Reputation: 338
RuntimeError: Given groups=1, weight of size [32, 3, 16, 16, 16], expected input[100, 16, 16, 16, 3] to have 3 channels, but got 16 channels instead
This is the portion of code I think where the problem is.
def __init__(self):
super(Lightning_CNNModel, self).__init__()
self.conv_layer1 = self._conv_layer_set(3, 32)
self.conv_layer2 = self._conv_layer_set(32, 64)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(2**3*64, 128)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 10) # num_classes = 10
self.relu = nn.LeakyReLU()
def _conv_layer_set(self, in_c, out_c):
conv_layer = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv3d(in_c, out_c, kernel_size=(3, 3, 3), padding=0),
nn.MaxPool3d((2, 2, 2)),
return conv_layer
def forward(self, x):
out = self.conv_layer1(x)
out = self.conv_layer2(out)
out = out.view(out.size(0), -1)
out = self.fc1(out)
out = self.relu(out)
out = self.batch(out)
out = self.drop(out)
out = self.fc2(out)
return out
This is the code I am working on
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Views: 38223
Reputation: 32972
expects the input to have size [batch_size, channels, depth, height, width]. The first convolution expects 3 channels, but with your input having size [100, 16, 16, 16, 3], that would be 16 channels.
Assuming that your data is given as [batch_size, depth, height, width, channels], you need to swap the dimensions around, which can be done with torch.Tensor.permute
# From: [batch_size, depth, height, width, channels]
# To: [batch_size, channels, depth, height, width]
input = input.permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3)
Upvotes: 17