Reputation: 127
I am developing my ANN from scratch which is supposed to classify MNIST database of handwritten digits (0-9). My feed-forward fully connected ANN has to be composed of:
nodes (that is, features of each image)10
nodes (one for each digit)and has to compute gradient w.r.t. weights and bias thanks to backpropagation algorithm and, finally, it should learn exploiting gradient descent with momentum algorithm.
The loss function is: cross_entropy
on "softmax
ed" network's outputs, since the task is about classification.
Each hidden neuron is activated by the same activation function, I've chosen the relu
; meanwhile the output's neurons are activated by the identity
The dataset has been divided into:
training pairs (image, label)
- for the training10.000
validation pairs (image, label)
- for evaluation and select the network which minimize the validation loss10.000
testing pairs (image, label)
- for testing the model picked using new metrics such as accuracyThese are my model's performance while setting momentum=0
E(0) train_loss: 2.301786738121001 val_loss: 2.2994577097345617 val_acc: 23.56 %
E(1) train_loss: 2.2991744480572343 val_loss: 2.296530889826395 val_acc: 29.89 %
E(2) train_loss: 2.296323002364101 val_loss: 2.293134932028432 val_acc: 41.61 %
E(3) train_loss: 2.292997264176795 val_loss: 2.2892840055440327 val_acc: 51.93 %
E(4) train_loss: 2.289205636611801 val_loss: 2.284964446087791 val_acc: 57.940000000000005 %
E(5) train_loss: 2.2849313671784017 val_loss: 2.2800769150410987 val_acc: 61.39 %
E(20) train_loss: 2.128675183264704 val_loss: 2.1153764655253786 val_acc: 71.5 %
E(21) train_loss: 2.115737487239871 val_loss: 2.103016381586049 val_acc: 71.81 %
E(22) train_loss: 2.1033723914989033 val_loss: 2.09129407935966 val_acc: 72.2 %
E(23) train_loss: 2.0916433841088193 val_loss: 2.0802291350772184 val_acc: 72.64 %
E(24) train_loss: 2.0805733252196545 val_loss: 2.0698172384698634 val_acc: 73.1 %
E(25) train_loss: 2.07015863838244 val_loss: 2.0600228749852607 val_acc: 73.66 %
E(26) train_loss: 2.060366249549054 val_loss: 2.050812363686796 val_acc: 74.08 %
E(27) train_loss: 2.0511624437505502 val_loss: 2.0421217005452292 val_acc: 74.44 %
E(28) train_loss: 2.0424852700109315 val_loss: 2.033921555913856 val_acc: 75.01 %
E(29) train_loss: 2.0343013393831604 val_loss: 2.0261291568059194 val_acc: 75.44 %
E(30) train_loss: 2.0265347059971788 val_loss: 2.018748492117326 val_acc: 75.97 %
E(49) train_loss: 1.9430938246889078 val_loss: 1.9329753111083592 val_acc: 81.16 %
Validation loss is minimum at epoch 49
Accuracy score on test set is: 81.81 %
As you can see when momentum=0
my learning rule is the (vanilla) gradient descent. Unfortunately when I set momentum=0.9
(or any other value), the learning seems not the work properly:
E(0) train_loss: 2.302783139685314 val_loss: 2.2992788953305396 val_acc: 19.950000000000003 %
E(1) train_loss: 2.2993850383518213 val_loss: 2.2848443220743024 val_acc: 20.979999999999997 %
E(2) train_loss: 2.2852413073649185 val_loss: 2.2245098593332324 val_acc: 24.29 %
E(3) train_loss: 2.2256566385909484 val_loss: 2.052373637528151 val_acc: 34.74 %
E(4) train_loss: 2.054457510557211 val_loss: 1.7725185209449252 val_acc: 38.74 %
E(5) train_loss: 1.7750945816727548 val_loss: 4.766960950639445 val_acc: 23.73 %
E(20) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(21) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(22) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(23) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(24) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(25) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(26) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(27) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(28) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(29) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(30) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
E(49) train_loss: 629.5534744116509 val_loss: 629.269795928194 val_acc: 11.27 %
Validation loss is minimum at epoch 4
Accuracy score on test set is: 11.360000000000001 %
What am I missing? What's the problem? The Gradient Descent with momentum formula is:
This is my code:
from mnist.loader import MNIST
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
import numpy as np
def accuracy_score(targets, predictions):
predictions = softmax(predictions)
correct_predictions = 0
for item in range(np.shape(predictions)[1]):
argmax_idx = np.argmax(predictions[:, item])
if targets[argmax_idx, item] == 1:
correct_predictions += 1
return correct_predictions / np.shape(predictions)[1]
def one_hot(targets):
return np.asmatrix(np.eye(10)[targets]).T
def plot(epochs, loss_train, loss_val):
plt.plot(epochs, loss_train)
plt.plot(epochs, loss_val, color="orange")
plt.legend(["Training Loss", "Validation Loss"])
def identity(a, derivative=False):
f_a = a
if derivative:
return np.ones(np.shape(a))
return f_a
def relu(a, derivative=False):
f_a = np.maximum(0, a)
if derivative:
return (a > 0) * 1
return f_a
def softmax(y):
epsilon = 10 ** -308
e_y = np.exp(y - np.max(y, axis=0))
sm = e_y / np.sum(e_y, axis=0)
return np.clip(sm, epsilon, 1 - epsilon)
def cross_entropy(y, t, derivative=False, post_process=True):
if post_process:
if derivative:
return y - t
sm = softmax(y)
item_loss = -np.sum(np.multiply(t, np.log(sm)), axis=0)
return np.mean(item_loss)
class NeuralNetwork:
def __init__(self):
self.layers = []
def add(self, layer):
def build(self):
for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
if i == 0:
layer.type = "input"
layer.type = "output" if i == len(self.layers) - 1 else "hidden"
layer.configure(self.layers[i - 1].neurons)
def fit(self, X_train, targets_train, X_val, targets_val, max_epochs=50):
e_loss_train = []
e_loss_val = []
# Getting the minimum loss on validation set
predictions_val = self.predict(X_val)
min_loss_val = cross_entropy(predictions_val, targets_val)
best_net = self # net which minimize validation loss
best_epoch = 0 # epoch where the validation loss is minimum
# batch mode
for epoch in range(max_epochs):
predictions_train = self.predict(X_train)
self.back_prop(targets_train, cross_entropy)
self.learning_rule(l_rate=0.000005, momentum=0.9)
loss_train = cross_entropy(predictions_train, targets_train)
# Validation
predictions_val = self.predict(X_val)
loss_val = cross_entropy(predictions_val, targets_val)
print(f"E({epoch}) "
f"train_loss: {loss_train} "
f"val_loss: {loss_val} "
f"val_acc: {accuracy_score(targets_val, predictions_val) * 100} %")
if loss_val < min_loss_val:
min_loss_val = loss_val
best_epoch = epoch
best_net = self
print(f"Validation loss is minimum at epoch {best_epoch}")
plot(np.arange(max_epochs), e_loss_train, e_loss_val)
return best_net
# Matrix of predictions where the i-th column corresponds to the i-th item
def predict(self, dataset):
z = dataset
for layer in self.layers:
z = layer.forward_prop_step(z)
return z
def back_prop(self, target, loss):
for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers[:0:-1]):
next_layer = self.layers[-i]
prev_layer = self.layers[-i - 2]
layer.back_prop_step(next_layer, prev_layer, target, loss)
def learning_rule(self, l_rate, momentum):
# Momentum GD
for layer in [layer for layer in self.layers if layer.type != "input"]:
layer.update_weights(l_rate, momentum)
layer.update_bias(l_rate, momentum)
class Layer:
def __init__(self, neurons, type=None, activation=None):
self.dE_dW = None # derivatives dE/dW where W is the weights matrix
self.dE_db = None # derivatives dE/db where b is the bias
self.dact_a = None # derivative of the activation function
self.out = None # layer output
self.weights = None # input weights
self.bias = None # layer bias
self.w_sum = None # weighted_sum
self.neurons = neurons # number of neurons
self.type = type # input, hidden or output
self.activation = activation # activation function
self.deltas = None # for back-prop
self.diff_w = None # for momentum
self.diff_b = None # for momentum
def configure(self, prev_layer_neurons):
self.weights = np.asmatrix(np.random.uniform(-0.02, 0.02, (self.neurons, prev_layer_neurons)))
self.bias = np.asmatrix(np.random.uniform(-0.02, 0.02, self.neurons)).T
self.diff_w = np.asmatrix(np.zeros(shape=np.shape(self.weights)))
self.diff_b = np.asmatrix(np.zeros(shape=np.shape(self.bias)))
def set_activation(self):
if self.activation is None:
if self.type == "hidden":
self.activation = relu
elif self.type == "output":
self.activation = identity
def forward_prop_step(self, z):
if self.type == "input":
self.out = z
self.w_sum =, z) + self.bias
self.out = self.activation(self.w_sum)
return self.out
def back_prop_step(self, next_layer, prev_layer, target, local_loss):
if self.type == "output":
self.dact_a = self.activation(self.w_sum, derivative=True)
self.deltas = np.multiply(self.dact_a,
local_loss(self.out, target, derivative=True))
self.dact_a = self.activation(self.w_sum, derivative=True) # (m,batch_size)
self.deltas = np.multiply(self.dact_a,, next_layer.deltas))
self.dE_dW = self.deltas * prev_layer.out.T
self.dE_db = np.sum(self.deltas, axis=1)
def update_weights(self, l_rate, momentum):
self.weights = self.weights - l_rate * self.dE_dW + momentum * self.diff_w
self.diff_w = np.copy(self.weights)
# Vanilla GD
# self.weights = self.weights - l_rate * self.dE_dW
def update_bias(self, l_rate, momentum):
self.bias = self.bias - l_rate * self.dE_db + momentum * self.diff_b
self.diff_b = np.copy(self.bias)
# Vanilla GD
# self.bias = self.bias - l_rate * self.dE_db
if __name__ == '__main__':
mndata = MNIST(path="data", return_type="numpy")
X_train, targets_train = mndata.load_training() # 60.000 images, 28*28 features
X_test, targets_test = mndata.load_testing() # 10.000 images, 28*28 features
X_train, targets_train = shuffle(X_train, targets_train.T)
# Data pre processing
X_train = X_train / 255 # normalization within [0;1]
X_test = X_test / 255 # normalization within [0;1]
X_train = X_train.T # data transposition
X_test = X_test.T # data transposition
# Split
X_val, X_train = np.hsplit(X_train, [10000])
targets_val, targets_train = np.hsplit(targets_train, [10000])
# One hot
targets_train = one_hot(targets_train)
targets_val = one_hot(targets_val)
targets_test = one_hot(targets_test)
net = NeuralNetwork()
d = np.shape(X_train)[0] # number of features, 28x28
c = np.shape(targets_train)[0] # number of classes, 10
# Net creation
for m in (d, 100, c):
best_net =, targets_train, X_val, targets_val, max_epochs=50)
# Testing
predictions_test = best_net.predict(X_test)
accuracy_test = accuracy_score(targets_test, predictions_test)
print(f"Accuracy score on test set is: {accuracy_test * 100} %")
Upvotes: 0
Views: 188
Reputation: 66825
As mentioned by @xdurch0 the update rule is invalid
def update_weights(self, l_rate, momentum):
self.weights = self.weights - l_rate * self.dE_dW + momentum * self.diff_w
self.diff_w = np.copy(self.weights)
def update_bias(self, l_rate, momentum):
self.bias = self.bias - l_rate * self.dE_db + momentum * self.diff_b
self.diff_b = np.copy(self.bias)
should be
def update_weights(self, l_rate, momentum):
self.diff_w = l_rate * self.dE_dW + momentum * self.diff_w
self.weights = self.weights - self.diff_w
def update_bias(self, l_rate, momentum):
self.diff_b = l_rate * self.dE_db + momentum * self.diff_b
self.bias = self.bias - self.diff_b
Momentum means "apply the previous update" again, with slowly decaying factor in front of it.
Upvotes: 1