Kuldeep Pal
Kuldeep Pal

Reputation: 47

Find all the actors that made more movies with Yash Chopra than any other director


    SELECT   p1.pid, 
         Count(movie.mid) AS movieswithyc 
FROM     person           AS p1 natural 
JOIN     m_cast natural 
JOIN     movie 
JOIN     m_director 
ON       ( 
                  movie.mid = m_director.mid) 
JOIN     person AS p2 
ON       ( 
                  m_director.pid = p2.pid) 
WHERE    p2.NAME LIKE 'Yash Chopra' 
GROUP BY p1.pid 
HAVING   Count(movie.mid) >ALL 
                    SELECT     Count(movie.mid) 
                    FROM       person AS p3 natural 
                    JOIN       m_cast 
                    INNER JOIN movie 
                    JOIN       m_director 
                    ON         ( 
                                          movie.mid = m_director.mid) 
                    JOIN       person AS p4 
                    ON         ( 
                                          m_director.pid = p4.pid) 
                    where      p1.pid = p3.pid 
                    AND        p4.NAME NOT LIKE 'Yash Chopra' 
                    GROUP BY   p4.pid) 
ORDER BY movieswithyc DESC;

I'm not getting the right output. I'm getting zero rows . Can someone modify above query and give me the right output, I have tried various queries but not getting anything

Upvotes: 0

Views: 3204

Answers (7)

paila saisravan
paila saisravan

Reputation: 1

Hey folks who are new to sql and trying very hard to solve this question like me, you can find the part of a solution(99%) below, as i don't want to interupt your process of learning. But before going through it, try for one last time. I am thankful to the people who have discussed their various thoughts on this question in this forum, as they have triggered various ideas in me.

Before going through the solution you can have a look at this video to get an overview on various new keywords used in the below code. disclaimer - use trim option wherever required

select actor,movies from 
( select mc.pid as actor,
         md.pid as director,
         count(*) as movies,
         rank() over (partition by mc.pid order by count(*) desc) as rn,
  from m_director as md 
  m_cast as mc on md.mid=mc.mid
  left join
  person as p on md.pid=p.pid and name = 'Yash Chopra'
  group by mc.pid,md.pid
where rn =1 and director like "nm0007181" ;

exact solution - in order to get the exact solution you can join the above table with people table to get the names of actors who had been directed more by yash chopra than any other director.

paila saisravan - data digger

Upvotes: 0

Shubham Smiley
Shubham Smiley

Reputation: 21

select t.actor,t.count from ( SELECT actor,count(distinct m.mid) as count
                      FROM   m_cast mc 
                             INNER JOIN (SELECT m.mid 
                                         FROM   movie m) AS m 
                                     ON m.mid = Trim(mc.mid) 
                             INNER JOIN (SELECT md.pid, 
                                         FROM   m_director md) AS md 
                                     ON md.mid = Trim(mc.mid) 
                             INNER JOIN (SELECT p.pid, 
                                                p.NAME AS actor 
                                         FROM   person p) AS pactor 
                                     ON pactor.pid = Trim(mc.pid) 
                             INNER JOIN (SELECT p.pid, 
                                                p.NAME AS director 
                                         FROM   person p) AS pdirector 
                                     ON pdirector.pid = Trim(md.pid) 
                      WHERE  director   LIKE '%Yash Chopra%' 
                      --and actor like '%Uttam Sodi%'
                      group by actor) as t
                      join( SELECT actor,count(distinct m.mid) as count
                      FROM   m_cast mc 
                             INNER JOIN (SELECT m.mid 
                                         FROM   movie m) AS m 
                                     ON m.mid = Trim(mc.mid) 
                             INNER JOIN (SELECT md.pid, 
                                         FROM   m_director md) AS md 
                                     ON md.mid = Trim(mc.mid) 
                             INNER JOIN (SELECT p.pid, 
                                                p.NAME AS actor 
                                         FROM   person p) AS pactor 
                                     ON pactor.pid = Trim(mc.pid) 
                             INNER JOIN (SELECT p.pid, 
                                                p.NAME AS director 
                                         FROM   person p) AS pdirector 
                                     ON pdirector.pid = Trim(md.pid) 
                      WHERE  director not  LIKE '%Yash Chopra%' 
                      group by actor) as w
                where t.actor=w.actor and t.count>=w.count

Upvotes: 0

Chandan Malla
Chandan Malla

Reputation: 445

Check this:

SELECT first.actor, 
FROM   (SELECT Trim(actor) AS Actor, 
               Count(*)    AS COUNT 
        FROM   m_cast mc 
               INNER JOIN (SELECT m.mid 
                           FROM   movie m) AS m 
                       ON m.mid = Trim(mc.mid) 
               INNER JOIN (SELECT md.pid, 
                           FROM   m_director md) AS md 
                       ON md.mid = Trim(mc.mid) 
               INNER JOIN (SELECT p.pid, 
                                  p.NAME AS actor 
                           FROM   person p) AS pactor 
                       ON pactor.pid = Trim(mc.pid) 
               INNER JOIN (SELECT p.pid, 
                                  p.NAME AS director 
                           FROM   person p) AS pdirector 
                       ON pdirector.pid = Trim(md.pid) 
        WHERE  director LIKE '%Yash Chopra%' 
        GROUP  BY Trim(actor)) first 
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT actor, 
                         Max(count) AS COUNT 
                  FROM   (SELECT DISTINCT Trim(actor) AS Actor, 
                                          Count(*)    AS COUNT 
                          FROM   m_cast mc 
                                 INNER JOIN (SELECT m.mid 
                                             FROM   movie m) AS m 
                                         ON m.mid = Trim(mc.mid) 
                                 INNER JOIN (SELECT md.pid, 
                                             FROM   m_director md) AS md 
                                         ON md.mid = Trim(mc.mid) 
                                 INNER JOIN (SELECT p.pid, 
                                                    p.NAME AS actor 
                                             FROM   person p) AS pactor 
                                         ON pactor.pid = Trim(mc.pid) 
                                 INNER JOIN (SELECT p.pid, 
                                                    p.NAME AS director 
                                             FROM   person p) AS pdirector 
                                         ON pdirector.pid = Trim(md.pid) 
                          WHERE  director NOT LIKE '%Yash Chopra%' 
                          GROUP  BY Trim(actor), 
                  GROUP  BY actor) second 
              ON first.actor = second.actor 
WHERE  first.count >= second.count 
        OR second.actor IS NULL 
ORDER  BY first.count DESC 

Upvotes: 3

pankit panchal
pankit panchal

Reputation: 1

select p.name,h.count 
from(select mc.pid as mcpid,md.pid as mdpid,count(mc.MID) as count   
from m_cast as mc
                 join m_director md 
                     on md.MID=mc.MID               
                 group by mc.pid ,md.pid 
                ) h
            join person p 
                on h.mcpid=p.pid
            where h.count = (select count(*) as count   
                             from m_cast as mc
                             join m_director md 
                                 on md.mid=mc.mid
                             where mc.pid=h.mcpid 
                             group by mc.pid,md.pid 
                             order by count(*) desc
                             limit 1)
            and h.mdpid = (select pid 
                           from person 
                           where name like '%Yash Chopra%'
            order by h.count desc

Upvotes: -1

Vishal Sharma
Vishal Sharma

Reputation: 1

p2.NAME LIKE 'Yash Chopra' and p1.PID This is your line from the code. You should have written it like this TRIM(p2.NAME),TRIM(p1.PID) because the Name and PID from your Movie Table contains spaces and things like that.You should process it correctly else it will return zero rows, keep that thing in mind.

Upvotes: 0

Kuldeep Pal
Kuldeep Pal

Reputation: 47

FROM   ( 
                SELECT   pc.NAME, 
                         Count(DISTINCT Trim(m.mid)) count_movie 
                FROM     movie m 
                JOIN     m_cast mc 
                ON       Trim(m.mid) = Trim(mc.mid) 
                JOIN     m_director md 
                ON       Trim(m.mid) = Trim(md.mid) 
                JOIN     person pc 
                ON       Trim(mc.pid) = Trim(pc.pid) 
                JOIN     person pd 
                ON       trim(md.pid )= Trim(pd.pid) where pd.NAME = 'Yash Chopra' GROUP BY pc.NAME) lst_yc
                                  SELECT   pc.NAME, 
                                           count(trim(m.mid)) count_movie 
                                  FROM     movie m 
                                  JOIN     m_cast mc 
                                  ON       trim(m.mid) = trim(mc.mid ) 
                                  JOIN     m_director md 
                                  ON       trim(m.mid) = (md.mid) 
                                  JOIN     person pc 
                                  ON       trim(mc.pid) = trim(pc.pid) 
                                  JOIN     person pd 
                                  ON       trim(md.pid) = trim(pd.pid) 
                                  WHERE    pd.NAME != 'Yash Chopra' 
                                  GROUP BY pc.NAME) lst_wo 
                ON       lst_yc.NAME = lst_wo.NAME 
                WHERE    lst_yc.count_movie > lst_wo.count_movie

This seems to be the answer as given by Mr. Shantanu. But Do you know why this is taking time, I ran query 1 hour ago and no reult has produced yet.

Upvotes: 0

Shantanu Kher
Shantanu Kher

Reputation: 1054

You can check the below SQL.

Explanation - First inline view returns list of people with count of their movies with 'Yash Chopra'. Second inline view returns list of people with count of their movies with other directors. At the end, I filter list of those people where count of movies with 'Yash Chopra' is greater than 'other directors'.

(select pc.name, count(distinct m.mid) count_movie
from movie m
join m_cast mc on m.mid = mc.mid
join m_director md on m.mid = md.mid
join person pc on mc.pid = pc.pid
join person pd on md.pid = pd.pid
where pd.name = 'YASH CHOPRA'
group by pc.name) lst_yc
(select pc.name, count(m.mid) count_movie
from movie m 
join m_cast mc on m.mid = mc.mid
join m_director md on m.mid = md.mid
join person pc on mc.pid = pc.pid
join person pd on md.pid = pd.pid
where pd.name != 'YASH CHOPRA'
group by pc.name) lst_wo
on lst_yc.name = lst_wo.name
where lst_yc.count_movie > lst_wo.count_movie

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