Reputation: 405
I'm working on a project where I need to interpolate enthalpy values using scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline
and then perform automatic differentiation using mygrad
. However, I'm encountering an issue where the gradient is not tracked at all across the interpolation. Here is a simplified version of my code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
import mygrad as mg
from mygrad import tensor
# Define the refrigerant
refrigerant = 'R134a'
# Constant temperature (e.g., 20°C)
T = 20 + 273.15 # Convert to Kelvin
# Get saturation pressures
P_sat = CP.PropsSI('P', 'T', T, 'Q', 0, refrigerant)
# Define a pressure range around the saturation pressure
P_min = P_sat * 0.5
P_max = P_sat * 1.5
P_values = np.linspace(P_min, P_max, 100)
# Define a temperature range around the constant temperature
T_min = T - 10
T_max = T + 10
T_values = np.linspace(T_min, T_max, 100)
# Generate enthalpy data
h_values = []
for P in P_values:
h_row = []
for T in T_values:
h = CP.PropsSI('H', 'P', P, 'T', T, refrigerant)
# Convert lists to arrays
h_values = np.array(h_values)
# Fit spline for enthalpy
h_spline = RectBivariateSpline(P_values, T_values, h_values)
# Function to interpolate enthalpy
def h_interp(P, T):
return tensor(h_spline.ev(P, T))
# Example function using the interpolated enthalpy with AD
def example_function(P):
h = h_interp(P, T)
result = h**2 # Example calculation
return result
# Define a pressure value for testing
P_test = tensor(P_sat, )
# Compute the example function and its gradient
result = example_function(P_test)
# Print the result and the gradient
print(f"Result: {result.item()}")
print(f"Gradient: {P_test.grad}")
Are these just issues of RectBivariateSpline
or mygrad
? Would this work with other algebraic differentiation libs? Should I use something else besides splines?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 71
Reputation: 25454
The problem here is that MyGrad doesn't know how to differentiate this operation. You can get around this by defining a custom operation with a backwards pass. The MyGrad docs explain this here.
In order to implement the backward pass, you need to be able to evaluate a partial derivative of the spline. The SciPy docs explain this here. (See the dx and dy arguments.)
Combining the two, you get this:
import numpy as np
import mygrad as mg
from mygrad import execute_op
from mygrad.operation_base import Operation
from mygrad.typing import ArrayLike
# All operations should inherit from Operation, or one of its subclasses
class CustomInterpolate(Operation):
""" Performs f(x, y) = RectBivariateSpline.ev(x, y) """
def __call__(self, x: mg.Tensor, y: mg.Tensor, spline) -> np.ndarray:
# This method defines the "forward pass" of the operation.
# It must bind the variable tensors to the op and compute
# the output of the operation as a numpy array
# All tensors must be bound as a tuple to the `variables`
# instance variable.
self.variables = (x, y)
self.spline = spline
# The forward pass should be performed using numpy arrays,
# not the tensors themselves.
x_arr =
y_arr =
return self.spline.ev(x_arr, y_arr)
def backward_var(self, grad, index, **kwargs):
"""Given ``grad = dℒ/df``, computes ``∂ℒ/∂x`` and ``∂ℒ/∂y``
``ℒ`` is assumed to be the terminal node from which ``ℒ.backward()`` was
grad : numpy.ndarray
The back-propagated total derivative with respect to the present
operation: dℒ/df. This will have the same shape as f, the result
of the forward pass.
index : Literal[0, 1]
The index-location of ``var`` in ``self.variables``
x, y = self.variables
x_arr =
y_arr =
# The operation need not incorporate specialized logic for
# broadcasting. The appropriate sum-reductions will be performed
# by MyGrad's autodiff system.
if index == 0: # backprop through a
return self.spline.ev(,, dx=1)
elif index == 1: # backprop through b
return self.spline.ev(,, dy=1)
# Our function stitches together our operation class with the
# operation arguments via `mygrad.prepare_op`
def custom_interpolate(x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, spline, constant=None) -> mg.Tensor:
# `execute_op` will take care of:
# - casting `x` and `y` to tensors if they are instead array-likes
# - propagating 'constant' status to the resulting output based on the inputs
# - handling in-place operations (specified via the `out` parameter)
return execute_op(CustomInterpolate, x, y, op_args=(spline,), constant=constant)
You can use this operation like so:
def h_interp(P, T):
return custom_interpolate(P, T, h_spline)
And then you can differentiate across this interpolation operation.
Result: 176061599645.87317
Gradient: -0.02227965104792612
Upvotes: 2