Reputation: 11
I am new to VHDL and I created a 25% duty cycle 10 kHz clock from a 100 MHz 50% duty cycle clock, but when I simulate it, there is a 80 ps delay between every rising edge of the clocks. What causes this and how can I fix it?
I created a 10 MHz clock using clocking wizard and added it to my topmodule.
Simulation zoomed out:
library IEEE;
entity waveform is
Port (clk_in: in std_logic;
clk_out: out std_logic );
end waveform;
architecture Behavioral of waveform is
signal clk_out1 : std_logic;
signal reset : std_logic;
signal locked : std_logic;
signal clk : std_logic:='1';
signal ctr: integer range 0 to 999:=0;
component clk_wiz_0
port (
-- Clock in ports
-- Clock out ports
clk_out1 : out std_logic;
-- Status and control signals
reset : in std_logic;
locked : out std_logic;
clk_in : in std_logic
end component;
clk_wiz: clk_wiz_0
port map (
-- Clock out ports
clk_out1 => clk_out1,
-- Status and control signals
reset => reset,
locked => locked,
-- Clock in ports
clk_in => clk_in
if rising_edge(clk_out1) then
ctr <= ctr + 1;
if ctr = 249 then
clk <= not clk;
elsif ctr = 999 then
clk <= not clk;
ctr <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
library IEEE;
entity testbench_waveform is
end testbench_waveform;
architecture Behavioral of testbench_waveform is
-- Constants
constant CLK_PERIOD : time := 10 ns;
-- Signals
signal clk_in : std_logic := '0'; -- Input clock signal
signal clk_out : std_logic; -- Output clock signal from the waveform module
-- Component declaration
component waveform
port (
clk_in : in std_logic;
clk_out : out std_logic
end component;
-- Instantiate the waveform module
UUT: waveform
port map (
clk_in => clk_in,
clk_out => clk_out
-- Clock process for generating clk_in
clk_process: process
while now < 100000000 ns loop -- Simulate for 1000 ns
clk_in <= not clk_in; -- Toggle the clock signal
wait for CLK_PERIOD / 2; -- Wait for half the clock period
end loop;
wait; -- Wait indefinitely after simulation completes
end process;
end Behavioral;
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