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Trying to conduct a t.test of two sets of data. The code I am writing for this is:
t.test(meansharelocal ~ meanshareglobal)
Each data set has 4 pieces of data, in a column like this in a table:
mean(Share_1) | mean(Share_2) | mean(Share_3) | mean(Share_4) |
1.396552 | 1.034483 | 1.189655 | 1.396552 |
When I run t.test(meansharelocal ~ meanshareglobal)
I receive this error.
Error in model.frame.default(formula = meansharelocal ~ meanshareglobal) : invalid type (list) for variable 'meansharelocal'
Can someone tell me what is going wrong? I am trying to see if the two piece of data are statistically different enough.
This is what I got from Reprex, again, I am new to this so don't know if I accessed this wrong as it is coming up with more errors? But the only error I actually have is the last line!
globalshare <- global %>% mutate_at(c("Share_1", "Share_2", "Share_3", "Share_4"), funs(recode(.,"Extremely likely" = 4, "Somewhat likely" = 3, "Neither likely nor unlikely" = 2, "Somewhat unlikely" = 1, "Extremely unlikely" = 0)))
#> Error in tbl_vars_dispatch(x): object 'global' not found
localshare <- local %>% mutate_at(c("Share_1", "Share_2", "Share_3", "Share_4"), funs(recode(.,"Extremely likely" = 4, "Somewhat likely" = 3, "Neither likely nor unlikely" = 2, "Somewhat unlikely" = 1, "Extremely unlikely" = 0)))
#> Error in UseMethod("tbl_vars"): no applicable method for 'tbl_vars' applied to an object of class "function"
boxplot(globalshare$Share_1, globalshare$Share_2, globalshare$Share_3, globalshare$Share_4,
localshare$Share_1, localshare$Share_2, localshare$Share_3, localshare$Share_4, names=c
("Global1", "Global2", "Global3", "Global4", "Local1", "Local2","Local3", "Local4"))
#> Error in boxplot(globalshare$Share_1, globalshare$Share_2, globalshare$Share_3, : object 'globalshare' not found
meanshareglobal <- globalshare %>% summarise(mean(Share_1), mean(Share_2), mean(Share_3), mean(Share_4))
#> Error in summarise(., mean(Share_1), mean(Share_2), mean(Share_3), mean(Share_4)): object 'globalshare' not found
meansharelocal <- localshare %>% summarise(mean(Share_1), mean(Share_2), mean(Share_3), mean(Share_4))
#> Error in summarise(., mean(Share_1), mean(Share_2), mean(Share_3), mean(Share_4)): object 'localshare' not found
t.test(meanshareglobal ~ meansharelocal)
#> Error in eval(predvars, data, env): object 'meanshareglobal' not found
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Views: 195
Reputation: 1547
If I am understanding from your comments correctly you have wide dataframes of 1 row. Assuming they are the same dimensions you can just transpose and bind them then do your t test.
t.globalshare = t(globalshare)
t.localshare = t(localshare)
combined = cbind(t.globalshare, t.localshare)
t.test(combined, t.globalshare ~ t.localshare)
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