Reputation: 11
I want to find some dates inside a file, with Batch.
I have the following code:
for /F "tokens=*" %%a in (%path%\%file%) do (
echo %%a | findstr /I "Date:"
With this code I'm able to get the first date that appears in the file, but then the script finishes, and I want to get all the dates presents in the content of the file, not only one.
Do I have to modify the for structure or use another command (instead of findstr)?
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Views: 170
Reputation: 3264
If you don't need to use the dates in variables and just want to output them, then just do this at the cli
TYPE "%path%\%file%" | FIND /I "Date:"
If you need to find each date and then do something else with it using a temp variable (and assuming there is only one :
in the line with the date, and nothing else follows the date, you could do this in a cmd
CALL :Main
EXIT /b )
For /F "Tokens=1* delims=:" %%A IN (`
TYPE "%path%\%file%" | FIND /I "Date:"
') DO (
REM if you need all the characters after "Date:" we can simply use this next line:
SET "Date_Tmp_Full=%%~B"
REM. If there may be whitespace around the value after "Date:" we can use the following method instead to trim it instead.
For /F "tokens=*" %%_ IN ('echo %%~B') DO (
SET "Date_Tmp=%%~_" )
REM Your other code can go here, or you can call a function to do more instead.
Upvotes: 1