Reputation: 684
I have a dataframe where I need to create a new column of values using the strings in Issue_key
column and form the strings of values from the Issue_description
is what I am seeking. I have used the lag
and summarise
functions from dplyr
but it's not the correct approach.
input <- data.frame(
Issue_Key = c("KLM391",
Issue_description = c("L",
Issue_description_needed = c(
Issue_Key Issue_description Issue_description_needed
1 KLM391 L L
2 KLM391.01 M1 L.M1
3 KLM391.01.0999993 O123 L.M1.O123
4 KLM391.01.0999993.898 P1234 L.M1.O123.P1234
5 KLM391.01.0999993.898.asds Q12345 L.M1.O123.P1234.Q12345
6 KLM391.01.0999993.898.tyut Q67809 L.M1.O123.P1234.Q67809
7 KLM391.02 M2 L.M2
8 KLM391.02.0999993 XYq12 L.M2.XYq12
9 KLM391.02.0999996 46525 L.M2.46525
10 KLM391.04 M4 L.M4
11 KLM391.04.0999991 4hrh4 L.M4.4hrh4
12 KLM391.04.0999998 fg785 L.M4.fg785
I have searched the forum with best of my knowledge:
R: Collapse partial duplicate rows into one row by ID but with different conditions per column
How do I group together string rows with partial matching strings and then sum them together?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 80
Reputation: 684
I used @r2evans response and formulated this answer which solves my problem at a considerable speed but doesn't solve fully (continue question here Having issues accumulating values from one column based on keys in another column):
fun <- function(st) strcapture("(.*)[.][^.]+$", st, list(L=""))$L
input <- input %>%
mutate(K = fun(Issue_Key))
while (TRUE) {
input <- left_join(input, select(input, Issue_Key, iss = Issue_description), by = c("K" = "Issue_Key")) %>%
Issue_description= if_else(, Issue_description,
if_else(Issue_Key == K, Issue_description, paste(iss, Issue_description, sep = "."))),
K = fun(K)) %>%
if (all($K))) break
input$K <- NULL
# Update the PROJ_NAME column to include repeated parts for each unique PROJ_NAME
input$Issue_description <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(input$Issue_description), "\\."), function(x) {
unique_parts <- unique(x)
paste(unique_parts, collapse = ".")
# Print the updated dataframe
1 KLM391 L
2 KLM391.02 L.M2
3 KLM391.01 L.M1
4 KLM391.04 L.M4
5 KLM391.01.0999993 L.M1.O123
6 KLM391.01.0999993.898 L.M1.O123.P1234
7 KLM391.01.0999993.898.asds L.M1.O123.P1234.Q12345
8 KLM391.01.0999993.898.tyut L.M1.O123.P1234.Q67809
9 KLM391.02.0999993 L.M2.XYq12
10 KLM391.02.0999996 L.M2.46525
11 KLM391.04.0999991 L.M4.4hrh4
12 KLM391.04.0999998 L.M4.fg785
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 79208
You could write a function to do the substitution/replacement.
Since the replacement is non-unique ie 0999993
is to be replaced with both O123
and XYq12
we write two functions.
my_sub <- function(x, y){
fn <- function(x, y){
idx <- !grepl(".", x, fixed = TRUE)
if(!is.null(nms<-names(x))) idx <- idx &
names(x)[idx] <- y[idx]
x[!idx] <- Reduce(\(i,j)gsub(j, '', i, fixed = TRUE), x[idx], init = x[!idx])
x[!idx] <- trimws(x[!idx], whitespace = '[.]')
Recall(x, y)
else x
r <- fn(x, y)
z <- mapply(gsub, r, names(r), x, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
Reduce(\(i,j)gsub(r[j], y[j], i), seq(x), init=z)
cbind(input[1:2],new = my_sub(input[,1], input[, 2]))
#> Issue_Key Issue_description new
#> 1 KLM391 L L
#> 2 KLM391.02 M2 L.M2
#> 3 KLM391.01 M1 L.M1
#> 4 KLM391.04 M4 L.M4
#> 5 KLM391.01.0999993 O123 L.M1.O123
#> 6 KLM391.01.0999993.898 P1234 L.M1.O123.P1234
#> 7 KLM391.01.0999993.898.asds Q12345 L.M1.O123.P1234.Q12345
#> 8 KLM391.01.0999993.898.tyut Q67809 L.M1.O123.P1234.Q67809
#> 9 KLM391.02.0999993 XYq12 L.M2.XYq12
#> 10 KLM391.02.0999996 46525 L.M2.46525
#> 11 KLM391.04.0999991 4hrh4 L.M4.4hrh4
#> 12 KLM391.04.0999998 fg785 L.M4.fg785
Created on 2023-07-11 with reprex v2.0.2
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 18632
Using some tidyverse
input |>
mutate(split = str_split(Issue_Key, "\\."),
needed = map(split, ~ str_flatten(Issue_description[match(accumulate(.x, paste, sep = "."), Issue_Key)], "."))) |>
How it works
that splits up Issue_Key
delimited by "."
and for each row we do the following. Using row 5 as an example:.x
on row 5 resolves to c("KLM391", "01", "0999993")
and we use accumulate
to paste
this into these substrings: c("KLM391", "KLM391.01", "KLM391.01.0999993")
Next we use match
to get the row indicies in Issue_Key
that matches c("KLM391", "KLM391.01", "KLM391.01.0999993")
, which would be c(1, 3, 5)
Finally, we use these indices to simply look up Issue_description
(e.g., Issue_description[c(1, 3, 5)]
) and collapse everything into one string using str_flatten
again delimited by "."
Issue_Key Issue_description Issue_description_needed needed
1 KLM391 L L L
2 KLM391.02 M2 L.M2 L.M2
3 KLM391.01 M1 L.M1 L.M1
4 KLM391.04 M4 L.M4 L.M4
5 KLM391.01.0999993 O123 L.M1.O123 L.M1.O123
6 KLM391.01.0999993.898 P1234 L.M1.O123.P1234 L.M1.O123.P1234
7 KLM391.01.0999993.898.asds Q12345 L.M1.O123.P1234.Q12345 L.M1.O123.P1234.Q12345
8 KLM391.01.0999993.898.tyut Q67809 L.M1.O123.P1234.Q67809 L.M1.O123.P1234.Q67809
9 KLM391.02.0999993 XYq12 L.M2.XYq12 L.M2.XYq12
10 KLM391.02.0999996 46525 L.M2.46525 L.M2.46525
11 KLM391.04.0999991 4hrh4 L.M4.4hrh4 L.M4.4hrh4
12 KLM391.04.0999998 fg785 L.M4.fg785 L.M4.fg785
Upvotes: 2