Reputation: 1
I am new with Word VBA and trying to insert values in the table in word document.
Issue which I am facing is that when i loop through the table its cutting the text before pasting the values copied from excel.
Appreciate any help
For i = 2 To 10
res = xlApp.VLookup(srch, xlWb.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AO:CR"), i, False)
Selection.TypeText Text:=" " & res
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell
Next i
Expected Outcome: Loop through the excel and paste continue placing the value after the written text in each box and move to next box.
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Views: 52
Reputation: 18943
moves the selection to the right and returns the number of units it has been moved. That is, the next cell is selected. Then TypeText
overwrites the text.
Microsoft documentation:
Sub AppendToCell()
' Check if the selection is in a table
If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
Dim currentCell As Cell, i As Long, res
For i = 2 To 10
' Get the current cell
Set currentCell = Selection.Cells(1)
res = xlApp.VLookup(srch, xlWb.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AO:CR"), i, False)
If Not VBA.IsError(res) Then
With currentCell.Range
.Text = Left(.Text, Len(.Text)-2) & " " & res
End With
End If
Selection.Move wdCell, 1
MsgBox "The selection is not in a table cell."
End If
End Sub
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Reputation: 166755
This will let you select any cell on the required row, and will fill starting at a specific column on that row:
Sub Tester()
Dim c As Cell, tbl As Table, n As Long, col As Long, txt
'check we're in a table
If Not Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
MsgBox "First select a cell on the row to be filled", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
Set c = Selection.Cells(1) 'selected cell
Set tbl = Selection.Tables(1) 'parent table
Debug.Print c.RowIndex, c.ColumnIndex
For col = 1 To 5 'fill (eg) the first five cells in the selected row
With tbl.Cell(c.RowIndex, col)
txt = .Range.Text 'get the existing text
txt = Left(txt, Len(txt) - 2) 'remove "end of cell" marker
'append (with separator if there's any existing text)
.Range.Text = txt & IIf(Len(txt) > 0, ",", "") & _
"more" ' swap your lookup value for "more"
End With
Next col
End Sub
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