Reputation: 125
The whole function which i need to convert the for loop in to apply for optimization
plans_achievements <- function(pa_m,pa_q){
if(nrow(pa_m)==0 & nrow(pa_q==0)){
df = data.frame(a = c(""), b = c("No Data Available"))
pa_m= pa_m%>% select(inc,month_year,Plans,Achievements,quarter_year)
colnames(pa_mon)[2] = "Period"
pa_q= pa_q%>% select(inc,quarter_year,Plans,Achievements)
colnames(pa_qtr)[2] = "Period"
df = data.frame(inc=c(""),Period=c(""),Plans=c(""),Achievements=c(""))
for (q in unique(pa_q$Period)){
df1 = pa_q[pa_q$Period==q,]
df1$Period = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Period,"</span>")
df1$Plans = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Plans,"</span>")
df1$Achievements = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Achievements,"</span>")
df = rbind(df,df1)
for (m in unique(pa_m$quarter_year)){
df2 = pa_m[pa_m$quarter_year==q,][-5]
df = rbind(df,df2)
df = df[-1,]
The apply which i tried
my_fun <- function(q){
df1 = pa_qtr[pa_qtr$Period==q,]
df1$Period = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Period,"</span>")
df1$Plans = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Plans,"</span>")
df1$Achievements = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Achievements,"</span>")
df = rbind(df,df1)
df =,lapply(unique(pa_qtr$Period), my_fun))
my_fun2 <- function(m,my_fun){
if (m == q) {
df2 = pa_mon[pa_mon$qtr_yr == q, ][-5]
df = rbind(df,df2)
df =,lapply(unique(pa_mon$qtr_yr), my_fun2))
DT::datatable(plans_achievements(pa_m[pa_m$inc=="vate",],pa_q[pa_q$inc=="vate",]), rownames = F,escape = FALSE,selection=list(mode="single",target="row"),options = list(pageLength = 50,scrollX = TRUE,dom = 'tp',ordering=F,columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets=c(0)),list(className = 'dt-left', targets = '_all'))))
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Views: 3272
Reputation: 3222
comparison is possible only for atomic and list types
I will answer your original question first:
You get the error because you haven't defined q
as a variable inside the function my_fun2
. Since you haven't defined this variable, R will look for it in the global environment. There R will find the function q()
(used to quit R). So you get the error message comparison (1) is possible only for atomic and list types
because R thinks you are trying to compare a number m
with the function q
Here is a small example to make it easy to see:
# Run this in a clean environment
m <- 1
m == b # Understandable error message - "b" is not found
m == q # Your error - because R thinks you are comparing m to a function
You fix this error by making sure that q
is defined inside your function. Either by creating it inside the function, or by supplying it as an input argument.
As I understand your code, you want to format, merge and sort the values in pa_q
and pa_m
, to display them in a html table.
Under is a possible solution, using tidyverse and vectorized operations, rather than a loop or apply functions. Vectorized functions are typically your fastest option in R, as I know you want to optimize your code.
plans_achievements <- function(pa_m, pa_q) {
# I've modified the logic a bit: there is no need to wrap the full function in
# an else statement, since we can return early if the data has no rows
if (nrow(pa_m) == 0 && nrow(pa_q == 0)) {
df = data.frame(a = c(""), b = c("No Data Available"))
colnames(df) = ""
pa_q <-
pa_q %>%
# Select and rename the columns vi need
select(inc, Period = quarter_year, Plans, Achievements, date) %>%
# Format the values
Period = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">", Period,"</span>"),
Plans = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">", Plans,"</span>"),
Achievements = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">", Achievements,"</span>")
pa_m <-
pa_m %>%
# Select and rename the columns we need
select(inc, Period = month_year, Plans, Achievements, date) #%>%
# Combine the datasets
) %>%
# Make sure that R understand date as a date value
date = lubridate::dmy(date)
) %>%
# Sort by date
arrange(desc(date)) %>%
# Remove columns we do not need
select(-date, -inc)
rownames = FALSE,
escape = FALSE,
selection = list(mode = "single", target = "row"),
options = list(
pageLength = 50,
scrollX = TRUE,
dom = 'tp',
ordering = FALSE,
columnDefs = list(
list(className = 'dt-left', targets = '_all')
Hopefully this solves your problem.
Upvotes: 1