
Reputation: 2239

Tricky try-catch java code

public class Strange1 {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      Missing m = new Missing();
    } catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError ex) {
      System.out.println("Got it!");

public class Strange2 {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Missing m;
    try {
      m = new Missing();
    } catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError ex) {
      System.out.println("Got it!");

class Missing {
  Missing() { }

If you run Strange1 and Strange2 after deleting Missing.class, Strange1 will throw NoClassDefFoundError; but Strange2 will print Got it!

Can anyone explain that? Thanks.


java bytecode for Strange1 :

     0  new info.liuxuan.test.Missing [16]
     3  dup
     4  invokespecial info.liuxuan.test.Missing() [18]
     7  astore_1 [m]
     8  goto 20
    11  astore_1 [ex]
    12  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]
    15  ldc <String "Got it!"> [25]
    17  invokevirtual : void [27]
    20  return
      Exception Table:
        [pc: 0, pc: 8] -> 11 when : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
      Line numbers:
        [pc: 0, line: 14]
        [pc: 11, line: 15]
        [pc: 12, line: 16]
        [pc: 20, line: 18]
      Local variable table:
        [pc: 0, pc: 21] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]
        [pc: 8, pc: 11] local: m index: 1 type: info.liuxuan.test.Missing
        [pc: 12, pc: 20] local: ex index: 1 type: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

java bytecode for Strange2 :

     0  new info.liuxuan.test.Missing [16]
     3  dup
     4  invokespecial info.liuxuan.test.Missing() [18]
     7  astore_1 [m]
     8  goto 20
    11  astore_2 [ex]
    12  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]
    15  ldc <String "Got it!"> [25]
    17  invokevirtual : void [27]
    20  return
      Exception Table:
        [pc: 0, pc: 8] -> 11 when : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
      Line numbers:
        [pc: 0, line: 15]
        [pc: 11, line: 16]
        [pc: 12, line: 17]
        [pc: 20, line: 19]
      Local variable table:
        [pc: 0, pc: 21] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]
        [pc: 8, pc: 11] local: m index: 1 type: info.liuxuan.test.Missing
        [pc: 12, pc: 20] local: ex index: 2 type: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

There is only one place is different:

11  astore_1 [ex]


11  astore_2 [ex]

updated again:

Everyone can try it in eclipse.

Upvotes: 13

Views: 973

Answers (4)

Daniel Le
Daniel Le

Reputation: 1840


The behavior of both programs depends on the version of javac used to compile them and not the version of java used to run the compiled classes. However, it's easier to use the same javac and java versions.

We'll be using J2SE 5.0 and Java SE 6 because those are the earliest versions where the programs' behavior deviates.

With build 1.5.0_22-b03:

$ jdk1.5.0_22/bin/javac {Strange1,Strange2,Missing}.java
$ rm Missing.class

$ jdk1.5.0_22/bin/java Strange1
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Missing

$ jdk1.5.0_22/bin/java Strange2
Got it!

$ jdk1.5.0_22/bin/javap -c Strange1
Compiled from ""
public class Strange1 extends java.lang.Object{
public Strange1();
   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokespecial   #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   4:   return

public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   0:   new     #2; //class Missing
   3:   dup
   4:   invokespecial   #3; //Method Missing."<init>":()V
   7:   astore_1
   8:   goto    20
   11:  astore_1
   12:  getstatic       #5; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   15:  ldc     #6; //String Got it!
   17:  invokevirtual   #7; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   20:  return
  Exception table:
   from   to  target type
     0     8    11   Class java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError


Compiled from ""
public class Strange2 extends java.lang.Object{
public Strange2();
   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokespecial   #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   4:   return

public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   0:   new     #2; //class Missing
   3:   dup
   4:   invokespecial   #3; //Method Missing."<init>":()V
   7:   astore_1
   8:   goto    20
   11:  astore_2
   12:  getstatic       #5; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   15:  ldc     #6; //String Got it!
   17:  invokevirtual   #7; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   20:  return
  Exception table:
   from   to  target type
     0     8    11   Class java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError


With build 1.6.0_45-b06:

$ jdk1.6.0_45/bin/javac {Strange1,Strange2,Missing}.java
$ rm Missing.class

$ jdk1.6.0_45/bin/java Strange1
Got it!

$ jdk1.6.0_45/bin/java Strange2
Got it!

$ jdk1.6.0_45/bin/javap -c Strange1
<Same output as the corresponding command for J2SE 5.0>

$ jdk1.6.0_45/bin/javap -c Strange2
<Same output as the corresponding command for J2SE 5.0>


The bytecode of Strange1 and Strange2 is nearly identical, except for the mapping of the catch parameter ex to a VM local variable. Strange1 stores it in VM variable 1, i.e., 11: astore_1. Strange2 stores it in VM variable 2, i.e., 11: astore_2.

In both classes, the local variable m is stored in VM variable 1. Both versions of main also have a merge point where the flow of control from two different code paths converge. The merge point is 20: return. It can be reached either by completing the try block normally, i.e., 8: goto 20, or by completing the catch block and falling through from instruction 17.

The existence of the merge point causes an exception during the verification of class Strange1, but not class Strange2 in J2SE 5.0.

JLS, Java SE 6 Edition - Chapter 12 - Execution specifies activities that occur during execution of a program:

The Java Virtual Machine starts up by loading a specified class and then invoking the method main in this specified class. Section §12.1 outlines the loading, linking, and initialization steps involved in executing main, as an introduction to the concepts in this chapter. Further sections specify the details of loading (§12.2), linking (§12.3), and initialization (§12.4).

JLS, Java SE 6 Edition - Section 12.3 - Linking of Classes and Interfaces specifies that the first activity that is involved in linking is verification.

JVMS, Java SE 7 Edition - Section 4.10 - Verification of class Files specifies the two strategies that a VM may use for verification:

There are two strategies that Java Virtual Machine implementations may use for verification:

  • Verification by type checking must be used to verify class files whose version number is greater than or equal to 50.0.

  • Verification by type inference must be supported by all Java Virtual Machine implementations, except those conforming to the Java ME CLDC and Java Card profiles, in order to verify class files whose version number is less than 50.0.

Verification on Java Virtual Machine implementations supporting the Java ME CLDC and Java Card profiles is governed by their respective specifications.

(Verification by type checking was added to JVMS, Second Edition for Java SE 6, and JVMS, Java SE 7 Edition incorporates these changes in a more accessible way.)

Verification by type inference (for class files whose version number is less than 50.0, i.e., Java SE 6)

To merge two local variable array states, corresponding pairs of local variables are compared. If the two types are not identical, then unless both contain reference values, the verifier records that the local variable contains an unusable value. If both of the pair of local variables contain reference values, the merged state contains a reference to an instance of the first common superclass of the two types. JVMS, Second Edition - Section 4.9.2 - The Bytecode Verifier

When instruction 20 is reached from instruction 8 in Strange1.main, VM variable 1 contains an instance of the class Missing. When reached from instruction 17, it contains an instance of the class NoClassDefFoundError.

Because Missing.class has been deleted, the verifier can't load it to determine the first common superclass, and throws a NoClassDefFoundError. Note that there is no stack trace printed for the uncaught exception because it's thrown during verification, before class initialization and long before main begins execution.

Verification by type checking (for class files whose version number is greater than or equal to 50.0, i.e., Java SE 6)

(I've tried my best to follow the rules as precisely as possible. However, they are complex, dense and new to me. Hence, if you spot any mistakes, please feel free to correct them. If you could summarize the rules, that'd be great too.)

Because of the StackMapTable attribute, it's not necessary for the verifier to compute the first common superclass to merge the two VM variable 1's types as in the other strategy. Also, there's no need to actually load classes Missing, NoClassDefFoundError, or any other classes other than Strange1 for verification thanks to the constant pool and how the rules work.

Hence, there are no exceptions during verification. If you modify the catch block to print out the exception's stack trace, you'll see that the exception is thrown during the execution of Strange1.main with a proper stack trace:

# Modify Strange1.main's catch block to print out the exception's stack trace
$ jdk1.6.0_45/bin/javac {Strange1,Missing}.java
$ rm Missing.class

$ jdk1.6.0_45/bin/java Strange1
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Missing
        at Strange1.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Missing
        at Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        ... 1 more
Got it!

The StackMapTable of Strange1:

$ jdk1.6.0_45/bin/javap -verbose Strange1 | tail
   line 10: 20

  StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 2
   frame_type = 75 /* same_locals_1_stack_item */
     stack = [ class java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError ]
   frame_type = 8 /* same */


Let's go through the rules (as the verifier) to prove that Strange1.main is type safe. Each instruction of Strange1.main is verified to be type safe and satisfies all applicable (exception) handlers:

methodWithCodeIsTypeSafe(Strange1Class, MainMethod) :-
    parseCodeAttribute(Strange1Class, MainMethod, FrameSize, MaxStack,
                       ParsedCode, Handlers, StackMap),
    mergeStackMapAndCode(StackMap, ParsedCode, MergedCode),
    methodInitialStackFrame(Strange1Class, MainMethod, FrameSize, StackFrame, ReturnType),
    Environment = environment(Strange1Class, MainMethod, ReturnType, MergedCode,
                              MaxStack, Handlers),
    mergedCodeIsTypeSafe(Environment, MergedCode, StackFrame).
mergedCodeIsTypeSafe(Environment, [instruction(Offset, Parse) | MoreCode],
                     frame(Locals, OperandStack, Flags)) :-
    instructionIsTypeSafe(Parse, Environment, Offset,
                          frame(Locals, OperandStack, Flags),
                          NextStackFrame, ExceptionStackFrame),
    instructionSatisfiesHandlers(Environment, Offset, ExceptionStackFrame),
    mergedCodeIsTypeSafe(Environment, MoreCode, NextStackFrame).
mergedCodeIsTypeSafe(Environment, [stackMap(Offset, MapFrame) | MoreCode],
                     afterGoto) :-
    mergedCodeIsTypeSafe(Environment, MoreCode, MapFrame).
instructionSatisfiesHandlers(Environment, Offset, ExceptionStackFrame) :-
    exceptionHandlers(Environment, Handlers),
    sublist(isApplicableHandler(Offset), Handlers, ApplicableHandlers),
    checklist(instructionSatisfiesHandler(Environment, ExceptionStackFrame),

instructionSatisfiesHandler(Environment, StackFrame, Handler) :-
    /* The stack consists of just the exception. */
    StackFrame = frame(Locals, _, Flags),
    ExcStackFrame = frame(Locals, [ ExceptionClass ], Flags),
    operandStackHasLegalLength(Environment, ExcStackFrame),
    targetIsTypeSafe(Environment, ExcStackFrame, Target).
targetIsTypeSafe(Environment, StackFrame, Target) :-
    offsetStackFrame(Environment, Target, Frame),
    frameIsAssignable(StackFrame, Frame).

Instructions 0-7 are type safe because instructionIsTypeSafe is true and frameIsAssignable(Environment, frame(Locals, [ NoClassDefFoundErrorClass ], Flags), frame(Locals, [ NoClassDefFoundErrorClass ], Flags)) is true for each of them thanks to the first stack map frame for the (exception) handler target at instruction 19 (= 75 - 64):

frame_type = 75 /* same_locals_1_stack_item */
     stack = [ class java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError ]

Instructions 12-17 are type safe thanks to the constant pool and the corresponding rules which are not listed (because they don't make up of the StackMapTable attribute).

There are 3 instructions left to prove their type-safety:

  • 8: goto 20 is type safe thanks to the second stack map frame for the target at instruction 20 (= 75 - 64 + 8 + 1 = 19 + 8 + 1), instructing the verifier that the stack frame there is the same as the previous stack frame at instruction 8:
frame_type = 8 /* same */
instructionIsTypeSafe(goto(Target), Environment, _Offset, StackFrame,
                      afterGoto, ExceptionStackFrame) :-
    targetIsTypeSafe(Environment, StackFrame, Target),
    exceptionStackFrame(StackFrame, ExceptionStackFrame).
  • 11: astore_1 is type safe because the store is type safe, because it can pop a NoClassDefFoundError that is a subtype of reference off the stack (thanks to the first stack map frame again), and then legally assign that type to the local variable 1, i.e., Locals = [arrayOf(String), class(Missing, Lm)] -> NewLocals = [arrayOf(String), class(NoClassDefFoundError, Ln)].
An astore instruction with operand Index is type safe and yields an outgoing type state NextStackFrame, if a store instruction with operand Index and type reference is type safe and yields an outgoing type state NextStackFrame. 

instructionIsTypeSafe(astore(Index), Environment, _Offset, StackFrame,
                      NextStackFrame, ExceptionStackFrame) :- 
    storeIsTypeSafe(Environment, Index, reference, StackFrame, NextStackFrame),
    exceptionStackFrame(StackFrame, ExceptionStackFrame).

More precisely, the store is type safe if one can pop a type ActualType that "matches" Type (that is, is a subtype of Type) off the operand stack (§, and then legally assign that type the local variable LIndex.

storeIsTypeSafe(_Environment, Index, Type,
                frame(Locals, OperandStack, Flags),
                frame(NextLocals, NextOperandStack, Flags)) :-
    popMatchingType(OperandStack, Type, NextOperandStack, ActualType),
    modifyLocalVariable(Index, ActualType, Locals, NextLocals).
  • 20: return is type safe because Strange1.main declares a void return type, and the enclosing method is not an <init> method:
A return instruction is type safe if the enclosing method declares a void return type, and either:

  - The enclosing method is not an <init> method, or

  - this has already been completely initialized at the point where the instruction occurs.

instructionIsTypeSafe(return, Environment, _Offset, StackFrame,
                      afterGoto, ExceptionStackFrame) :- 
    thisMethodReturnType(Environment, void),
    StackFrame = frame(_Locals, _OperandStack, Flags),
    notMember(flagThisUninit, Flags),
    exceptionStackFrame(StackFrame, ExceptionStackFrame).

Upvotes: 0

Manohar Bhattarai
Manohar Bhattarai

Reputation: 97

I created two java files. contained classes Strange1 and Missing. contained Strange2 class. I removed Missing.class. I got "Got it!" from both.

Please see the following details:

manohar@manohar-natty:~$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_25"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_25-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)
manohar@manohar-natty:~$ gedit
manohar@manohar-natty:~$ gedit
manohar@manohar-natty:~$ javac 
manohar@manohar-natty:~$ javac 
manohar@manohar-natty:~$ java Strange1
manohar@manohar-natty:~$ java Strange2
manohar@manohar-natty:~$ rm Missing.class
manohar@manohar-natty:~$ java Strange1
Got it!
manohar@manohar-natty:~$ java Strange2
Got it!

I executed it in Ubuntu 11.04 linux machine.

So it might be the java's version that you are using.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 13501

Prior to saying anything, i doub't this code won't even compile. because when compiler cannot find a class (Since its deleted). may be you are getting an error when trying to compile it using javac command. if thats the case its pretty normal and in no way its weird.

and let me add an another point.. check your imports, to contain Missing class. if it is there then remove it. and tell us whats happening.

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 1331

NoClassDefFoundError is thrown whenever the first reference(declaring or creating an instance) to the missing class is made. Now, throwing an error or catching it depends on whether you use try-catch block for your first reference or not.

Upvotes: 0

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