
Reputation: 205

How to fuse Visual SLAM (ORB_SLAM2) with detected obstacle using 2D Lidar and IMU to obtain robot localization?

I would like to fuse Visual SLAM (ORB_SLAM2) with detected obstacle using 2D Lidar and IMU to obtain robot localization(lateral position and heading angle of the robot). Already successfully detected the obstacles around using the 2D Lidar. So from my code I have the Center X,Y of the obstacle and also the angle. Here the obstacle detection code. Also the scan_matching node gives 2DPose

#include "../include/obstacle_detector.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace obstacle_detector;

ObstacleDetector::ObstacleDetector() : nh_(""), nh_local_("~") {

  if (p_use_scan_)
    scan_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("/scan", 1, &ObstacleDetector::scanCallback, this);
  else if (p_use_pcl_)
    pcl_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("pcl", 10, &ObstacleDetector::pclCallback, this);

  obstacles_pub_ = nh_.advertise<obstacle_detector::Obstacles>("obstacles", 5);

  ROS_INFO("Obstacle Detector [OK]");

void ObstacleDetector::updateParams() {
  nh_local_.param<std::string>("world_frame", p_world_frame_, "world");
  nh_local_.param<std::string>("scanner_frame", p_scanner_frame_, "laser_frame");

  nh_local_.param<bool>("use_scan", p_use_scan_, true);
  nh_local_.param<bool>("use_pcl", p_use_pcl_, false);
  nh_local_.param<bool>("transform_to_world", p_transform_to_world, true);
  nh_local_.param<bool>("use_split_and_merge", p_use_split_and_merge_, false);

  nh_local_.param<int>("min_group_points", p_min_group_points_, 3);

  nh_local_.param<double>("max_group_distance", p_max_group_distance_, 0.100);
  nh_local_.param<double>("distance_proportion", p_distance_proportion_, 0.006136);
  nh_local_.param<double>("max_split_distance", p_max_split_distance_, 0.100);
  nh_local_.param<double>("max_merge_separation", p_max_merge_separation_, 0.200);
  nh_local_.param<double>("max_merge_spread", p_max_merge_spread_, 0.070);
  nh_local_.param<double>("max_circle_radius", p_max_circle_radius_, 0.300);
  nh_local_.param<double>("radius_enlargement", p_radius_enlargement_, 0.050);

  nh_local_.param<double>("max_scanner_range", p_max_scanner_range_, 5.0);
  nh_local_.param<double>("max_x_range", p_max_x_range_, 2.0);
  nh_local_.param<double>("min_x_range", p_min_x_range_, -2.0);
  nh_local_.param<double>("max_y_range", p_max_y_range_, 2.0);
  nh_local_.param<double>("min_y_range", p_min_y_range_, -2.0);

void ObstacleDetector::scanCallback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& scan) {

  double phi = scan->angle_min - scan->angle_increment;

  for (const float r : scan->ranges) {
    phi += scan->angle_increment;

    if (r >= scan->range_min && r <= scan->range_max && r <= p_max_scanner_range_)
      initial_points_.push_back(Point::fromPoolarCoords(r, phi));


void ObstacleDetector::pclCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud::ConstPtr& pcl) {

  for (const geometry_msgs::Point32& p : pcl->points)
    if (Point(p.x, p.y).lengthSquared() <= pow(p_max_scanner_range_, 2.0))
      initial_points_.push_back(Point(p.x, p.y));


void ObstacleDetector::processPoints() {



  if (p_transform_to_world)


void ObstacleDetector::groupPointsAndDetectSegments() {
  list<Point> point_set;

  for (const Point& point : initial_points_) {
    if (point_set.size() != 0) {
      double r = point.length();

      if ((point - point_set.back()).lengthSquared() > pow(p_max_group_distance_ + r * p_distance_proportion_, 2.0)) {

  detectSegments(point_set); // Check the last point set too!

void ObstacleDetector::detectSegments(list<Point>& point_set) {
  if (point_set.size() < p_min_group_points_)

  Segment segment(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(1.0, 0.0));
  if (p_use_split_and_merge_)
    segment = fitSegment(point_set);
  else // Use Iterative End Point Fit
    segment = Segment(point_set.front(), point_set.back());

  list<Point>::iterator set_divider;
  double max_distance = 0.0;
  double distance     = 0.0;

  // Seek the point of division; omit first and last point of the set
  for (auto point_itr = ++point_set.begin(); point_itr != --point_set.end(); ++point_itr) {
    if ((distance = segment.distanceTo(*point_itr)) >= max_distance) {
      double r = (*point_itr).length();

      if (distance > p_max_split_distance_ + r * p_distance_proportion_) {
        max_distance = distance;
        set_divider = point_itr;

  if (max_distance > 0.0) { // Split the set
    point_set.insert(set_divider, *set_divider);  // Clone the dividing point for each group

    list<Point> subset1, subset2;
    subset1.splice(subset1.begin(), point_set, point_set.begin(), set_divider);
    subset2.splice(subset2.begin(), point_set, set_divider, point_set.end());

  } else {  // Add the segment
    if (!p_use_split_and_merge_)
      segment = fitSegment(point_set);

    if (segment.length() > 0.0) {
      segments_.back().point_set().assign(point_set.begin(), point_set.end());

void ObstacleDetector::mergeSegments() {
  for (auto i = segments_.begin(); i != segments_.end(); ++i) {
    auto j = i;
    for (++j; j != segments_.end(); ++j) {
      if (compareAndMergeSegments(*i, *j)) {  // If merged - a new segment appeared at the end of the list
        auto temp_ptr = i;
        i = segments_.insert(i, segments_.back()); // Copy new segment in place; i now points to new segment
        segments_.pop_back();       // Remove the new segment from the back of the list
        segments_.erase(temp_ptr);  // Remove the first merged segment
        segments_.erase(j);         // Remove the second merged segment
        if (i != segments_.begin())
          i--;                      // The for loop will increment i so let it point to new segment in next iteration

bool ObstacleDetector::compareAndMergeSegments(Segment& s1, Segment& s2) {
  if (&s1 == &s2)
    return false;

  // Segments must be provided counter-clockwise
  if (s1.first_point().cross(s2.first_point()) < 0.0)
    return compareAndMergeSegments(s2, s1);

  if ((s1.last_point() - s2.first_point()).length() < p_max_merge_separation_) {
    list<Point> merged_points;
    merged_points.insert(merged_points.begin(), s1.point_set().begin(), s1.point_set().end());
    merged_points.insert(merged_points.end(), s2.point_set().begin(), s2.point_set().end());

    Segment s = fitSegment(merged_points);

    if (s.distanceTo(s1.first_point()) < p_max_merge_spread_ &&
        s.distanceTo(s1.last_point())  < p_max_merge_spread_ &&
        s.distanceTo(s2.first_point()) < p_max_merge_spread_ &&
        s.distanceTo(s2.last_point())  < p_max_merge_spread_) {
      segments_.back().point_set().assign(merged_points.begin(), merged_points.end());
      return true;

  return false;

void ObstacleDetector::detectCircles() {
  for (const Segment& s : segments_) {
    Circle c(s);
    c.setRadius(c.radius() + p_radius_enlargement_);

    if (c.radius() < p_max_circle_radius_)

void ObstacleDetector::mergeCircles() {
  for (auto i = circles_.begin(); i != circles_.end(); ++i) {
    auto j = i;
    for (++j; j != circles_.end(); ++j) {
      if (compareAndMergeCircles(*i, *j)) {      // If merged - a new circle appeared at the end of the list
        auto temp_ptr = i;
        i = circles_.insert(i, circles_.back()); // i now points to new circle
        if (i != circles_.begin())

bool ObstacleDetector::compareAndMergeCircles(Circle& c1, Circle& c2) {
  // If circle c1 is fully inside c2 - merge and leave as c2
  if (c1.radius() + ( - <= c2.radius()) {
    return true;

  // If circle c2 is fully inside c1 - merge and leave as c1
  if (c2.radius() + ( - <= c1.radius()) {
    return true;

  // If circles intersect and are 'small' - merge
  if (c1.radius() + c2.radius() >= ( - {
    Segment s(,;
    Circle c(s);
    c.setRadius(c.radius() + max(c1.radius(), c2.radius()));

    if (c.radius() < p_max_circle_radius_) {
      return true;
  return false;

void ObstacleDetector::transformToWorld() {
  geometry_msgs::PointStamped point_l;  // Point in local (scanner) coordinate frame
  geometry_msgs::PointStamped point_w;  // Point in global (world) coordinate frame

  point_l.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
  point_l.header.frame_id = p_scanner_frame_;

  point_w.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
  point_w.header.frame_id = p_world_frame_;

  try {
    tf_listener_.waitForTransform(p_world_frame_, p_scanner_frame_, ros::Time::now(), ros::Duration(3.0));

    for (auto it = circles_.begin(); it != circles_.end(); ++it) {
      if (it->center().x < p_max_x_range_ && it->center().x > p_min_x_range_ &&
          it->center().y < p_max_y_range_ && it->center().y > p_min_y_range_)
        point_l.point.x = it->center().x;
        point_l.point.y = it->center().y;
        tf_listener_.transformPoint(p_world_frame_, point_l, point_w);
        it->setCenter(point_w.point.x, point_w.point.y);
      else {
        it = circles_.erase(it);

    for (Segment& s : segments_) {
      point_l.point.x = s.first_point().x;
      point_l.point.y = s.first_point().y;
      tf_listener_.transformPoint(p_world_frame_, point_l, point_w);
      s.setFirstPoint(point_w.point.x, point_w.point.y);

      point_l.point.x = s.last_point().x;
      point_l.point.y = s.last_point().y;
      tf_listener_.transformPoint(p_world_frame_, point_l, point_w);
      s.setLastPoint(point_w.point.x, point_w.point.y);
  catch (tf::TransformException ex) {

void ObstacleDetector::publishObstacles() {
  Obstacles obstacles;
  obstacles.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

  if (p_transform_to_world)
    obstacles.header.frame_id = p_world_frame_;
    obstacles.header.frame_id = p_scanner_frame_;

  for (const Segment& s : segments_) {
    obstacle_detector::SegmentObstacle segment;

    segment.first_point.x = s.first_point().x;
    segment.first_point.y = s.first_point().y;
    segment.last_point.x = s.last_point().x;
    segment.last_point.y = s.last_point().y;


  for (const Circle& c : circles_) {
    obstacle_detector::CircleObstacle circle; =; =;
    circle.radius = c.radius();



int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  ros::init(argc, argv, "obstacle_detector");
  ObstacleDetector od;
  return 0;

So now I would like to update the robot’s estimated pose by fusing the result with the Visual SLAM (ORB_SLAM2) , because the 2D LIDAR can’t estimate the longitudinal position.So with visual SLAM fusion will have information about the desired position in the isle.But Im not sure how to fuse them. Any help?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 595

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1245

First of all, here are some things I would suggest:

You say you have the following data/topics:

  1. Current speed and yawrate calculated from wheel speed.
  2. /robot/data/twist Twist data created from vehicle speed and IMU data.
  3. /robot/data/vslam_localization/pose Output pose from ORB_SLAM
  4. /camera/left/image_raw and /camera/right/image_raw Images from camera
  5. /scan YDLidar scan
  6. /imu/sensor_msgs/Imu IMU data

Here is what I would do:

Create raw odometry

Use the sensor data from your motors to create a nav_msgs/Odometry topic. This should not include imu data.

Create pose from lidar and map

This can be done with e.g. AMCL to get geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped.

Add confidence as covariance matrix to ORB SLAM2 pose

Not too sure how I would do this. From a quick look at the documentation. ORB SLAM publishes only a tf frame from which you extract the pose, I assume. To be able to merge this data you need a measurement of confidence in form of a covariance matrix. There ore multiple ways to add this. The "simple" way, would be to calculate a static covariance matrix from some test data. The "good" way would be to use ORB SLAM2's confidence to create the covariance matrix dynamically.

Merging/Fusing all the data together

Here I would suggest robot_localization. Using the following data:

Make sure that all those topics have correct time stamps and a valid covariance matrix. All the input data should also be independent (in a sense of never using the same sensor information twice) of one another.

Upvotes: 1

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