Reputation: 67
I have set up a basic exp system with exp, levels, and a Gui. I have the gui set to update when joining, and when gaining exp or a level, but it will only update when joining even though I'm using the same function for all updates.
Where the code starts (Local script attached to a text button):
local expManager = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ExpManager)
Where that code leads (Module script within ReplicatedStorage, along with a RemoteEvent):
ExpManager.expEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ExpEvent")
function ExpManager.addExp(expAmount)
ExpManager.expEvent:FireServer("addExp", expAmount)
Where that leads (Server script within ServerScriptService that handles stat values and saving
local expEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ExpEvent")
expEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, eventtype, amount)
local character = plr.Character
if eventtype == "addLevel" then
plr.Stats.Level.Value += amount
expEvent:FireClient(plr, "updateExp")
if eventtype == "addExp" then
plr.Stats.expPoints.Value += amount
expEvent:FireClient(plr, "updateExp")
Where that leads (Local script within StarterCharacterScripts):
local expManager = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ExpManager)
local expEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ExpEvent")
if eventtype == "updateExp" then
Leading finally back to the same module script as earlier (I've left out several unrelated variables, but please let me know if seeing the whole script is necessary):
ExpManager.expGui = ExpManager.playerGui:WaitForChild("expGui")
ExpManager.expText = ExpManager.expGui.expBackground:WaitForChild("expText")
ExpManager.exp = ExpManager.player.Stats.expPoints.Value
ExpManager.level = ExpManager.player.Stats.Level.Value
ExpManager.expNeeded = math.round(100 * (ExpManager.level / 2))
function ExpManager.updateExpBar()
ExpManager.expGui.expBackground.expBar:TweenSize( / ExpManager.expNeeded, 0, 1, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, 0.15, true)
ExpManager.expText.Text = math.round(ExpManager.exp).. "/" .. math.round(ExpManager.expNeeded)
I've used print messages to tell if the code is getting stuck somewhere but no, even when gaining exp or a level the code makes it to the function that updates the Gui (which works properly when the player joins?) There are no error messages either.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 54
Reputation: 67
Module script change that fixed the problem:
function ExpManager.updateExpBar()
ExpManager.exp = ExpManager.player.Stats.expPoints.Value
ExpManager.level = ExpManager.player.Stats.Level.Value
ExpManager.expNeeded = math.round(100 * (ExpManager.level / 2))
ExpManager.expGui.expBackground.expBar:TweenSize( / ExpManager.expNeeded, 0, 1, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, 0.15, true)
ExpManager.expText.Text = math.round(ExpManager.exp).. "/" .. math.round(ExpManager.expNeeded)
In this change I defined the expPoints value, level value, and expNeeded value within the function that updates the Exp bar GUI rather than outside of it. This seemed to fix the problem.
Upvotes: 0