Reputation: 21
I have a dataset with ISO3 country code, Year (from 2010 to 2019), Causes of death category (24 categories in total) and number of deaths. The sum of deaths across causes is fixed. My goal is to predict the expected number of deaths for each country/cause combination for the period 2020-2023.
I am not allowed to share the data but here is a sample of data with only one single country and 4 causes of death categories :
# A tibble: 40 × 3
Year Cause Deaths
<dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 2010 Communicable diseaes 97203.
2 2010 Non-communicable diseases 2743.
3 2010 Injuries 7128.
4 2010 Other 12712.
5 2011 Communicable diseaes 96536.
6 2011 Non-communicable diseases 2716.
7 2011 Injuries 7264.
8 2011 Other 13088.
9 2012 Communicable diseaes 95786.
10 2012 Non-communicable diseases 2642.
11 2012 Injuries 7140.
12 2012 Other 13556.
13 2013 Communicable diseaes 94153.
14 2013 Non-communicable diseases 2652.
15 2013 Injuries 7191.
16 2013 Other 14058.
17 2014 Communicable diseaes 92192.
18 2014 Non-communicable diseases 2828.
19 2014 Injuries 7288.
20 2014 Other 14825.
21 2015 Communicable diseaes 96254.
22 2015 Non-communicable diseases 2617.
23 2015 Injuries 8128.
24 2015 Other 16339.
25 2016 Communicable diseaes 101976.
26 2016 Non-communicable diseases 2470.
27 2016 Injuries 8366.
28 2016 Other 17007.
29 2017 Communicable diseaes 97219
30 2017 Non-communicable diseases 2365
31 2017 Injuries 7675
32 2017 Other 15686
33 2018 Communicable diseaes 95826
34 2018 Non-communicable diseases 2180
35 2018 Injuries 7937
36 2018 Other 15807
37 2019 Communicable diseaes 97264
38 2019 Non-communicable diseases 2080
39 2019 Injuries 8031
40 2019 Other 15660
My idea was to run independent negative binomial regression models for each country/cause combination using gam function in R because there is clearly overdispersion in my data. Here is a example of code for the data sample (e.g. only one single country):
# original dataset
df <- df %>%
mutate(expected_cause = NA,
expected_cause_se = NA) %>%
# create a dataset to stored predictions for 2020-2023
pred_pand <- expand.grid(Year = rep(c(2020, 2021,2022,2023), each = 1),
Cause = rep(unique(df$Cause))) %>%
mutate(expected_cause = NA,
expected_cause_se = NA) %>%
for (i in unique(df$Cause)) {
# create temp dataset
whichs <- which(df$Cause == i)
temp <- df[whichs, ]
# run the model
model <- gam(Deaths ~ s(Year), data = temp, family = nb(theta = NULL, link = "log"))
pred <- predict(model, = TRUE, type = "response", newdata =
data.frame(Year = c(2020,2021,2022,2023)))
# store predictions for 2020-2023
whichs_pred <- which(pred_pand$Cause == i)
pred_pand[whichs_pred, "expected_cause"] <- pred$fit
pred_pand[whichs_pred, "expected_cause_se"] <- pred$
# store predictions for years prior to 2019
years <- unique(temp$Year)
range_years <- min(years):max(years)
pred_hist <- predict(model, = TRUE, type = "response",
newdata = data.frame(Year = range_years))
df[whichs, "expected_cause"] <- pred_hist$fit
df[whichs, "expected_cause_se"] <- pred_hist$
To make sure that the sum of deaths across causes add up to the known and fixed total, it seems I need to construct a Dirichlet multinomial from those independent negative binomials. See this reference: "A Dirichlet-multinomial distribution is equivalent to a collection of independent negative binomial distributions with the same scale parameter conditioned on their sum". Is it the right way to go?
If so, I am not sure what I need to do in R to apply this. I tried different theta values in the code below but the sum of deaths across causes does not add up to the fixed Total + setting a defined theta value affects the model fit.
model <- gam(Deaths ~ s(Year), data = temp, family = nb(theta = **NULL**, link = "log"))
What should I do? If I manually rescale the expected number of deaths by causes so that the sum across causes matches the fixed total, it affects the model fit. If I don't rescale, the sum across causes does not match the fixed total.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 75
Reputation: 20120
I think approach mentioned in the arxiv paper is just plain wrong. For sum of the negative binomial author state that sum M is distributed as negative binomial as well.
M ~ NB(a0, theta), where a0=Sumi ai
This is why it doesn't work for you, M is not a fixed value, and only by some coincidence its sampling it could be equal to value from your data.
Dirichlet-Multinomial condition and distribution shall be imposed right from the start, not trying to bolt it on later.
Not sure about cookie-cutter solution, but I would start with Dirichlet-Multinomial from Bioconductor
Looks like reasonable package, don't need to sample number of Dirichlet components, you already know that. Might require to dig inside to provide penalties etc
Upvotes: 1