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SQL parse delimited string

I can't find a good way to do this and because of some restrictions it has to be a coded without the use of variables but I can call a function. Anyway, I need to return a result set from a Select query and one of the rows is a pipe delimited string.

So, it will return something like:

id| Name      | Message |
1 | Some Name | 'Here is my | delimited | message'

And I need it to be

id| Name      | Message1     | Message2    | Message3
1 | Some Name | 'Here is my' | 'delimited' | 'message'

I was thinking of something like Parsename('','|',1), where you can pass in the delimiter instead of it always being a period but I don't know the best way to accomplish that.

EDIT: I've tried variations of this but of course it is very confusing. There could be 4 or more |

SELECT Field1, 
Field2 AS Originalvalue,
SUBSTRING(Field2,0,CHARINDEX('|',Field2)) AS Msg1,
LEFT(SUBSTRING(Field2,CHARINDEX('|',Field2)+1 ,LEN(Field2)),CHARINDEX('|',SUBSTRING(Field2,CHARINDEX('|',Field2)+1 ,LEN(Field2)))-1)
AS ExtractedValue
FROM Table1 T1 JOIN Table2 T2
ON T1.Id = T2.Id
WHERE T1.Id = 12

Upvotes: 4

Views: 7924

Answers (1)

You can write a sql function as follows.

create Function dbo.fn_Parsename(@Message Varchar(1000), @delimiter char(1), @index int )
Returns Varchar(1000)
        @curIndex int = 0,
        @pos int = 1,
        @prevPos int = 0,
        @result varchar(1000)

    while @pos > 0

        set @pos =  CHARINDEX(@delimiter, @Message, @prevPos);

        if(@pos > 0)
        begin-- get the chars between the prev position to next delimiter pos
            set @result = SUBSTRING(@message, @prevPos, @pos-@prevPos)
        begin--get last delim message
            set @result = SUBSTRING(@message, @prevPos, LEN(@message))

        if(@index = @curIndex)
            return @result

        set @prevPos = @pos + 1
        set @curIndex = @curIndex + 1;

    return ''--not found

And you can call it as below:

select dbo.fn_Parsename('Here is my | delimited | message','|', 0)
select dbo.fn_Parsename('Here is my | delimited | message','|', 1)
select dbo.fn_Parsename('Here is my | delimited | message','|', 2)

Upvotes: 8

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