
Reputation: 1055

Lua - How to log nested table access/writes without creating a "proxy" index outside of the metatable?

There's a method where you'd be doing something like this to the original table.

function setproxy(t)
  new_t = {proxy = t}
  setmetatable(new_t, mt)
  return new_t

However, if you'd be printing out t, you'd get this: t["proxy"].

So I was wondering how to do the nested logging, in this fashion:

local Settings = {}
Settings.example = "Value"

local proxyTable = setmetatable({}, {
    __index = Settings,
    __newindex = function(t, k, v)
        print(t, k, v)
        Settings[k] = v

proxyTable.example = "value"

With the exception that it supports nesting as well.


It can be a pain to figure out what is going on with this complexity.

So far I had this approach, but I am not sure if it's correct:

local table1 = {
    table2 = {}

local function newProxy(tbl)
    local mt = {}
    mt.__index = tbl
    mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v)
        print(t, k, v)

        if (type(v) == "table") then
            v = newProxy(v)

    local newProxy = setmetatable(tbl, mt)
    return newProxy

local proxyTable = setmetatable({},
    __index = table1,

    __newindex = function(t, k, v)
        print(t, k, v)

        if (type(v) == "table") then
            v = newProxy(v)


for k,v in pairs(table1) do
    if (type(v) == "table") then
        v = newProxy(v)
    rawset(proxyTable, k, v)

proxyTable.table2.a = {val = "value"}
proxyTable.table2.a.b = {a="a"}
proxyTable.table2.a.b.c = "hi"

for k,v in pairs(proxyTable) do

point of the a.val

is to test cases, because when I tried to do this, a would have reset back to {} if I created a table inside of it.

And it was all depending on local newProxy = setmetatable(tbl, mt). If I'd set it to local newProxy = setmetatable({}, mt), I'd reset proxyTable.table2.a = {val = "value"} if I created proxyTable.table2.a.b = {a="a"}


That's my current approach. Maybe it's even the correct way, but I don't know.

What I need to know is, whether my approach is still a proxy, or whether by doing this newProxy = setmetatable(tbl, mt) if I already broke the purpose.

Because I believe I only need one proxy. And seen that proxyTable, is a proxy for table1. I believe it's already done.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 209

Answers (1)


Reputation: 26385

A proxy needs to be empty, so that all forms of access are intercepted.

In newProxy, setmetatable(tbl, mt) reuses the existing table tbl as its own proxy. This means __newindex will not fire for existing keys in tbl.

You can test this by adding the line

-- ...
proxyTable.table2.a.b.c = "hi"
proxyTable.table2.a.b.c = "will not be logged" -- this does not invoke __newindex

and observing no additional logging.

Using closures is one way to achieve a proxy that does not contain any metadata.

A few changes to your code yields the following. Note that this function does not handle nested tables in its argument (tbl), so the proxy must be built up one level at a time.

local function newProxy(tbl)
    local mt = {}
    mt.__index = tbl

    mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v)
        print(t, k, v)

        if type(v) == "table" then
            v = newProxy(v)

        rawset(tbl, k, v)

    return setmetatable({}, mt)

local proxyTable = newProxy {}
proxyTable.table2 = {}
proxyTable.table2.a = { val = "value" }
proxyTable.table2.a.b = { a ="a" }
proxyTable.table2.a.b.c = "hi"
proxyTable.table2.a.b.c = "this will be logged"

-- note that this no longer works, because it iterates on the (empty) proxy
for k,v in pairs(proxyTable) do
    print(k, v)

Example output:

table: 0x55b9fc7d3f10   table2  table: 0x55b9fc7d3f50
table: 0x55b9fc7d6240   a   table: 0x55b9fc7d6280
table: 0x55b9fc7d6430   b   table: 0x55b9fc7d6470
table: 0x55b9fc7d6620   c   hi
table: 0x55b9fc7d6620   c   this will be logged

Here is a function that recursively clones tables, and gives each a proxy:

-- Lua 5.4.6, LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
-- This function returns a proxy to a clone of its argument
-- It does not handle circular references in its argument
local function Proxy(t)
    local actual = {}
    t = t or {}

    local proxy = setmetatable({}, {
        __metatable = false,
        __name = "Proxy",
        __tostring = function (self)
            return string.format("Proxy: %p -> %p(%p)", self, actual, t)
        __eq = function (self, other)
            -- create a closure around `t` to emulate shallow equality
            return rawequal(t, other) or rawequal(self, other)
        __pairs = function (self)
            -- wrap `next` to enable proxy hits during traversal
            return function (tab, key)
                local index, value = next(actual, key)

                return index, value ~= nil and self[index]
            end, self, nil
        -- these metamethods create closures around `actual`
        __len = function (self)
            return rawlen(actual)
        __index = function (self, key)
            print("LOG: index", self, key)

            return rawget(actual, key)
        __newindex = function (self, key, value)
            print("LOG: newindex", self, key, "=", value)

            -- Any new table-values are proxied ...
            rawset(actual, key, type(value) == "table" and Proxy(value) or value)

    -- ... recursively
    for key, value in pairs(t) do
        proxy[key] = value

    return proxy

--[[ simple usage --]]
-- create a proxy, add values, and access them
-- every read and write is logged
local p = Proxy()
p.foo = { bar = { 'hello world' } }
print("proxies are immutable: ", not getmetatable(p))
print(select(2, pcall(setmetatable, p, {})))

--[[ more info:
-- ... or clone existing tables
local foo = Proxy { bar = { qux = { zun = "hello" } } }

-- proxies of tables
local thing = {}
foo.bar.qux.zarb = thing

-- proxies of proxies
foo.bar.qux.plaz = foo.bar.qux.zarb

-- shallow equality holds true ...
print("shallow equality should be true:", foo.bar.qux.zarb == thing)
-- ... but only through one level of proxy
print("transitive equality should be false:", foo.bar.qux.plaz == thing)

-- ... deep equality does not persist (proxies are clones)
thing.x = 51
print("deep equality should be false:", foo.bar.qux.zarb.x == thing.x)

-- length operators and iterators work, `ipairs` triggers `__index` for `#t + 1`
local abc = Proxy { 'a', 'b', 'c' }
print(abc, "has a length of", #abc)

for k, v in ipairs(abc) do
    print(string.format("abc[%s] = %q", k, v))

Example output:

LOG: newindex   Proxy: 0x556701bbde90 -> 0x556701bbde10(0x556701bbde50) foo =   table: 0x556701bbe0c0
LOG: newindex   Proxy: 0x556701bbe7d0 -> 0x556701bbe790(0x556701bbe0c0) bar =   table: 0x556701bbe100
LOG: newindex   Proxy: 0x556701bbebb0 -> 0x556701bbeb70(0x556701bbe100) 1   =   hello world
LOG: index  Proxy: 0x556701bbde90 -> 0x556701bbde10(0x556701bbde50) foo
LOG: index  Proxy: 0x556701bbe7d0 -> 0x556701bbe790(0x556701bbe0c0) bar
LOG: index  Proxy: 0x556701bbebb0 -> 0x556701bbeb70(0x556701bbe100) 1
hello world
proxies are immutable:  true
cannot change a protected metatable

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