
Reputation: 979

SwiftUI ScrollView maintain position on new page load

In my chat view, each time I load new page (items are added from top), the ScrollView jumps to top instead of maintaining scrollPosition.

enter image description here

Here is my scroll view:

GeometryReader { geometryProxy in
    ScrollView(showsIndicators: false) {
        VStack(spacing: 0) {
            if viewModel.isLoading {
                .frame(minHeight: geometryProxy.size.height - loadingFooterHeight - bottomContentMargins, alignment: .bottom)
    .scrollPosition(id: $scrolledId, anchor: .top)
    .contentMargins(.bottom, bottomContentMargins, for: .scrollContent)
    .onChange(of: scrolledId, scrollViewDidScroll)

And this is the messages view

@ViewBuilder var messagesView: some View {
    LazyVStack(spacing: 0) {
        ForEach(sectionedMessages) { section in
            Section(header: sectionHeaderView(title: {
                ForEach(section, id: \.id) { message in
                    MessageView(message: message)
                    .padding(.horizontal, .padding16)
                    .padding(.bottom, .padding8)

Printing the scrolledId after a page load, I can see it hasn't changed, but the ScrollView position does.

Upvotes: 7

Views: 1664

Answers (2)


Reputation: 1768

I suppose I am a bit late but there is a simple solution in iOS18

@Binding var items: [MyItem]
@State private var position: ScrollPosition
    = .init(idType: MyItem.ID.self)

ScrollView {
    LazyVStack {
        ForEach(items) { item in


scrollPosition(id: $scrolledId, anchor: .top)

works but isn't reliable at all. Tried also mixing it with the


but never getting a perfect result.

For more info here is the documentation link: ScrollPosition Apple Documentation

Upvotes: 0

Mojtaba Hosseini
Mojtaba Hosseini

Reputation: 119917

The scroll view does not jump and the position is persisted. It's the old content shifted below the new content!

In the short video you've provided:

  • Initially, ScrollView is in the top position (lets say y: 0) and the Text("Oct 27") is in y: 0.
  • on next load, Text("Oct 27") goes below (lets say y: 500) and now Text("Oct 14") is in y: 0!
  • After the 2nd load, you are seeing Oct 13 at y: 0.

So you need to move the scroll view on where the old data goes after each load. So it seems like a consistent content size to the user some how.

Here is a pseudo code for this concept:

ScrollViewReader { scrollProxy in // 👈 Get the proxy
    ScrollView {
        Text("Oct 27")
            .id("Title - Oct 27") // 👈 Give it a proper id
    .onChange(of: messages) { oldValue, newValue in
        if needed {
            scrollProxy.scrollTo("Title - Oct 27") // 👈 Scroll to it after load only if needed

Note that you may want to have a more accurate position of the content before and after the load. But it will have some more calculations and out of the scope of this question.

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