Reputation: 1
i am facing an issue with a bar chart where the bars are not filling with the assigned colors properly. Instead, they appear as empty. I have tried various methods to set custom colors for the bars, but none seem to work as expected.
private fun showEnergy() {
val list = listOf(
Triple("23-5-2024", 2010, 4.91),
Triple("22-5-2024", 960, 13.62),
Triple("21-5-2024", 5642, 2.0),
Triple("20-5-2024", 1464, 4.85)
barChart = constraintLayoutStatisticsData.findViewById(
val maxValue=10000f
val currentDate = Date()
// Create a list of dates for the last 30 days
val dates = ArrayList<Date>()
val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
for (i in 0 until 6) {
calendar.time = currentDate
calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -i)
// Create a list of values, adding 0 for missing dates
val firstBarEntries = ArrayList<BarEntry>()
val secondBarEntries = ArrayList<BarEntry>()
val barWidth = 0.26f
val groupSpace = 0.32f
val barSpace = 0.08f
val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("d.M.yy", Locale.getDefault())
for (date in dates) {
val formattedDate = dateFormat.format(date)
val value = list.find { it.first == formattedDate }?.second ?: 0
firstBarEntries.add(BarEntry(date.time.toFloat()- barWidth / 2, value.toFloat()))
val value2 = 4000f
firstBarEntries.add(BarEntry(date.time.toFloat()- barWidth / 2, value2.toFloat()))
val firstDataSet = BarDataSet(firstBarEntries, "")
firstDataSet.color=ContextCompat.getColor(constraintLayoutStatisticsData.context, R.color.grey)
val secondDataSet = BarDataSet(secondBarEntries, "")
val customColors = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (i in list.indices) {
val ratio = list[i].second / 4000f
val color = when {
ratio >= 0.85 && ratio <= 1.15 -> ContextCompat.getColor(constraintLayoutStatisticsData.context,
ratio < 0.85 -> ContextCompat.getColor(constraintLayoutStatisticsData.context,
else -> ContextCompat.getColor(constraintLayoutStatisticsData.context,
val dataSet = listOf(firstDataSet, secondDataSet)
// Create a BarData object and set data sets
val barData = BarData(dataSet)
barData.barWidth = barWidth
val xAxis = barChart.xAxis
xAxis.axisMinimum = -0.5f
xAxis.axisMaximum = list.size - 0.5f
xAxis.valueFormatter = object : ValueFormatter() {
private val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM", Locale.getDefault())
override fun getFormattedValue(value: Float): String {
val index = value.toInt()
return if (index >= 0 && index < dates.size) {
} else {
barChart.axisLeft.valueFormatter = object : ValueFormatter() {
override fun getFormattedValue(value: Float): String {
// Replace commas with spaces
val formattedValue = value.toInt().toString().replace(',', ' ')
// Return the formatted value as a string
return formattedValue
// Set the chart data = barData
// Update chart
private fun setupBarChart(maxValue: Float) {
barChart.description.isEnabled = false
val xAxis = barChart.xAxis
xAxis.position = XAxis.XAxisPosition.BOTTOM
xAxis.textColor = ContextCompat.getColor(constraintLayoutStatisticsData.context, R.color.text)
xAxis.granularity = 1f
val yAxisLeft = barChart.axisLeft
yAxisLeft.textColor = ContextCompat.getColor(constraintLayoutStatisticsData.context, R.color.text)
val minValue = 0f
val labelCount = 5
val interval = Math.ceil((maxValue - minValue) / (labelCount - 1).toDouble()).toFloat()
yAxisLeft.axisMinimum = minValue
yAxisLeft.axisMaximum = maxValue
yAxisLeft.setLabelCount(labelCount, true)
yAxisLeft.gridLineWidth = 2f
barChart.axisRight.isEnabled = false
barChart.legend.isEnabled = false
I have also tried using ARGB values and gradients, but the result remains the same. The bars simply refuse to display the assigned colors.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue with bar charts? What could be causing this problem? Are there any specific configurations or settings that I might be missing?
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
it needs to be like this:[bars with colors]( but it is like this: aenter image description here
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Views: 32
Reputation: 10910
There are a few issues here:
You formatted your date strings as dd-m-yyyy but are searching using a format of d.m.yy so firstBarEntries
is all 0 values
Your bar x positions are not set consistently. When you create the BarEntry
list you are setting the x value based on the actual date
firstBarEntries.add(BarEntry(date.time.toFloat()- barWidth / 2, value.toFloat()))
but when you set up your x axis it is set based on the index in the original data list
xAxis.axisMinimum = -0.5f
xAxis.axisMaximum = list.size - 0.5f
So your bars are way outside that x range. You need to change the x value of the bars to also be index-based, and ensure you are using the "dates" list size instead of the list
size since they can be different. You can also simplify the x axis a bit by using the pre-made IndexAxisValueFormatter
You need to call barChart.groupBars
as described in this answer - or manually adjust the bar x positions when you create them.
You were never putting any data into secondBarEntries
- I assume that was a typo.
Combining all these, the following modified version of your code appears to work as you intended (firstBarEntries
are all gray, while secondBarEntries
all have the same height but with a custom color based on the values in firstBarEntries
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val barChart = findViewById<BarChart>(
val list = listOf(
Triple("23-05-2024", 2010, 4.91),
Triple("22-05-2024", 960, 13.62),
Triple("21-05-2024", 5642, 2.0),
Triple("20-05-2024", 1464, 4.85)
val maxValue=10000f
setupBarChart(barChart, maxValue)
// Create a list of dates
val dates = ArrayList<Date>()
val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
for (i in 0 until 6) {
calendar.set(2024,4,19) // months are 0-based
calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, i)
// pre-compute a list of x axis labels to use with
// IndexAxisValueFormatter
val xDateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM", Locale.getDefault())
val xAxisLabels = { xDateFormat.format(it) }
// Create a list of values, adding 0 for missing dates
// the x value here should match with the index in the list
// of dates
val firstBarEntries = ArrayList<BarEntry>()
val secondBarEntries = ArrayList<BarEntry>()
val lookupDateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault())
for (i in dates.indices) {
val formattedDate = lookupDateFormat.format(dates[i])
val value = list.find { it.first == formattedDate }?.second ?: 0
firstBarEntries.add(BarEntry(i.toFloat(), value.toFloat()))
val value2 = 4000f
secondBarEntries.add(BarEntry(i.toFloat(), value2))
val firstDataSet = BarDataSet(firstBarEntries, "")
firstDataSet.color = Color.GRAY
val secondDataSet = BarDataSet(secondBarEntries, "")
val customColors = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (i in firstBarEntries.indices) {
val ratio = firstBarEntries[i].y / secondBarEntries[i].y
val color = when {
ratio in 0.85..1.15 -> Color.GREEN
ratio < 0.85 -> Color.MAGENTA
else -> Color.RED
secondDataSet.colors = customColors
// ensure that groupSpace + 2*barSpace + 2*barWidth = 1
val barWidth = 0.26f
val barSpace = 0.08f
val groupSpace = 1 - 2*barSpace - 2*barWidth
// Create a BarData object and set data sets
val barData = BarData(firstDataSet, secondDataSet)
barData.barWidth = barWidth
val xAxis = barChart.xAxis
xAxis.axisMinimum = -0.5f
xAxis.axisMaximum = dates.size.toFloat()
xAxis.valueFormatter = IndexAxisValueFormatter(xAxisLabels)
// Set the chart data = barData
barChart.groupBars(-0.5f, groupSpace, barSpace)
// Update chart
private fun setupBarChart(barChart: BarChart, maxValue: Float) {
barChart.description.isEnabled = false
val xAxis = barChart.xAxis
xAxis.position = XAxis.XAxisPosition.BOTTOM
xAxis.textColor = Color.BLACK
xAxis.granularity = 1f
val yAxisLeft = barChart.axisLeft
yAxisLeft.textColor = Color.BLACK
val minValue = 0f
val labelCount = 5
val interval = Math.ceil((maxValue - minValue) / (labelCount - 1).toDouble()).toFloat()
yAxisLeft.axisMinimum = minValue
yAxisLeft.axisMaximum = maxValue
yAxisLeft.setLabelCount(labelCount, true)
yAxisLeft.gridLineWidth = 2f
barChart.axisRight.isEnabled = false
barChart.legend.isEnabled = false
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