Reputation: 19
I have been trying to solve the following for a couple of days now, using the Metropolis algorithm:
This is taken from:
I basically approximate A with the Metropolis algorithm, by randomly placing a random particle somewhere inside the box. The following sum (m is the number of iterations for the Monte Carlo) is the one I use in my code:
Am I using the Metropolis algorithm correctly, or am I doing something wrong?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, since I have been stuck on it for a couple of days now :)
My code is the following :
def potential(coord_array, A, N):
energy_sum = 0
for l in range(N-1):
for j in range(l+1, N):
dif = np.sqrt((coord_array[l, 0] - coord_array[j, 0])**2 +
(coord_array[l, 1] - coord_array[j, 1])**2 +
(coord_array[l, 2] - coord_array[j, 2])**2)
if dif >= A:
energy = -1/dif
energy = 1/A
energy_sum += energy
return energy_sum / N
def potential_move(coord_array, random_particle, A, N):
energy_sum = 0
for l in range(N):
if l == random_particle:
dif = np.sqrt((coord_array[l, 0] - coord_array[random_particle, 0])**2 +
(coord_array[l, 1] - coord_array[random_particle, 1])**2 +
(coord_array[l, 2] - coord_array[random_particle, 2])**2)
if dif >= A:
energy = -1 / dif
energy = 1 / A
energy_sum += energy
return energy_sum / N
def func(eta, N, A, coord_array):
return np.exp(-eta * potential(coord_array, A, N))
def func_move(eta, N, A, coord_array, final_coord, random_particle):
return np.exp(-eta * (potential_move(final_coord, random_particle, A, N)-potential_move(coord_array, random_particle, A, N)))
def canonical_weight(eta, N, A, initial_coord, final_coord, random_particle):
initial_func = func_move(eta, N, A, initial_coord, random_particle)
final_func = func_move(eta, N, A, final_coord, random_particle)
return final_func/initial_func
def canonical_ensemble(coord_array, A, N, eta, iterations, delta, m):
final_coords = np.zeros((N, 3, iterations))
acceptance_count = 0
for i in range(iterations):
random_particle = random.randint(0, N-1)
if i == 0:
coordinates = np.copy(coord_array)
coordinates = np.copy(final_coords[:, :, i-1])
for j in range(3):
coordinates[random_particle, j] = np.random.random()#+= delta * (2 * np.random.random() - 1)#= np.random.random()#
if i == 0:
stat_weight = func_move(eta, N, A, coord_array, coordinates, random_particle)
stat_weight = func_move(eta, N, A, final_coords[:, :, i-1], coordinates, random_particle)
if stat_weight >=1: #(potential_move(coordinates, random_particle, A, N)-potential_move(coord_array, random_particle, A, N))<=0:
final_coords[:, :, i] = coordinates
acceptance_count += 1
Omega = np.random.random()
if min(1, stat_weight) >= Omega:
final_coords[:, :, i] = coordinates
acceptance_count += 1
final_coords[:, :, i] = final_coords[:, :, i-1]
integral_sum = 0
for i in range(m,iterations):
distance = np.sqrt((final_coords[0,0,i] - final_coords[1,0,i])**2 +
(final_coords[0,1,i] - final_coords[1,1,i])**2 +
(final_coords[0,2,i] - final_coords[1,2,i])**2)
if distance >= A:
integral_sum += (1 / distance)
integral_sum += -(1/A)
Phi =1 - eta * (N-1) * integral_sum / (2* 3 * N * (iterations-m))
acceptance_rate = acceptance_count / iterations * 100
return Phi, acceptance_rate, final_coords[:,:,-1]
N = 500
m= 5000
A = 10**(-4)-10**(-8)
initial_coords = np.random.rand(N,3)
delta = 0.1
iterations = 200000
eta_arr = np.arange(1.3,1.6,0.01)
PVNT = np.zeros((len(eta_arr)))
acceptance_rates = np.zeros((len(eta_arr)))
for i in range(len(eta_arr)):
PVNT[i]= canonical_ensemble(initial_coords, A, N, eta_arr[i], iterations, delta, m)[0]
acceptance_rates[i] = canonical_ensemble(initial_coords, A, N, eta_arr[i], iterations, delta, m)[1]
print(f"eta: {eta_arr[i]}, Acceptance rate: {acceptance_rates[i]:.2f}%")
plt.plot(eta_arr, PVNT, marker='o')
plt.title(r'PV/NT vs $\eta$')
plt.plot(eta_arr, acceptance_rates, marker='o', color='red')
plt.ylabel('Acceptance Rate (%)')
plt.title(r'Acceptance Rate vs $\eta$')
The expectation is Figure 1 in the paper, but i got nothing like it
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