Reputation: 599
All the shiny tutorials I see import multiple data manually via fileInput()
then export manually.
Currently, I just have a single R script files that I manually change the few variables each time I run it.
For example, at directory C:/Users/Users/Project/000-0000
, I want to update 000-0000_result1
and 000-0000_result2
using information from 000-0000_NewData
#### Variables I change
file_name <- "C:/Users/Users/Project/000-0000/000-0000_NewData.csv"
parameterNum <- 3
#### Rest of the codes that I never change
projectID <- str_extract(file_name, "[^_]+") #would be 000-0000 in this case
dat0 <- read_csv(file_name)
prev_result1 <- read_csv(str_c(projectID, "_result1"))
prev_result2 <- read_csv(str_c(projectID, "_result2"))
... #data step using parameterNum
write_csv(new_result1, str_c(projectID, "_result1"))
write_csv(new_result2, str_c(projectID, "_result2"))
I want to create a Shiny app where I can just specify the file_name
with fileInput("dat0","Upload a new data")
and numericInput()
then run the rest of the script.
I do not want to manually select multiple files then export them, because I have a lot of _result
files mixed with other files sharing the same filetypes.
I was looking at input$dat0$datapath
but it seems that shiny creates a tmp folder with only files loaded through fileInput()
Is my plan possible using Shiny? I am using flexdashboard, but I also welcome and will try to adjust standard Shiny answer on my own.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 322
Reputation: 7116
Perhaps something like this:
ui <- fluidPage(
textInput('file_name', 'Path to filename', value = "C:/Users/Users/Project/000-0000/000-0000_NewData.csv"),
numericInput('parameterNum', 'Insert Parameter Number',value = 3, min = 0),
actionButton(inputId = 'save', label = 'Write csvs')
server <- function(input, output, session) {
projectID <- reactive({
str_extract(inpt$file_name, "[^_]+")
prev_result1 <- reactive({
read_csv(str_c(projectID(), "_result1"))
#some calculation
prev_result2 <- reactive({
read_csv(str_c(projectID(), "_result2"))
#some calculation
observeEvent(input$save, {
write_csv(prev_result1(), str_c(projectID(), "_result1"))
write_csv(prev_result2(), str_c(projectID(), "_result2"))
shinyApp(ui, server)
Upvotes: 1