumn("result", F.when(F.col("result").isNull(), F.col("except2")).otherwise(F.col("result")))\
.withColumn("DateTime", F.when(F.col("DateTime").isNull(), F.lit(0)).otherwise(F.col("DateTime")))\
.withColumn("zipped", F.explode(F.arrays_zip(*['24','23','22','21','20','19'])))\
.select("UID", "zipped.*")\
.select("SensorId", F.col("24").alias("start_point"),F.col("23").alias("1st_change"),F.col("22").alias("2nd_change")\

|UID. |        start_point|         1st_change|         2nd_change|         3rd_change|         4th_change|         5th_change|
|0000796D|2020-02-23 11:42:34|2020-02-28 11:52:35|2020-03-05 11:12:45|2020-03-12 11:02:45|2020-03-19 11:22:45|2020-04-22 12:17:45|
|0000796D|2020-05-12 12:26:45|2020-05-14 11:52:35|2020-05-16 11:52:35|2020-05-16 11:52:35|2020-05-20 11:52:35|2020-05-21 11:52:35|
|0000796D|2020-04-23 12:17:45|2020-04-28 12:22:45|2020-05-01 12:26:45|2020-05-03 12:26:45|2020-05-05 12:29:45|2020-05-09 12:26:45|

Upvotes: 2

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