Reputation: 48
This is the code:
String newtask = "newTask[\\{] taskId\"(?<id>\\d{1,4})\", username\"\\w([_\\w\\d&&^(bahmanBAHMAN)]){6,15}\\d\", isValid\"(?<isitthough>(no|yes))\", name\"[\\w\\s]*\", address\"(?<address>[\\w\\s]+[-]\\d{8,10})\", date\"(?<date>\\d{8})\", info\"(?<info>[^\"]*)\", price\"(?<price>\\d+\\.{0,1}\\d*)\" "; String changeaddress = "changePlace[\\{] taskId\"(?<idtobechanged>\\d{1,4})\", newAddress\"(?<theaddress>[\\w\\s]+[-]\\d{8,10})\" ";
Pattern addingpat = Pattern.compile(newtask);
String command=scanner.nextLine();
Matcher addingmat = addingpat.matcher(command);
if (addingmat.find())
System.out.println("it has matched");
And what the user will type in terminal:
newTask{ taskId"1", username"AyesItsGoood4", isValid"yes", name"reza", address"LeninGrad-12345678", date"19410908", info"do the task", price"1.57"
It isn't printing anything. I would be really thankful if somone pointed out the problem of this code. Thanks for reading.
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Views: 69
Reputation: 627507
The regex needs to be fixed where you tried to use character class subtraction:
newTask[\{] taskId\"(?<id>\d{1,4})\", username\"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z&&[^bahmnBAHMN]]{6,15}\d\", isValid\"(?<isitthough>no|yes)\", name\"[\w\s]*\", address\"(?<address>[\w\s]+-\d{8,10})\", date\"(?<date>\d{8})\", info\"(?<info>[^\"]*)\", price\"(?<price>\d+\.?\d*)\"
See the regex demo.
The \w([_\w\d&&^(bahmanBAHMAN)]){6,15}\d\"
is replaced with (?!(?i:bahman\"))\w{7,16}\d\"
. Here is why:
- matches a word char (with \w
), then 6-15 occurrences a b
, a
, h
, m
, n
, B
, A
, H
, M
, N
char, and then a digit. This happens because what you used is a character class intersection, and the [_\w\d&&^(bahmanBAHMAN)]
pattern matches only those chars that are present both in the [_\w\d]
and [^(bahmanBAHMAN)]
pattern matches a single ASCII letter, then 6 to 15 ASCII letters other than b
, a
, h
, m
and n
(case insensitive) and then a digit.In Java:
String newtask = "newTask\\{ taskId\"(?<id>\\d{1,4})\", username\"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z&&[^bahmnBAHMN]]{6,15}\\d\", isValid\"(?<isitthough>no|yes)\", name\"[\\w\\s]*\", address\"(?<address>[\\w\\s]+-\\d{8,10})\", date\"(?<date>\\d{8})\", info\"(?<info>[^\"]*)\", price\"(?<price>\\d+\\.?\\d*)\"";
Upvotes: 1