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I am working on a project to count vehicles on the road without drawing a line using (yolo) when he detects a vehicle he counts it. enter image description here
I want to reach this value (3 cars) in yolo? To perform some operations on it and display it, if someone can help me?
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Views: 2082
Reputation: 21
Here is a solution you can try.
# load your model
model = YOLO(model_path)
# save results
res = model.predict(image_file_path)
# save class label names
names = res[0].names # same as model.names
# store number of objects detected per class label
class_detections_values = []
for k, v in names.items():
# create dictionary of objects detected per class
classes_detected = dict(zip(names.values(), class_detections_values))
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To get the count of the same class objects from the results, you need to get the id of this class in model.names
, and count the appearance of this value in the results[0].boxes.cls
(takes all detected objects in the image and gets their class_ids).
# define the model
model = YOLO('')
# run inference on the source image
results = model('image.jpg')
# get the model names list
names = model.names
# get the 'car' class id
car_id = list(names)[list(names.values()).index('car')]
# count 'car' objects in the results
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