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I am conducting non-metric multidimensional scaling (nmds) with the vegan package in RStudio for a case study (i.e., n=1). However, I am receiving the following error:
Error in monoMDS(dist, y = cmdscale(dist, k = k), k = k, maxit = maxit, :
'dist' cannot be all zero (all points are identical)
I know that other researchers have conducted case studies using nmds, but I am using a different survey tool - the interpersonal reactivity index (IRI; Davis 1980, 1983), which measures self-perceived dispositional empathy. I want to see the distances between the four subscales (F, EC, PD, POV).
Any help is resolving this error is appreciated. Thank you!
I used the following code, but once I ran the nmds, I received the error.
data_JA_select <- data_JA %>%
dplyr::select(IRI_EC_1, IRI_EC_2,IRI_EC_3,IRI_EC_4,IRI_EC_5,IRI_EC_6,IRI_EC_7, IRI_POV_1, IRI_POV_2, IRI_POV_3, IRI_POV_4, IRI_POV_5, IRI_POV_6, IRI_POV_7, IRI_F_1, IRI_F_2, IRI_F_3, IRI_F_4, IRI_F_5, IRI_F_6, IRI_F_7, IRI_PD_1, IRI_PD_2, IRI_PD_3, IRI_PD_4, IRI_PD_5, IRI_PD_6, IRI_PD_7)
data_JA_nmds <- metaMDS(data_JA_select, k = 2, distance= "euclidean", trymax = 100)
Please note: data_JA is my cleaned data that I can use for other analyses, and is not a problem.
Below is the data_JA*_*select table.
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