Reputation: 51
I am trying to solve the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equation in Python with the library FiPy. It is basically a set of equations that describes - in my example - the separation of two ion concentrations in a solution with a potential gradient. Like mixing salt in water and then applying a voltage-difference between both ends of the solution. The equations are:
And the boundary conditions:
I manage to get a converging solution, but it is not the solution I'd like. Specifically, I get that Cp and Cn always converge to be spatially constant, and 𝜙 is always linear. It seems like 𝜙 is indifferent to initial conditions. Even setting internal fixed point (based on this answer) turns 𝜙 to be linear with a break point, which doesn't help.
The solution I look for should be that 𝜙 is more like a sigmoid, and Cp and Cn get high values around the edges and low values in the center.
I really would appreciate help!
from fipy import *
# Constants
Lx = 10
nx = 1000
dx = Lx / nx # mm
D = 1
epsilon = 1
# FiPy
mesh = Grid1D(dx=dx, Lx=Lx)
x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
Cp = CellVariable(name="$C_p$", mesh=mesh, hasOld=True)
Cn = CellVariable(name="$C_n$", mesh=mesh, hasOld=True)
phi = CellVariable(name="$\phi$", mesh=mesh, hasOld=True)
viewer = Viewer((Cp, Cn, phi), limits={"ymax":5, "ymin":-5})
# Initial
# phi.setValue(6/(1+numerix.exp(-(x-4)))-3) # Sigmoid
# Boundry
Cp.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.facesRight)
Cp.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.facesLeft)
Cn.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.facesRight)
Cn.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.facesLeft)
phi.constrain(3, mesh.facesRight)
phi.constrain(-3, mesh.facesLeft)
# Equations
Cp_diff_eq = TransientTerm(coeff=1, var=Cp) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=D, var=Cp) + DiffusionTerm(coeff=D*Cp, var=phi)
Cn_diff_eq = TransientTerm(coeff=1, var=Cn) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=D, var=Cn) - DiffusionTerm(coeff=D*Cn, var=phi)
poission_eq = DiffusionTerm(coeff=epsilon, var=phi) == (ImplicitSourceTerm(var=Cn) - ImplicitSourceTerm(var=Cp))
equations = poission_eq & Cp_diff_eq & Cn_diff_eq
# Simulation
timestep = 0.01
time_final = 20
desired_residual = 1e-2
time = 0
i = 0
while time < time_final:
residual = 1e10
while residual > desired_residual:
residual = equations.sweep(dt=timestep)
if i % 10 == 0:
time_inc = timestep
time += time_inc
i += 1
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