Reputation: 55
Could you please help me? Look this file below:
[Parsed_showinfo_0 @ 0x55d39a569e00] n:48591 pts:24878592 pts_time:2024.62 pos:120292092 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 s:640x360 i:P iskey:0 type:B checksum:292B9CE1 plane_checksum:[F3F98FB2 02828690 02828690] mean:[20 128 128 ] stdev:[27.0 0.0 0.0 ]
[Parsed_showinfo_0 @ 0x55d39a569e00] n:48592 pts:24879104 pts_time:2024.67 pos:120291950 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 s:640x360 i:P iskey:0 type:B checksum:0FB59CD7 plane_checksum:[6F918FA8 02828690 02828690] mean:[20 128 128 ] stdev:[27.0 0.0 0.0 ]
[Parsed_showinfo_0 @ 0x55d39a569e00] n:48593 pts:24879616 pts_time:2024.71 pos:120292235 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 s:640x360 i:P iskey:0 type:B checksum:292B9CE1 plane_checksum:[F3F98FB2 02828690 02828690] mean:[20 128 128 ] stdev:[27.0 0.0 0.0 ]
[Parsed_showinfo_0 @ 0x55d39a569e00] n:48594 pts:24880128 pts_time:2024.75 pos:120291807 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 s:640x360 i:P iskey:0 type:P checksum:7CF59CE1 plane_checksum:[47D28FB2 02828690 02828690] mean:[20 128 128 ] stdev:[27.0 0.0 0.0 ]
[Parsed_showinfo_0 @ 0x55d39a569e00] n:48595 pts:24880640 pts_time:2024.79 pos:120292664 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 s:640x360 i:P iskey:0 type:B checksum:292B9CE1 plane_checksum:[F3F98FB2 02828690 02828690] mean:[20 128 128 ] stdev:[27.0 0.0 0.0 ]
Using this command =>
grep showinfo file.txt | grep pts_time:[0-9.]* -o | grep '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' -o > timestamps
I get correctly all pts_time values. But I want to capture "n:X" too! Using grep showinfo file.txt | grep pts_time:[0-9.]* -o | grep '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' -o | grep n:[0-9.]* -o | grep '[0-9]*[0-9]*'
do not work! There are no errors.
The output should be something like this:
Also, to avoid creating a new thread, would be possible convert the second argument (2024.62, 2024.67, etc) to human readable? In this format => hours:minute:seconds.miliseconds? Thank you.
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Views: 585
Reputation: 7831
With sed
and sort
sed -En '/showinfo/s/^.* n:([[:digit:]]{1,}).* pts_time:([[:digit:].]{1,}).*/\1\/\2/p' file.txt | sort
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 955
A solution that is more robust to varying ordering of the columns would be:
grep showinfo file.txt | grep -E 'pts_time:[0-9.]+|n:[0-9]+' -o | sed '$!N;s/\n/ /' | perl -lape '$_ = qq/@{[sort @F]}/' | awk -F'[: ]' '{print $2"/"$4}'
The awk can be replaced with awk -F'[: ]' '{printf "%d/%02d:%02d:%05.2f\n",$2, $4/60/60, $4/60%60, $4%60 }'
as in ( to format
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Reputation: 955
grep is not the best solution to this as it is more natural to search for lines matching a pattern with grep but extract data from a line with another tool such as awk
Here would be a solution using awk:
awk -F'[: ]' '{print $5"/"$9}' file.txt
where each line is split on
or :
and then the 5th column and 9th columns are what you are trying to extract.
awk can also handle converting seconds to HH:MM:SS, see
Upvotes: 1