Reputation: 9190
I'm using the Python code shown below to serialize and send a NumPy array from the client to the server using ZeroMQ. I noticed that when the NumPy array is larger than 2 GB the client seems to stall when sending the array. For example, in the
code shown below, if you use n = 17000
the client will stall after creating the array. I ran this code on a MacBook Pro laptop that has 32 GB of memory so there should be plenty of RAM available for the message. Is there a limit to the size of a NumPy array that I can send with ZeroMQ? If there is a limit, then how would I send an array that exceeds the size limit?
Client code that creates NumPy array (
import sys
import numpy as np
import zmq
class Client:
"""Client for sending/receiving messages."""
def __init__(self, address="tcp://localhost:5555"):
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
self.socket = socket
def send_array(self, array: np.ndarray):
md = {"dtype": str(array.dtype), "shape": array.shape}
self.socket.send_json(md, zmq.SNDMORE) # send metadata
self.socket.send(array, copy=False) # send NumPy array data
def recv_message(self):
reply = self.socket.recv_string()
print("Received reply:", reply)
def main():
# Create array
n = 16000 # 8000 is 500 MB, 11500 is 1 GB, 16000 is 2 GB, 17000 fails to send
x = np.random.rand(n, n)
print(f"Array shape: {x.shape}")
print(f"First three elements: {x[0, 0:3]}")
print(f"Size of array data: {x.nbytes} bytes, {x.nbytes / 1000**2} MB")
print(f"Size of array object: {sys.getsizeof(x)} bytes, {x.nbytes / 1000**2} MB")
# Create client and send array
client = Client()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Server code that receives NumPy array (
from typing import Any
import zmq
import numpy as np
class Server:
"""Server for receiving/sending messages."""
def __init__(self, address="tcp://localhost:5555"):
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
self.socket = socket
print("Server started, waiting for array...")
def _recv_array(self):
md: Any = self.socket.recv_json() # receive metadata
msg: Any = self.socket.recv(copy=False) # receive NumPy array data
array = np.frombuffer(msg, dtype=md["dtype"]) # reconstruct the NumPy array
return array.reshape(md["shape"])
def run(self):
"""Run the server."""
while True:
# Receive the NumPy array
array = self._recv_array()
print("Received array with shape:", array.shape)
print(f"First three elements: {array[0, 0:3]}")
# Send a confirmation reply
self.socket.send_string("Array received")
def main():
server = Server()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Views: 38