Yassin Atwa
Yassin Atwa

Reputation: 7

No signals using library ieee_proposed using Newton-Raphson refinement

I use the ieee_proposed library and try to do a newton-raphson refinement. The code compiles and simulates, but I get no signals. It works with float32 in the library ieee.float_pkg.all. But, I want float64 for better accuracy and then truncate it to float,32. It doesn't work to open Data flow design, but it works to simulate the signal. Here is the code and the testbench:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library ieee_proposed;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee_proposed.math_utility_pkg.all;
use ieee_proposed.fixed_pkg.all;
use ieee_proposed.float_pkg.all;

entity rsqrt_refine is
    port (
        approx_in  : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Approximation input (IEEE 754, 32 bits)
        input_in   : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Original input value (IEEE 754, 32 bits)
        result_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)  -- Refined result (IEEE 754, 32 bits)
end rsqrt_refine;

architecture Behavioral of rsqrt_refine is
    -- Constants for floating-point arithmetic in float64
    constant ONE_POINT_FIVE : float64 := to_float64("0011111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); -- 1.5 as float64
    constant POINT_FIVE : float64 := to_float64("0011111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");   -- 0.5 as float64

    -- Function to convert float64 to std_logic_vector as float32
    function float64_to_float32_slv(f: float64) return std_logic_vector is
        variable f32: float32;
        f32 := to_float32(f); -- Convert float64 to float32
        return std_logic_vector(f32); -- Convert float32 to std_logic_vector
    end function;

    process(approx_in, input_in)
        variable input_val : float64;
        variable refined   : float64;
        variable temp      : float64;
        variable approx    : float64;
        -- Step 1: Convert inputs to float64
        approx := to_float64(UNRESOLVED_float(approx_in)); -- Convert std_logic_vector to float64
        input_val := to_float64(UNRESOLVED_float(input_in)); -- Convert std_logic_vector to float64

        -- Step 2: Perform one Newton-Raphson refinement using float64
        temp := subtract(ONE_POINT_FIVE, multiply(POINT_FIVE, multiply(input_val, multiply(approx, approx))));
        refined := multiply(approx, temp);

        -- Step 3: Convert refined result back to std_logic_vector as float32
        result_out <= float64_to_float32_slv(refined); -- Convert float64 to std_logic_vector (float32)
    end process;
end Behavioral;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity rsqrt_refine_tb is
end rsqrt_refine_tb;

architecture Behavioral of rsqrt_refine_tb is
    -- Testbench signals
    signal approx_in  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    signal input_in   : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    signal result_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    -- Instantiate the rsqrt_refine entity
    uut: entity work.rsqrt_refine
        port map (
            approx_in  => approx_in,
            input_in   => input_in,
            result_out => result_out

        -- Set test inputs
        -- approx_in = 0x5E800000 (1.875 in IEEE 754)
        approx_in <= "01011110001101010000010011110011";
        -- input_in = 0x01800000 (~1.19209e-7 in IEEE 754)
        input_in <= "00000010000000000000000000000001";

        -- Wait for computation
        wait for 10 ns;

        -- Observe result_out for the refined value
    end process;
end Behavioral;

enter image description here

enter image description here

I had to several changes to have a valid input to to_float32(x). I had to change it to to_float32 (UNRESOLVED_float(x)) to make the code compile.

Upvotes: -1

Views: 117

Answers (1)

Yassin Atwa
Yassin Atwa

Reputation: 7

It worked using IEEE libray float_pkg. However, it uses alot of resources 21185 LUTs and 54 dsps. Here is the working code. It only compiles with VHDL2008.

    library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.float_pkg.all;

-- Entity declaration
entity rsqrt_refine is
    port (
        approx  : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  -- Initial approximation input
        input   : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  -- Input value
        refined : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)   -- Refined reciprocal square root output
end entity rsqrt_refine;

-- Architecture definition
architecture Combinational of rsqrt_refine is
    constant factor : float64 := to_float(1.5, 11, 52);  -- Constant 1.5 in double precision
    constant half   : float64 := to_float(0.5, 11, 52);  -- Constant 0.5 in double precision
    -- Combinational logic for refinement
    process(approx, input)
        variable approx_unresolved : UNRESOLVED_float(8 downto -23); -- Intermediate type for approx
        variable input_unresolved  : UNRESOLVED_float(8 downto -23); -- Intermediate type for input
        variable approx_float      : float32;
        variable input_float       : float32;
        variable approx_double     : float64;
        variable input_double      : float64;
        variable temp_refined      : float64;
        variable result_double     : float64;
        variable result_float      : float32;
        -- Convert std_logic_vector to UNRESOLVED_float
        approx_unresolved := to_float(std_ulogic_vector(approx), 8, 23); -- Corrected conversion
        input_unresolved  := to_float(std_ulogic_vector(input), 8, 23);  -- Corrected conversion

        -- Convert UNRESOLVED_float to float32
        approx_float := to_float32(approx_unresolved);
        input_float  := to_float32(input_unresolved);

        -- Convert float32 inputs to float64
        approx_double := to_float64(approx_float);
        input_double  := to_float64(input_float);

        -- First refinement in double precision
        temp_refined := approx_double * (factor - half * input_double * (approx_double * approx_double));

        -- Second refinement in double precision
        result_double := temp_refined * (factor - half * input_double * (temp_refined * temp_refined));

        -- Convert result back to float32
        result_float := to_float32(result_double);

        -- Convert result from float32 to std_logic_vector
        refined <= to_slv(result_float);
    end process;
end architecture Combinational;

enter image description here

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