Reputation: 11
The app is asking the user to input predictor & dependent variables. For that I am using renderUI & uiOutput functions in server.R & ui.R files respectively. I am storing these inputs in predvar & depvar variables. Then i am using these variables in my reactive part of the code. This is where i think the problem of connection is between reactive code & user input variables. I have tried using caret::creatdatapartition instead of just createdatapartition. server.R code
model <- reactive ({
prop = input$prop
predictor = input$predvar
dependent = input$depvar
if(length(predictor)==0){return("Select atleast one predictor")}
if(input$ex==TRUE){data <- datasets::iris}
else{file1 <- input$file
data = read.table(file = file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
data =}
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y=data$dependent,p=prop,list = FALSE) ## this line throws error
train <- data[inTrain,]
train <- train %>% select(predictor,dependent)
train(dependent~.,data=data,method = "rpart")
output$model <- renderPrint({
output$dependent <- renderUI({
data = datasets::iris
dependents <- select_if(data,is.factor)
selectInput("depvar","Select the dependent variable",choices = colnames(dependents))
file1 <- input$file
data = read.table(file = file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
dependents <- select_if(data,is.factor)
selectInput("depvar","Select the dependent variable",choices = colnames(dependents))
output$predictor <- renderUI({
data = datasets::iris
dependents <- select_if(data,is.numeric)
checkboxGroupInput("predvar","Select the predictor variables",choices = colnames(dependents))
file1 <- input$file
data = read.table(file = file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
dependents <- select_if(data,is.numeric)
checkboxGroupInput("predvar","Select the predictor variables",choices = colnames(dependents))
concerning ui.R code
checkboxInput("ex","Uncheck for using your own file",value = TRUE),
fileInput("file", "Upload the *.csv file with headers"),
"Enter the training data ratio",
min = .5,
max = 1,
value = .6,step = .05)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1252
Reputation: 12461
You haven't given us a simple self contained example, so we can't give you a tested answer. But I think I can see at least two problems with your server code.
First, the model
reactive looks like it will run then the server function is first called, before your predvar
and depvar
s have been populated. That's going to case a problem, but it's easy to fix: just put req(input$depvar, input$predvar
at the start of the reactive. That will make sure the rest of the code in the reactive runs only once you've got values for both these inputs.
Second, the line you identified,
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y=data$dependent,p=prop,list = FALSE)
Says "create a data partition and assign the parameter y the contents of the column named 'dependent' in the data.frame data
. What you want to say is "... using the contents of the column whose name is given by the value of my local variable dependent
So try
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y=data[[dependent]],p=prop,list = FALSE)
You may have other issues as well, but they're the two I spotted from what you've posted so far.
Based on our discussion below, here is a MWE:
ui <- shinyUI(
titlePanel("Classification tree model on iris dataset."),
sliderInput("prop", "Enter the training data ratio", min = .5, max = 1, value = .6,step = .05) ),
server <- function(input, output) {
output$dependent <- renderUI({
data = datasets::iris
dependents <- select_if(data,is.factor)
selectInput("dependent","Select the dependent variable",choices = colnames(dependents))
output$predictor <- renderUI({
data = datasets::iris
predictors <- select_if(data,is.numeric)
checkboxGroupInput("predvar","Select the predictor variables", choices = colnames(predictors))
shinyApp(ui, server)
You had selectInput("depvar", ...
rather than selectInput("dependent", ...
in your output$dependent
. That's all that was wrong.
A couple of points to note:
was irrelevant as far as I could see, so could be removed. There are also far easier ways of preenting the code to us than in multiple comments! ;)uiOutput
and renderUI
. You could present your checkBoxGroup
and selectInput
directly in the fluidPage
and then use updateSelectInput()
and updateCheckBoxGroupInput
in an observe
or observeEevent
(the latter depending on data
) reactive. That removes one level of indirection and might make things simpler whoever maintains your code. [NB: if you do this, you will need to change server <- function(input, output) {...}
to server <- function(input, output, session) {...}
.Good luck!
Upvotes: 0