Reputation: 1129
I would like to compute the distance between two coordinates. I know I can compute the haversine distance between two points. However, I was wondering if there is an easier way of doing it instead of creating a loop using the formula iterating over the entire columns (also getting errors in the loop).
Here's some data for the example
# Random values for the duration from one point to another
random_values = random.sample(range(2,20), 8)
# Creating arrays for the coordinates
lat_coor = [11.923855, 11.923862, 11.923851, 11.923847, 11.923865, 11.923841, 11.923860, 11.923846]
lon_coor = [57.723843, 57.723831, 57.723839, 57.723831, 57.723827, 57.723831, 57.723835, 57.723827]
df = pd.DataFrame(
{'duration': random_values,
'latitude': lat_coor,
'longitude': lon_coor
duration latitude longitude
0 5 11.923855 57.723843
1 2 11.923862 57.723831
2 10 11.923851 57.723839
3 19 11.923847 57.723831
4 16 11.923865 57.723827
5 4 11.923841 57.723831
6 13 11.923860 57.723835
7 3 11.923846 57.723827
To compute the distance this is what I've attempted:
# Looping over each row to compute the Haversine distance between two points
# Earth's radius (in m)
R = 6373.0 * 1000
lat = df["latitude"]
lon = df["longitude"]
for i in lat:
lat1 = lat[i]
lat2 = lat[i+1]
for j in lon:
lon1 = lon[i]
lon2 = lon[i+1]
dlon = lon2 - lon1
dlat = lat2 - lat1
# Haversine formula
a = math.sin(dlat / 2)**2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlon / 2)**2
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
distance = R * c
print(distance) # in m
However, this is the error I get:
The two points to compute the distance should be taken from the same column.
first distance value:
11.923855 57.723843 (point1/observation1)
11.923862 57.723831 (point2/observation2)
second distance value:
11.923862 57.723831 (point1/observation2)
11.923851 57.723839(point2/observation3)
third distance value:
11.923851 57.723839(point1/observation3)
11.923847 57.723831 (point1/observation4)
... (and so on)
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Views: 2343
Reputation: 1179
You are confusing the index versus the values themselves, so you are getting a key error because there is no lat[i] (e.g., lat[11.923855]) in your example. After fixing i to be the index, your code would go beyond the last row of lat and lon with your [i+1]. Since you want to compare each row to the previous row, how about starting at index 1 and looking back by 1, then you won't go out of range. This edited version of your code does not crash:
for i in range(1, len(lat)):
lat1 = lat[i - 1]
lat2 = lat[i]
for j in range(1, len(lon)):
lon1 = lon[i - 1]
lon2 = lon[i]
dlon = lon2 - lon1
dlat = lat2 - lat1
# Haversine formula
a = math.sin(dlat / 2) ** 2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlon / 2) ** 2
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
distance = R * c
print(distance) # in m
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Reputation: 262294
OK, first you can create a dataframe that combine each measurement with the previous one:
df2 = pd.concat([df.add_suffix('_pre').shift(), df], axis=1)
This outputs:
duration_pre latitude_pre longitude_pre duration latitude longitude
0 NaN NaN NaN 5 11.923855 57.723843
1 5.0 11.923855 57.723843 2 11.923862 57.723831
2 2.0 11.923862 57.723831 10 11.923851 57.723839
Then create a haversine
function and apply it to the rows:
def haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
import math
R = 6373.0 * 1000
dlon = lon2 - lon1
dlat = lat2 - lat1
a = math.sin(dlat / 2)**2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlon / 2)**2
return R *2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
df2.apply(lambda x: haversine(x['latitude_pre'], x['longitude_pre'], x['latitude'], x['longitude']), axis=1)
which computes for each row the distance with the previous row (first one is thus NaN).
0 NaN
1 75.754755
2 81.120210
3 48.123604
And, if you want to include a new column in the original dataframe in one line:
df['distance'] = pd.concat([df.add_suffix('_pre').shift(), df], axis=1).apply(lambda x: haversine(x['latitude_pre'], x['longitude_pre'], x['latitude'], x['longitude']), axis=1)
duration latitude longitude distance
0 5 11.923855 57.723843 NaN
1 2 11.923862 57.723831 75.754755
2 10 11.923851 57.723839 81.120210
3 19 11.923847 57.723831 48.123604
4 16 11.923865 57.723827 116.515304
5 4 11.923841 57.723831 154.307571
6 13 11.923860 57.723835 122.794838
7 3 11.923846 57.723827 98.115312
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Reputation: 56
I understood that you want to get the pairwise haversine distance between all points in your df. Here's how this could be done:
Be careful when using this approach with a lot of points as it generates a lot of columns quickly
import random
random_values = random.sample(range(2,20), 8)
# Creating arrays for the coordinates
lat_coor = [11.923855, 11.923862, 11.923851, 11.923847, 11.923865, 11.923841, 11.923860, 11.923846]
lon_coor = [57.723843, 57.723831, 57.723839, 57.723831, 57.723827, 57.723831, 57.723835, 57.723827]
df = pd.DataFrame(
{'duration': random_values,
'latitude': lat_coor,
'longitude': lon_coor
import math
df['lat_rad'] = df.latitude.apply(math.radians)
df['long_rad'] = df.latitude.apply(math.radians)
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import haversine_distances
for idx_from, from_point in df.iterrows():
for idx_to, to_point in df.iterrows():
column_name = f"Distance_to_point_{idx_from}"
haversine_matrix = haversine_distances([[from_point.lat_rad, from_point.long_rad], [to_point.lat_rad, to_point.long_rad]])
point_distance = haversine_matrix[0][1] * 6371000/1000
df.loc[idx_to, column_name] = point_distance
duration latitude longitude lat_rad long_rad Distance_to_point_0 Distance_to_point_1 Distance_to_point_2 Distance_to_point_3 Distance_to_point_4 Distance_to_point_5 Distance_to_point_6 Distance_to_point_7
0 3 11.923855 57.723843 0.20811052928038845 0.20811052928038845 0.0 0.0010889626934743966 0.0006222644021223135 0.001244528808978787 0.0015556609862946524 0.002177925427923575 0.000777830496776312 0.0014000949117650525
1 13 11.923862 57.723831 0.2081106514534361 0.2081106514534361 0.0010889626934743966 0.0 0.0017112270955967099 0.002333491502453183 0.0004666982928202561 0.00326688812139797 0.00031113219669808446 0.0024890576052394482
2 14 11.923851 57.723839 0.2081104594672184 0.2081104594672184 0.0006222644021223135 0.0017112270955967099 0.0 0.0006222644068564735 0.002177925388416966 0.0015556610258012616 0.0014000948988986254 0.0007778305096427389
3 4 11.923847 57.723831 0.20811038965404832 0.20811038965404832 0.001244528808978787 0.002333491502453183 0.0006222644068564735 0.0 0.0028001897952734385 0.0009333966189447881 0.002022359305755099 0.0001555661027862654
4 5 11.923865 57.723827 0.20811070381331365 0.20811070381331365 0.0015556609862946524 0.0004666982928202561 0.002177925388416966 0.0028001897952734385 0.0 0.003733586414218225 0.0007778304895183407 0.002955755898059704
5 7 11.923841 57.723831 0.20811028493429318 0.20811028493429318 0.002177925427923575 0.00326688812139797 0.0015556610258012616 0.0009333966189447881 0.003733586414218225 0.0 0.002955755924699886 0.0007778305161585227
6 9 11.92386 57.723835 0.20811061654685106 0.20811061654685106 0.000777830496776312 0.00031113219669808446 0.0014000948988986254 0.002022359305755099 0.0007778304895183407 0.002955755924699886 0.0 0.002177925408541364
7 8 11.923846 57.723827 0.20811037220075576 0.20811037220075576 0.0014000949117650525 0.0024890576052394482 0.0007778305096427389 0.0001555661027862654 0.002955755898059704 0.0007778305161585227 0.002177925408541364 0.0
Upvotes: 1