Reputation: 171
I'm looking for a macro to find and replace values in a txt file.
The txt file is located in the route
This file looks like this (really the file has a HTML code, but I synthesized here the important part)
The current date and time is: %time%
GPU1 Temperature is: %GPU1T%
GPU1 Fan Speed is: %GPU1F%
GPU1 RPM are: %GPU1R%
GPU2 Temperature is: %GPU2T%
GPU2 Fan Speed is: %GPU2F%
GPU2 RPM are: %GPU2R%
and the Excel file looks like this
What I need is a macro that can find and replace the following:
Find %time% in the txt file and replace with the value of cell G2
Find %GPU1T% in the txt file and replace with the value of cell A2
Find %GPU1F% in the txt file and replace with the value of cell C2
Find %GPU1R% in the txt file and replace with the value of cell E2
Find %GPU2T% in the txt file and replace with the value of cell B2
Find %GPU2F% in the txt file and replace with the value of cell D2
Find %GPU2R% in the txt file and replace with the value of cell F2
After that, of course save the file but in a NEW location which is
but with the same name info.txt
So far, trying to handle with this macro with no success
Sub FindAndReplaceText()
Dim FileName As String
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim FSO As Object
Dim I As Integer
Dim SearchForWords As Variant
Dim SubstituteWords As Variant
Dim Text As String
Dim TextFile As Object
SearchForWords = Array("%time%", "%GPU1T%", "%GPU1F%", "%GPU1R%", "%GPU2T%", "%GPU2F%", "%GPU2R% ")
SubstituteWords = Array(Range("G2"), Range("A2"), Range("C2"), Range("E2"), Range("B2"), Range("D2"), Range("F2"))
FolderPath = "D:\Template\info.txt"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FolderPath = IIf(Right(FolderPath, 1) <> "\", FolderPath & "\", FolderPath)
FileName = Dir(FolderPath & "\*.txt")
Do While FileName <> ""
Filespec = FolderPath & FileName
Set TextFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(Filespec, 1, False)
Text = TextFile.ReadAll
Set TextFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(Filespec, 2, False)
For I = 0 To UBound(SearchForWords)
Replace Text, SearchForWords(I), SubstituteWords(I)
Next I
TextFile.Write Text
FileName = Dir()
End Sub
I hope someone can help me with this.
Thank you so much in advance!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 843
Reputation: 166980
Try something like this:
Sub Tester()
Dim txt As String, arr, c As Long
arr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("config").Range("A1:G2").Value
txt = GetContent("C:\Tester\info.txt")
For c = 1 To UBound(arr, 2)
txt = Replace(txt, "%" & arr(1, c) & "%", arr(2, c))
Next c
PutContent "C:\Tester\info2.txt", txt
End Sub
Function GetContent(f As String) As String
GetContent = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject"). _
opentextfile(f, 1).readall()
End Function
Sub PutContent(f As String, content As String)
CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject"). _
opentextfile(f, 2, True).write content
End Sub
Edit: just noticed that your headers are different from your placeholder tokens but it would be easier to make them the same (but don't include the "%" around the headers). Or add another row under the column headers to contain the placeholder text for that column.
Upvotes: 1