Reputation: 1141
I have this very long string in MSSQL which I require the I value.
I represents Invoice, A represents Amount, D represents Date
This is one of the scariest cases.
Each of these are invoice numbers which have relevant values which i will use to link to another transaction. I would really appreciate it if someone could explain the best manner to go about this without making a app if possible
Upvotes: 7
Views: 8966
Reputation: 139010
declare @s varchar(max) = 'I=940;A=29.5;D=20090901|I=941;A=62.54;D=20090910|I=942;A=58.99;D=20091005|I=954;A=93.45;D=20091201|I=944;A=96.76;D=20091101|I=946;A=52.5;D=20091101|I=943;A=28.32;D=20091101|I=945;A=52.5;D=20091101|I=955;A=79.81;D=20091201|I=950;A=25.2;D=20091124|I=948;A=31.86;D=20091110|I=949;A=28.32;D=20091120|I=947;A=25.2;D=20091109|I=951;A=242.54;D=20091124|I=952;A=28.32;D=20091129|I=956;A=38.94;D=20091210|I=957;A=107.39;D=20091215|I=958;A=32.55;D=20091228|I=959;A=27.3;D=20091228|I=960;A=24.79;D=20091230|I=1117;A=28.32;D=20100131|I=1115;A=272.58;D=20100131|I=1116;A=159.6;D=20100209'
declare @xml xml
select @xml = '<item><value>'+replace(replace(@s, ';','</value><value>'), '|','</value></item><item><value>')+'</value></item>'
select N.value('substring(value[1],3)', 'int') as Invoice,
N.value('substring(value[2],3)', 'money') as Amount,
N.value('substring(value[3],3)', 'date') as [Date]
from @xml.nodes('item') as T(N)
Invoice Amount Date
----------- --------------------- ----------
940 29,50 2009-09-01
941 62,54 2009-09-10
942 58,99 2009-10-05
954 93,45 2009-12-01
944 96,76 2009-11-01
946 52,50 2009-11-01
943 28,32 2009-11-01
945 52,50 2009-11-01
955 79,81 2009-12-01
950 25,20 2009-11-24
948 31,86 2009-11-10
949 28,32 2009-11-20
947 25,20 2009-11-09
951 242,54 2009-11-24
952 28,32 2009-11-29
956 38,94 2009-12-10
957 107,39 2009-12-15
958 32,55 2009-12-28
959 27,30 2009-12-28
960 24,79 2009-12-30
1117 28,32 2010-01-31
1115 272,58 2010-01-31
1116 159,60 2010-02-09
For SQL Server 2005 you need to use datetime instead of date
select N.value('substring(value[1],3)', 'int') as Invoice,
N.value('substring(value[2],3)', 'money') as Amount,
N.value('substring(value[3],3)', 'datetime') as [Date]
from @xml.nodes('item') as T(N)
To read from a table you need to do it like this.
declare @s varchar(max) = 'I=940;A=29.5;D=20090901|I=941;A=62.54;D=20090910|I=942;A=58.99;D=20091005|I=954;A=93.45;D=20091201|I=944;A=96.76;D=20091101|I=946;A=52.5;D=20091101|I=943;A=28.32;D=20091101|I=945;A=52.5;D=20091101|I=955;A=79.81;D=20091201|I=950;A=25.2;D=20091124|I=948;A=31.86;D=20091110|I=949;A=28.32;D=20091120|I=947;A=25.2;D=20091109|I=951;A=242.54;D=20091124|I=952;A=28.32;D=20091129|I=956;A=38.94;D=20091210|I=957;A=107.39;D=20091215|I=958;A=32.55;D=20091228|I=959;A=27.3;D=20091228|I=960;A=24.79;D=20091230|I=1117;A=28.32;D=20100131|I=1115;A=272.58;D=20100131|I=1116;A=159.6;D=20100209'
declare @YourTable table(ID int, s varchar(max))
insert into @YourTable values
(1, @s),
(2, @s)
select Y.ID,
T.N.value('substring(value[1],3)', 'int') as Invoice,
T.N.value('substring(value[2],3)', 'money') as Amount,
T.N.value('substring(value[3],3)', 'date') as [Date]
from @YourTable as Y
cross apply (select cast('<item><value>'+replace(replace(Y.s, ';','</value><value>'), '|','</value></item><item><value>')+'</value></item>' as xml)) as X(XMLCol)
cross apply X.XMLCol.nodes('item') as T(N)
Upvotes: 29
Reputation: 8265
I use a function in SQL to split strings, maybe that could be your starting point:
CREATE Function [dbo].[CsvToVarchar] ( @Array varchar(4000))
returns @IntTable table
(CharsValue VARCHAR(40))
declare @separator varchar(5)
set @separator = ','
declare @separator_position int
declare @array_value varchar(4000)
set @array = @array + @separator
while patindex('%'+@separator+'%' , @array) <> 0
select @separator_position = patindex('%'+@separator+'%' , @array)
select @array_value = left(@array, @separator_position - 1)
Insert @IntTable
Values (@array_value)
select @array = stuff(@array, 1, @separator_position, '')
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 146597
Don't know if this will help you, but here is a sql-server compatible string parser function... Call it like this:
Select * From dbo.ParseTextString([Your long text string here], '|')
the function is:
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[ParseTextString] (@S Text, @delim VarChar(5))
Returns @tOut Table
(ValNum Integer Identity Primary Key,
sVal VarChar(8000))
Declare @dLLen TinyInt -- Length of delimiter
Declare @sWin VarChar(8000)-- Will Contain Window into text string
Declare @wLen Integer -- Length of Window
Declare @wLast TinyInt -- Boolean to indicate processing Last Window
Declare @wPos Integer -- Start Position of Window within Text String
Declare @sVal VarChar(8000)-- String Data to insert into output Table
Declare @BtchSiz Integer -- Maximum Size of Window
Set @BtchSiz = 7900 -- (Reset to smaller values to test routine)
Declare @dPos Integer -- Position within Window of next Delimiter
Declare @Strt Integer -- Start Position of each data value within Window
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ---------------------------
If @delim is Null Set @delim = '|'
If DataLength(@S) = 0 Or
Substring(@S, 1, @BtchSiz) = @delim Return
-- ---------------------------
Select @dLLen = Len(@delim),
@Strt = 1, @wPos = 1,
@sWin = Substring(@S, 1, @BtchSiz)
Select @wLen = Len(@sWin),
@wLast = Case When Len(@sWin) = @BtchSiz
Then 0 Else 1 End,
@dPos = CharIndex(@delim, @sWin, @Strt)
-- ----------------------------
While @Strt <= @wLen
If @dPos = 0 Begin -- No More delimiters in window
If @wLast = 1 Set @dPos = @wLen + 1
Else Begin
Set @wPos = @wPos + @Strt - 1
Set @sWin = Substring(@S, @wPos, @BtchSiz)
-- ----------------------------------------
Select @wLen = Len(@sWin), @Strt = 1,
@wLast = Case When Len(@sWin) = @BtchSiz
Then 0 Else 1 End,
@dPos = CharIndex(@delim, @sWin, 1)
If @dPos = 0 Set @dPos = @wLen + 1
-- -------------------------------
Set @sVal = LTrim(Substring(@sWin, @Strt, @dPos - @Strt))
Insert @tOut (sVal) Values (@sVal)
-- -------------------------------
-- Move @Strt to char after last delimiter
Set @Strt = @dPos + @dLLen
Set @dPos = CharIndex(@delim, @sWin, @Strt)
Upvotes: 0