Reputation: 1
I work in the marketing department of a Real Estate company and I'm in charge of Styling the comercial Blueprints of the Apartments that we sell. I usually recieve the Revit project with the diferent tipologies of Apartment and a Table of surfaces of each Apartment where there is the surface of each room.
So, an architect firm that works for my company always sends the data of the surfaces of the projects organised like this. The table is in spanish, sorry about that.
As you can see, They send the different table stacked on top of each other.
Most of the architect firms send a table where the columns are the number of apartment, The typology, and then the different rooms of each one. And the rows are all the apartments of the building. See example below Green table.
How can a reorganized this fast?
Why do i need this? Because i style the blueprints in illustrator and make the different versions with a CSV and Variables.
Upvotes: -2
Views: 56
Reputation: 8069
Data is received from a certain Architect in a "vertical" layout. However all other Architects, and your in-house template, use a "horizontal" layout. You want a method to convert the "vertical" layout to the "horizontal" layout.
At face-value, one might suggest to simply transpose the data from "vertical" to "horizontal". However there are a number of additional issues with the "vertical" format to be considered:
"Planta" is included once only.
internally inconsistencies
Unique fields.
some merged cells are included in the data
Consider this answer.
) to an array of "Output" heading namesfunction buildApartmentData() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1")
// an array to use with indexOf
var outputHeads = ["Planta", "Vivenda", "Tipologia", "Bano 1", "Bano 2", "Dormo 1", "Dormo 2", "Dormo 3", "Dormo 4", "Salon", "Vest", "Terraza"]
// a sample blank data array
var outputArray = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
// get the architect data
var archDataRange = sheet.getRange(1,1,sheet.getLastRow(),2)
//Logger.log("DEBUG: the data range = "+archDataRange.getA1Notation())
var archData = archDataRange.getValues()
// create utility variables
var dataStartRow = 5 // index for first row of data
var aprtmentheaders = 0 // counter to include Vivenda and Tipologia ONLY once
var outputRow = 9 // row number for pasting formatted output
// get Planta
var planta = archData[3][0].split(" ")[1]
// Logger.log("DEBUG: planta = "+planta)
// loop through the rest of the data
for (var i=dataStartRow;i<archData.length;i++){
if (archData[i][0] !== ""){
if (aprtmentheaders==0){
// create the array to update output fields
formattedArray = outputArray.slice()
// update planta once only per loop
formattedArray[0] = planta
// get Vivenda
formattedArray[1] = archData[i][0]
aprtmentheaders = 1 // increment counter
continue // next i
if (aprtmentheaders==1){
// get Tipologia
formattedArray[2] = archData[i][0]
// Logger.log("DEBUG: vivenda = "+formattedArray[1]+", tipologia = "+formattedArray[2])
aprtmentheaders = 2 // increment counter
continue // next i
// get apartment data
// find index of work name; if index = -1, then no match
var index = outputHeads.indexOf(archData[i][0])
if (index !== -1){
// update array value
formattedArray[index] = archData[i][1]
// Logger.log("DEBUG: MATCH: i="+i+" "+archData[i][0]+" = "+archData[i][1])
// Logger.log("DEBUG: NO MATCH: i="+i+" "+archData[i][0]+" = "+archData[i][1])
// unmatched value - set background colour = red
var bgRange = sheet.getRange((+i+1),1,1,2)
// loop has found a blank cell
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Blank Cell = i"+i+", Row# = "+(i+1))
// convert the attay to 2D
formattedArray = [formattedArray]
// Logger.log(formattedArray)
// set the range to paste the array values
var outputRange = sheet.getRange(outputRow,4,1,formattedArray[0].length)
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the output range = "+outputRange.getA1Notation()+", formatted array length = "+formattedArray[0].length)
//Logger.log(formattedArray) // DEBUG
// increment the outPut row for the next apartment
outputRow= outputRow+1
// the apartment counter back to zero to pickup Vivenda and Tiplogia
Upvotes: 0